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Wwise interface basics

Wwise 界面分为多个不同的视图。各个视图都有其特定的目的,您可以访问其中的各种工具或选项,以管理和定义游戏的内容。这些视图组合在一起即成为布局,方便您处理特定任务或作业所需的工作。Wwise 中提供了不同的布局。有关详细信息,请参阅“Working with layouts”一节

各个布局的顶端是菜单栏和工具栏。通过菜单栏可以访问所有基本信息(如工程名称)和基本命令(如保存工程、更改布局、打开视图或打开属性的帮助条目)。通过工具栏可以快速访问某些工具,如 Platform 或 Language Selector、Capture 工具、Remote Platform Connector 和 Search 工具。




当您首次启动 Wwise 时会显示 Designer 布局。


  • Project Explorer:这是主要区域,您可在其中管理和组织 Wwise 工程的各种元素。See Getting to know the Project Explorer. Project Explorer 包含以下选项卡:

    • Audio:一种层次树视图,非常像 Windows 资源管理器和 Mac Finder,可以在其中组织工程中的资源(asset)。Audio 选项卡中包含四个主要层级结构:Audio Devices(音频设备)、Master-Mixer Hierarchy(Master-Mixer 层级结构)、Actor-Mixer Hierarchy(Actor-Mixer 层级结构)和 Interactive Music Hierarchy(互动音乐层级结构)。

    • Events(事件):显示工程中的事件,包括操作和对白事件。

    • SoundBanks(音频包): 显示工程中的所有SoundBank

    • Game Syncs(游戏同步器): 显示工程中的所有Switch(切换开关)、State(状态)、Game Parameters(游戏参数)和Trigger(触发器)。

    • ShareSets(共享集): 显示工程中的所有效果和衰减工程集。

    • Sessions(会话): 显示工程中的所有 Soundcaster(声音选角器)会话。

    • Queries(查询): 显示工程中的所有查询。

  • Contextual Help view: Provides information on properties selected anywhere in the Wwise user interface as well as details on error messages selected in the “Capture Log”一节. Refer to “Contextual Help”一节 for more information.

  • Object Tab Group(对象选项卡分组):可能不包含、包含一个或多个 Object Tab(具体取决于所作选择)。Wwise 中的任何对象都可显示在 Object Tab 中,其会根据各个对象的特性自动进行调整。各个 Object Tab 方便快速访问与对象最为相关的各种编辑器,并在一个集中位置定义声音、音乐或总线结构内对象的特性和行为。See 使用 Object Tab 和 Object Tab Group.

  • Transport Control(播放控制):播放您的对象。Transport Control 包含与音频播放相关的传统控件,如播放、停止和暂停。See Getting to know the Transport Control.

  • Meter view(电平表视图):为各个通道显示彩色电平值,可以选择三种不同类型之一,即峰值、真实峰值和 RMS值。对于 Ambisonics 总线,Meter 视图还可显示 3D Meter(显示方向数据)。

Using text boxes and sliders

Most of the views in Wwise contain text boxes in which you can type property values or specific information about an object. 文本框的名称表示栏中所显示信息的类型。根据视图的不同,文本框的名称可位于视图的旁边、上方或下方。

Text box name.

Property value.

You can copy text from a text box by right-clicking the text and selecting Copy. When text is displayed in a text box but can't be edited, it is unavailable.

If you want to return a property value to its default setting, Ctrl+click in the text box.

Most of the text boxes that contain property values also have a horizontal slider underneath them. You can drag the slider to set the value in the text box from a continuous range of possible values.

Horizontal sliders contain a slider head and a slider bar. The slider head is a small point that represents the current property value. The slider bar represents how much or how little the current value represents within the range of possible values.

Slider bar.

Slider head.

The slider head appears in different locations along the slider depending on where the default value falls within the range of possible values for each property. The slider bar also starts in different locations and moves in different directions depending on where the default value falls within the range of possible values for each property.


Some sliders have a default slider range that is only a subset of the full range of the property. To access a greater range of values for a particular property, enter a value in the text box outside the default slider range. To view the "default slider range" and full "range" for each property, refer to the Contextual Help for that property or the reference topic for the related view.

在文本框中点击并按住鼠标键时,会显示大型滑杆,以方便您微调该属性值。松开鼠标按钮时,较大的滑杆会消失。如果您需要更精确地定义该数值,则可按住 Shift 键同时拖动滑杆,以更小的增量来增加或减小该数值。

Click and hold anywhere in the text box to display the super slider and then drag to change the property value.

Using lists

Wwise 中包含两种类型的列表:下拉式列表和快捷方式列表(有时称为上下文列表)。下拉列表(本帮助文档中简称为“列表”)指包含很多预定义选项的下拉栏。要显示列表,请点击下拉栏右侧的箭头。

Click the arrow to display the list of options.

选择器按钮 (>>) 用于显示一组选项或操作。快捷方式菜单可能包含相关信息栏,以显示所选的选项。点击该按钮,以显示菜单选项。

Click the selector button to display the list of options.

Using faders

某些属性(如音量)使用垂直滑杆或推子(而不是水平滑杆)更改值。音量控件使用垂直滑杆以更好地模拟硬件和软件混音器中的推子。您可向上或向下拖动滑杆,以增加或减小这些属性值。如果需要更精确地定义该值,则可以按住 Shift 键同时点击推子上方或下方,以更小的增量来增加或减小该数值。

Drag the faders up or down to change the property values. Ctrl+click anywhere on the slider or within a text box to restore the property's default value.

Text box: You can type values here.

Using tables

You can use the cursor keys to navigate cells in a table. In most cases, you can also configure columns, resize columns, sort rows by a column, and edit property values in a table.


In most tables you can configure the display of columns with the Configure Columns dialog.

  1. Right-click the table header and select Configure Columns.

  2. The Configure Columns dialog appears, where you can specify which columns to display and their order.

Configure Columns dialog

Interface element


Column names 面板

The columns available in the view are listed with a check box.

  • Select a column name to include it in the view's table. Clear the check box to remove it.

  • Drag and drop columns up or down to reorder. The top-to-bottom order of the list in the Configure Columns dialog corresponds to the left-to-right order in the table in the view.

Reset to default

Click to return the column names panel to its default setting of all columns selected (visible) and in a default order specific to the view.


  • Hover the mouse pointer over a column divider. When the pointer changes to a double arrow, drag the divider to the right or to the left to resize the column.

  • To reset column widths to default, right-click the table header and select Reset Column Widths to Default.

To sort table rows:

Depending on the table, either:

  • Click a column header to sort rows in ascending order by that column. Click again to sort in descending order.

  • Drag and drop rows.


  1. On the right side of the table header, click Find in List (Ctrl+F3, Command+F3 on macOS).


  2. Enter any characters, including digits, punctuation marks, special characters, and whitespace. Letters are not case-sensitive. The table is filtered as you type, and only rows containing matches are displayed. Wwise searches all columns, except in the File Manager where only the File column is searched.


    In the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View, hidden child objects are not searched, and are therefore filtered out.

  3. To close the search field, click the Close icon to the right of the search field (Ctrl+F3, Command+F3 on macOS).

Undoing and redoing actions in Wwise

您可撤消您在 Wwise 中执行的大部分操作,如更改属性值、移动对象,或创建事件。如果您错误地撤消了某一操作,则可以恢复至上一个操作之前的值或状态。

要撤消某个操作,请点击 Edit > Undo ><操作名称> ,或按下 Ctrl+Z。您最多可撤消前 200 个操作。

要恢复某一操作,请点击 Edit > Redo ><操作名称> ,或按下 Ctrl+Y。您可为每个撤消操作调用一个恢复命令。







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