Transitions are the key to making interactive music listenable. 没有平滑的过渡,游戏配乐就无法保持连续无缝的变化。将各段音乐粗暴地组合在一起会让人感到极不和谐,并会削弱游戏的真实感。To avoid these problems, Wwise allows you to customize the transitions between music objects and make them as seamless as possible.
A transition is meant to be a smooth bridge that occurs whenever one music object, called a source, stops playing and another, called a destination, begins. You can define transitions between individual segments, or between containers holding segments. Each transition is carried out automatically by Wwise according to properties you define in the Transitions tab of the Secondary Editor.
You can specify when a transition will take place and if fades will accompany it. You can also assign a musical passage called a transition segment to play during a transition.
Transition matrix. | |
Transition Segment 属性。 | |
Source and destination properties. |
为满足游戏需要,您可以创建名为 Puzzle Sounds 的 Music Switch Container(音乐切换容器),其中包含两个 Music Playlist Container(音乐播放列表容器),分别命名为 Calm 和 Panic。它们分别关联至两种游戏状态,反映游戏情况。在这两个 Playlist Container 之间实现良好过渡可以让游戏配乐引人入胜。下图显示了如何在游戏中实现过渡:
在本例中,使用淡入和淡出曲线可以让 Playlist Container 之间的过渡变得平滑。This makes the change from one container to another more gradual and natural, and avoids noisy artifacts.