The center of the Transitions tab is the transition matrix, a list of rules that defines how each object within a Music Switch or Playlist Container transitions to every other object within the container. When working with transitions, you can create explicit rules for each object in a container, or more general rules that apply to more than one object. 以下元素均可作为过渡规则的 Source(源)或 Desitination(目标):
Music object:音乐对象,可以是 Music Segment(音乐段落)、Music Playlist Container,也可以是 Music Switch Container。
Virtual Folder:虚拟文件夹,Music Switch Container 内的音乐对象可组织到虚拟文件夹中。将 Virtual Folder 选为音乐过渡的 Source 或 Destination 时,过渡规则将对该文件夹内的所有音乐对象生效。
Any:任意对象,表示容器中的任何音乐对象都可用作 Source 或 Destination。
Nothing:无对象,表示 Source 或 Destination 为空,即不播放任何音乐对象。
过渡时,Wwise 将从规则列表底部开始向上搜索,直至找到与当前情形匹配的过渡规则。如果未找到匹配的过渡,则 Wwise 则将使用默认的“Any to Any”过渡。
The transition matrix for a Music Switch or Playlist Container always contains at least one transition: Any to Any. If you want to create more specific transition rules, you must add them to the transition matrix yourself.
To add a defined transition to a Music Switch or Playlist Container:
将 Music Switch Container 或 Music Playlist Container 加载至 Property Editor 中。
In the Transitions tab of the Secondary Editor, click Add.
A new Any to Any transition is added to the transition matrix.
在 Source(源)列中,单击选择器按钮 [>>],并根据需要选择以下选项:
Browse,浏览并选择特定音乐对象或含有对象的虚拟文件夹,过渡规则会将其作为源对象。The Project Explorer - Browser opens where you can select a source.
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You can also drag music objects directly from the Project Explorer to the transition matrix. It is important to note, however, that only music objects that are children of the container loaded into the Property Editor can be added to the matrix. |
在 Destination(过渡目标)列中,点击 选择按钮 (>>),并选择下列选项之一:
Browse,浏览并选择特定音乐对象或含有对象的虚拟文件夹,过渡规则会将其作为目标对象。The Project Explorer - Browser opens where you can select a destination.
The new customized transition is added to the transition matrix.
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You can change the order of transitions in the transition matrix by selecting them and dragging them up and down. A red line shows you where the transition will be placed. “Any to Any”将是 Wwise 检查的最后一个过渡规则,因此无法从矩阵顶部下移。 |
In the Transitions tab, new Transitions can also be added based on the Source or Destination of an existing Transition by right-clicking on the existing Transition; when its Source or Destination are not set to Any, the "New Transition" shortcut menu option will allow you to create a new Transition copying either the Source or Destination.
To speed up the workflow of creating transitions, you can easily copy and paste transition rules within the matrix.
从 Music Playlist Container(音乐播放列表容器)或 Music Switch Container(音乐切换容器)中复制自定义过渡规则的方法如下:
将 Music Switch Container 或 Music Playlist Container 加载至 Property Editor 中。
Switch to the Transitions tab of the Secondary Editor.
In the transition matrix, right-click the transition you want to copy and select Copy from the menu.
Right-click where you want the transition to be appear in the list, and select Paste from the menu.
A copy of the transition is added to the transition matrix in the selected location.
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You can also use the shortcut keys (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) to copy and paste transitions within the matrix. |
When a transition is required, Wwise scans the transition matrix from bottom to top to find a transition rule that matches the current situation. It will stop as soon as it finds a transition that fits, whether or not this is the best transition to apply. To make sure your transitions are applied optimally, arrange the rules you have defined in the transition matrix in descending order, from general to specific, as in the following example.
Transitions with Any or Nothing as their source or destination should appear higher on the list than those naming specific music objects. If you do this, Wwise will encounter the specific rules you have defined before any general ones.
If you no longer require a transition rule you have defined in the transition matrix, you can easily remove it. The source and destination music objects are not deleted when you remove a transition rule.
从 Music Playlist Container(音乐播放列表容器)或 Music Switch Container(音乐切换容器)中移除自定义过渡规则的方法如下:
将 Music Switch Container 或 Music Playlist Container 加载至 Property Editor 中。
Switch to the Transitions tab of the Secondary Editor.
In the transition matrix, select the transition you want to remove.
Click Remove or press the Delete key.
The selected transition is removed from the transition matrix.