In the Environmental Curves tab of the Wwise Project Settings dialog, you can define the obstruction, occlusion, diffraction, and transmission settings for the sound objects for each platform in your project. 声障是指游戏几何空间中的对象(例如墙壁或立柱)部分遮挡声源与听者之间空间时的声学现象。Occlusion 是指游戏几何空间中的对象完全挡住了声源与听者之间的空间时的声学现象。Diffraction and transmission occur when using Spatial Audio Rooms and Portals or Spatial Audio Geometry.
游戏程序员通过编程的方法定义游戏的几何空间,在这种情况下可能就会产生声障和声笼条件。Wwise 自身不计算声障和声笼的程度。物理计算必须由游戏完成,并将结果传递给下面的函数: SetObjectObstructionAndOcclusion() 。
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声障和声笼设置可以与 Environmental Effect(环境效果)并行使用,根据音源的位置来动态改变声音属性。有关详细信息,请参阅“Understanding sends”一节。 |
For more information about how developers program obstruction and occlusion, refer to the Obstruction and Occlusion with Game-defined Auxiliary Sends section in the Wwise SDK documentation.
For more information about diffraction and transmission, refer to the Rooms and Portals Overview and Using the Geometry API for Simulating Diffraction and Transmission sections in the Wwise SDK documentation.
In Wwise, you can define platform-specific volume, LPF, and HPF curves to apply to sound objects when they are affected by obstruction, occlusion, diffraction, and transmission during gameplay. The values you define are relative and are accumulated with any values already applied to the game object. Volumes are accumulated through addition, while LPF and HPF values are accumulated by retaining the highest value.
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To create more detailed and complex curves, you can define the shape of each curve segment. 曲线段是两个控制点之间的部分。您可选择各种曲线形状,包括线性曲线、恒定曲线、对数曲线、幂数曲线和 S 曲线。
To define the environmental settings for your project:
Open the Project Settings dialog by doing one of the following:
在菜单栏中,点击 Project > Project Setting。
按 Shift+K。
Switch to the Environmental Curves tab.
From the Platform list, select the platform for which you are defining curves for the environmental settings.
To specify different settings for obstruction, occlusion, diffraction and/or transmission volume, LPF and HPF on the selected platform, right-click the link indicator and in the shortcut menu, select Unlink.
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To define volume, LPF and HPF curves for the obstruction, occlusion, diffraction, and transmission settings for your game objects, do the following:
启用 Use 复选框来高亮显示相应曲线。
要删除曲线上的点,请选择该点并按 Delete 键。
要删除您目前定义的所有点并从头开始,则点击 Reset(重置)。
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有关缩放和平移坐标图视图,添加、移动和删除控制点,更改点间曲线的形状和使用线性和分贝标度(dB scaling)的信息,以及有关坐标图视图的通用信息,请参阅Getting to know the graph view。 |
要在曲线上加注释,请点击 Notes 文本框输入注释。
完成后,点击 OK。
The Project Settings dialog closes and your project environmental curves are saved.
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Wwise 仅在您点击 OK 后才会应用您对工程设置所做的任何更改,不支持实时编辑。 |
另外,还可禁用这些曲线或针对声音对象创建自定义曲线。有关如何使用 Attenuation Editor 完成所述操作的信息,请参阅““Applying attenuation”一节”及相应小节。