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Specifying the default object values for your project

In Wwise you can specify certain default object values for your project. The default values are applied to each new object that you create, except when a new object is created as a child of another object. In this case, the object inherits the audio output and Conversion Settings ShareSet assigned to its parent.

We recommend specifying the default object values early in the project so they can be applied as you create new objects.

Changing default object values during project development only affects objects created after the change. This means you can set up default object values before creating one type of object, such as SFX objects, and then change the default object values before creating another type of object, such as Voice objects.

Default object values can be specified for each user. Wwise saves them in an XML file with the path <project directory>/<project_name>.<user_name>.wsettings.

To specify default object values:

  1. From the menu bar, click Project > Default Object Values (Shift+D).

  2. In the Default Object Values dialog, specify your default values. See the following table for details.

  3. 单击 OK(确定)。

    The Default Object Values dialog closes and your values are saved.

Interface element



Audio Output

音频输出。Master-Mixer Hierarchy(主混音器层级结构)内默认用来输出新的声音和音乐对象的 Audio Bus(音频总线)。

打开 Project Explorer - Browser,以选择默认音频总线。

Sound Object

Voice Volume(声部音量)。


范围:-200 至 0

Default Conversion Settings(默认转码设置)

Override Project Settings

不沿用工程设置。该项方便选择另一个默认 Conversion Settings 共享集。


默认 Conversion Settings 共享集适用于新创建的 Wwise 对象。更改此项后并不会替换先前应用的 Conversion Settings 共享集。

(Conversion Setting ShareSet)

ShareSet 的名称将用于默认 Conversion Settings。

每次在工程中创建新的顶级父对象时都会使用默认 Conversion Settings 共享集。若将新对象创建为另一对象的子对象,则其将继承指派给父对象的 Conversion Settings 共享集。

在生成 SoundBank(音频包)时,不会使用用户默认 Conversion Settings。

打开 Project Explorer - Browser(工程资源管理器 - 浏览器)。在此,可浏览并选择不同的默认 Conversion Settings 共享集。

Closes the Default Object Values dialog and saves your settings.

Closes the Default Object Values dialog without saving your settings.







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