bool | Contains (T in_item) const |
AkForceInline bool | Lesser (const T &a, const T &b) const |
AkForceInline bool | Equal (const T &a, const T &b) const |
AkUInt32 | GetIndex (T *in_pItem) const |
T * | Exists (T in_key) const |
T * | Add (T in_key) |
T * | AddNoSetKey (T in_key) |
T * | AddNoSetKey (T in_key, bool &out_bFound) |
T * | Set (T in_key) |
T * | Set (T in_key, bool &out_bExists) |
bool | Unset (T in_key) |
bool | SortedUpdate (AkUInt32 in_numUpdates, const T_UPDATE *in_pUpdates, FN_EXISTS in_fnExists, FN_NEW in_fnNew, FN_OLD in_fnOld) |
void | Reorder (T in_OldKey, T in_NewKey, const T &in_item) |
void | ReSortArray () |
T * | BinarySearch (T in_key, bool &out_bFound) const |
T * | LowerBounds (T in_key) const |
T * | LowerBounds (T in_key, Iterator in_from, Iterator in_to) const |
AkForceInline void | Swap (T *in_ItemA, T *in_ItemB) |
| AkArray () |
| Constructor 更多...
| ~AkArray () |
| Destructor 更多...
Iterator | Begin () const |
| Returns the iterator to the first item of the array, will be End() if the array is empty. 更多...
Iterator | End () const |
| Returns the iterator to the end of the array 更多...
Iterator | FindEx (const T & in_Item) const |
| Returns the iterator th the specified item, will be End() if the item is not found 更多...
Iterator | BinarySearch (const T & in_Item) const |
Iterator | Erase (Iterator &in_rIter) |
| Erase the specified iterator from the array 更多...
void | Erase (unsigned int in_uIndex) |
| Erase the item at the specified index 更多...
Iterator | EraseSwap (Iterator &in_rIter) |
void | EraseSwap (unsigned int in_uIndex) |
bool | IsGrowingAllowed () const |
AKRESULT | Reserve (AkUInt32 in_ulReserve) |
AKRESULT | ReserveExtra (AkUInt32 in_ulReserve) |
AkUInt32 | Reserved () const |
void | Term () |
| Term the array. Must be called before destroying the object. 更多...
AkForceInline AkUInt32 | Length () const |
| Returns the numbers of items in the array. 更多...
AkForceInline T * | Data () const |
| Returns a pointer to the first item in the array. 更多...
AkForceInline bool | IsEmpty () const |
| Returns true if the number items in the array is 0, false otherwise. 更多...
AkForceInline T * | Exists (const T & in_Item) const |
| Returns a pointer to the specified item in the list if it exists, 0 if not found. 更多...
AkForceInline T * | AddLast () |
AkForceInline T * | AddLast (const T & in_rItem) |
| Add an item in the array, and fills it with the provided item. 更多...
T & | Last () |
| Returns a reference to the last item in the array. 更多...
void | RemoveLast () |
| Removes the last item from the array. 更多...
AKRESULT | Remove (const T & in_rItem) |
| Removes the specified item if found in the array. 更多...
AKRESULT | RemoveSwap (const T & in_rItem) |
void | RemoveAll () |
| Removes all items in the array 更多...
AkForceInline T & | operator[] (unsigned int uiIndex) const |
| Operator [], return a reference to the specified index. 更多...
Iterator | Insert (Iterator &in_rIter) |
T * | Insert (unsigned int in_uIndex) |
bool | GrowArray () |
bool | GrowArray (AkUInt32 in_uGrowBy) |
| Resize the array. 更多...
bool | Resize (AkUInt32 in_uiSize) |
| Resize the array to the specified size. 更多...
void | Transfer (AkArray< T, const T &, ArrayPoolDefault, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< T > > &in_rSource) |
AKRESULT | Copy (const AkArray< T, const T &, ArrayPoolDefault, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< T > > &in_rSource) |