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Wwise SDK 2024.1.2
AkMixerInputMap< KEY, USER_DATA > 模板类 参考

AkMixerInputMap: Map of inputs (identified with AK::IAkMixerInputContext *) to user-defined blocks of data. 更多...

#include <AkMixerInputMap.h>

类 AkMixerInputMap< KEY, USER_DATA > 继承关系图:
AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocator > AkPluginArrayAllocator

Public 类型

typedef AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocatorBaseClass

Public 成员函数

USER_DATA * Exists (KEY in_key)
 Returns the user data associated with given input context. Returns NULL if none found. 更多...
USER_DATA * AddInput (KEY in_key)
 Adds an input with new user data. 更多...
bool RemoveInput (KEY in_key)
 Removes an input and destroys its associated user data. 更多...
AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocator >::Iterator EraseSwap (typename AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocator >::Iterator &in_rIter)
 Erase the specified iterator in the array. but it does not guarantee the ordering in the array. 更多...
void Term ()
 Terminate array. 更多...
AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocator >::Iterator FindEx (KEY in_key) const
 Finds an item in the array. 更多...
void RemoveAll ()
 Removes and destroys all items in the array. 更多...
- Public 成员函数 继承自 AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocator >
 AkArray ()
 Constructor 更多...
 ~AkArray ()
 Destructor 更多...
Iterator Begin () const
 Returns the iterator to the first item of the array, will be End() if the array is empty. 更多...
Iterator End () const
 Returns the iterator to the end of the array 更多...
Iterator FindEx (const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > & in_Item) const
 Returns the iterator th the specified item, will be End() if the item is not found 更多...
Iterator BinarySearch (const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > & in_Item) const
Iterator Erase (Iterator &in_rIter)
 Erase the specified iterator from the array 更多...
void Erase (unsigned int in_uIndex)
 Erase the item at the specified index 更多...
Iterator EraseSwap (Iterator &in_rIter)
void EraseSwap (unsigned int in_uIndex)
bool IsGrowingAllowed () const
AKRESULT Reserve (AkUInt32 in_ulReserve)
AKRESULT ReserveExtra (AkUInt32 in_ulReserve)
AkUInt32 Reserved () const
void Term ()
 Term the array. Must be called before destroying the object. 更多...
AkForceInline AkUInt32 Length () const
 Returns the numbers of items in the array. 更多...
AkForceInline AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > * Data () const
 Returns a pointer to the first item in the array. 更多...
AkForceInline bool IsEmpty () const
 Returns true if the number items in the array is 0, false otherwise. 更多...
AkForceInline AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > * Exists (const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > & in_Item) const
 Returns a pointer to the specified item in the list if it exists, 0 if not found. 更多...
AkForceInline AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > * AddLast ()
AkForceInline AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > * AddLast (const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > & in_rItem)
 Add an item in the array, and fills it with the provided item. 更多...
AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > & Last ()
 Returns a reference to the last item in the array. 更多...
void RemoveLast ()
 Removes the last item from the array. 更多...
AKRESULT Remove (const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > & in_rItem)
 Removes the specified item if found in the array. 更多...
AKRESULT RemoveSwap (const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > & in_rItem)
void RemoveAll ()
 Removes all items in the array 更多...
AkForceInline AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > & operator[] (unsigned int uiIndex) const
 Operator [], return a reference to the specified index. 更多...
Iterator Insert (Iterator &in_rIter)
AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > * Insert (unsigned int in_uIndex)
bool GrowArray ()
bool GrowArray (AkUInt32 in_uGrowBy)
 Resize the array. 更多...
bool Resize (AkUInt32 in_uiSize)
 Resize the array to the specified size. 更多...
void Transfer (AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocator, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > > > &in_rSource)
AKRESULT Copy (const AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocator, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > > > &in_rSource)
- Public 成员函数 继承自 AkPluginArrayAllocator
AkForceInline AkPluginArrayAllocator ()
AkForceInline void Init (AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator)


- Protected 成员函数 继承自 AkPluginArrayAllocator
AkForceInline void * Alloc (size_t in_uSize)
AkForceInline void * ReAlloc (void *in_pCurrent, size_t, size_t in_uNewSize)
AkForceInline void Free (void *in_pAddress)
AkForceInline void TransferMem (void *&io_pDest, AkPluginArrayAllocator &in_src, void *in_pSrc)
AkForceInline AK::IAkPluginMemAllocGetAllocator ()
- Protected 属性 继承自 AkArray< AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA >, const AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > &, AkPluginArrayAllocator >
AkInputMapSlot< KEY, USER_DATA > * m_pItems
 pointer to the beginning of the array. 更多...
AkUInt32 m_uLength
 number of items in the array. 更多...
AkUInt32 m_ulReserved
 how many we can have at most (currently allocated). 更多...


template<class KEY, class USER_DATA>
class AkMixerInputMap< KEY, USER_DATA >

AkMixerInputMap: Map of inputs (identified with AK::IAkMixerInputContext *) to user-defined blocks of data.

在文件 AkMixerInputMap.h73 行定义.







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