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Effects tab: busses

In the Effects tab for busses, you can apply up to 255 different Effects to an Audio or Auxiliary Bus. 在将效果器应用于基于声道的总线时,所有传入音频数据都会在应用效果器之前进行子混音。这些效果器将以它们出现在列表中的相同顺序来起作用。


若将效果器插入到 Audio Object(音频对象)总线上,则依据具体所用的效果器决定是否在处理之前对传入数据进行子混音。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 “结合 Audio Object 使用效果器”一节 章节。

When applying Effects in Wwise, keep in mind that a voice can go through the following four levels of Effects:

  • Up to 255 Effects can be applied on the voice in the Actor-Mixer or Interactive Music hierarchies. 但请记住,子对象也可以不沿用其父对象的效果器。

  • Up to 255 Effects can be applied to each Audio Bus and Auxiliary Bus in the bus hierarchy output path.

  • Up to 255 Effects can be applied on the final master bus (the Master Audio or the Master Secondary Bus).

  • Up to 255 Effects can be applied to Audio Devices.


  • 使用 Mode 选项将效果器设为 ShareSet,以此来同时调节同一效果器的多个实例。另外,还可根据需要将 Mode 设为 Custom,来将特定设置应用于单个效果器实例。

  • 根据需要选中 Bypass 复选框来暂时移除效果器,或取消选中该复选框来恢复使用效果器。这样方便在测试当中确定效果器所产生的影响。另外,还可在 RTPC 中使用 Bypass 选项或在 Event 中使用 "Bypass Effect" Action 来针对特定游戏场景或 Event 移除效果器。

与 Actor-Mixer 或 Interactive Music 对象的效果器不同,总线效果器无法启用 Render 进行预渲染。


For information on the Actor-Mixer or Interactive Music object Effects tab, see “Effects tab: Actor-Mixer Hierarchy and music objects”一节.






(Object Color)




(Mute and Solo)

控制对象的 Mute(静音)和 Solo(单独播放)状态,也会显示该对象是否处于被动静音和 Solo 状态。

将对象静音会使其在当前监听中无法听到。让对象 Solo 会使工程中的所有其它对象无声。

粗体的 MS 表明已为对象主动设置了 Mute 或 Solo 状态。褪色的非粗体 MS 表明对象的 Mute 或 Solo 状态是由于其它对象状态而被动设置的。


让对象 Solo 会使同级对象被动静音,并让子对象和父对象被动 Solo。


在点击 Solo 按钮的同时按住 Ctrl 键,可以强制仅 Solo 该 Solo 按钮所在的对象。


Mute 和 Solo 仅用于监视目的,而不会保存在工程中或存储在 SoundBank(声音包)中。

(Show references)


通过单击该按钮,可打开 “Reference View 视图”一节,并在 References to:(引用:)字段中查看对象的名称。




Right-click the table header to open the Configure Columns dialog where you can specify which columns to display and their order. See “Using tables”一节.



Opens the list of Effects and corresponding instances that can be applied to the object. If you select an Effect, it replaces the Effect that previously occupied the slot.

要删除效果器,请选择 None(无)选项。




要应用于总线的效果器类型,如 Compressor、Matrix Reverb 或 Parametric EQ。


总线上的效名称型。效果器实例可以是 ShareSet 或 ShareSet 的自定义实例。



上一个。选择 Effects 层级结构中的上一 ShareSet。


下一个。选择 Effects 层级结构中的下一 ShareSet。



  • Define custom(定义自定义):创建自定义效果器实例,不在对象之间共享其属性。

  • Use ShareSets: Uses a ShareSet of an Effect, which means that Effect properties can be shared between objects.


若添加自定义效果器,然后把 Mode 改为 Use ShareSets,将打开 Create ShareSet from Custom Object(通过自定义对象创建共享集)警告对话框。其设有三个选项:

  • Convert(转码):打开 New Effect(新建效果器)对话框,以便使用指定的效果器设置创建新的 ShareSet。

  • Revert(还原): 清除 Effect Editor 并将效果器还原为 ShareSet 的原始设置。

  • Cancel(取消):将 Mode 恢复为 Define custom,并返回未经修改的 Effect Editor。


Determines whether the selected Effect instance is processed or not. Select the check box to remove the Effect. Clear the check box to restore the Effect.

This option is useful in the following scenarios:

  • When profiling your game, you can toggle this option on and off to establish the impact of an Effect on the sound design and on CPU usage as indicated in the Performance Monitor.

  • When customizing your sound design per platform, you can unlink the Effects on an object and then bypass certain Effects on that object for platforms with less processing power.

You can also use Bypass options in RTPCs or Bypass Effect Actions in Events to remove Effects for certain game scenarios or Events.

Default value: false


Opens the “Effect Plug-in Editor”一节 where you can edit the properties of the selected Effect instance in real time.

Opens the list of Effects and corresponding instances that can be applied to the bus. Select an Effect to add it to the next available slot at the bottom of the Effects list.

After adding an Effect, you can select and drag it up or down in the list. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select and drag multiple Effects.

You can also add Effects to the list by dragging ShareSets from the Project Explorer ShareSets tab, or by right-clicking an Effect in the list and selecting Add Effect. In this case, the new Effect is inserted in the current slot and all subsequent Effects are shifted down the list by one slot.

Deletes any Effects that are selected in the Effects list. You can select multiple Effects using the Ctrl or Shift keys.


显示 ShareSet 在 Effects 层级结构中的位置。若为效果器的自定义实例,则显示自定义实例的名称。

Bypass All

Determines whether all Effects inserted on the object are processed or not. Select the check box to remove all Effects. Clear the check box to restore the Effects.

This option is useful in the following scenarios:

  • When profiling your game, you can toggle this option on and off to establish the impact of the Effects on the sound design and on CPU usage as indicated in the Performance Monitor.

  • When customizing your sound design per platform, you can unlink the Effects for an object and then bypass all Effects on that object for platforms with less processing power.

You can also use Bypass options in RTPCs or Bypass Effect Actions in Events to remove Effects for certain game scenarios or Events.

Default value: false







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