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建立 Mixing Session

Before you can use the Mixing Desk to fine-tune the mix of your game audio, you need to create and populate a Mixing Session. A Mixing Session is similar to a Preset or Soundcaster session in that it saves the contents of the Mixing Desk within your project so that you can go back to it at a later time. Each Mixing Session is saved on the Sessions tab of the Project Explorer, under its corresponding Work Unit.

To help you easily identify a Mixing Session in the interface, Wwise uses a unique icon to represent it.



Mixing Session(混音会话)

创建 Mixing Session

Before you can use the Mixing Desk, you need to create a Mixing Session. Mixing Sessions contain a series of busses and/or objects that are arranged within a type of mixing console. A series of sliders and property value controls are displayed for each bus and/or object in the Mixing Session so that you can fine-tune the audio mix of your game..

You can create Mixing Sessions in the following two places in Wwise:

  • Project Explorer 的 Sessions 选项卡。

  • 在 Mixing Desk 内。

To create a Mixing Session from the Project Explorer:

  1. 在 Project Explorer 中,切换至 Sessions 选项卡。

  2. 在 Mixing Sessions 标题下方,执行以下任一操作:

    选择工作单元或虚拟文件夹,然后在 Project Explorer 工具栏中点击 Mixing Session 图标。

    右键点击工作单元或虚拟文件夹,然后在快捷菜单中点击 New Child > Mixing Session

    A new Mixing Session is added to the Virtual Folder or Work Unit.

  3. Replace the default name with one that best represents the Mixing Session.

  4. Double-click the new Mixing Session to load it into the Mixing Desk.

    You are now ready to populate the Mixing Session with busses and objects.

To create a new Mixing Session from the Mixing Desk:

  1. 在 Mixing Desk 中,点击 Mixing Session Selector 按钮 (>>),然后从列表中选择 New

    The New Mixing Session dialog opens.

  2. Select the Work Unit into which you want to create the new Mixing Session.

  3. In the Name field, replace the default name with one that best represents the Mixing Session.

  4. 单击 OK(确定)。

    The Mixing Session is created and you are ready to start populating it with busses and objects.

Adding objects/busses to a Mixing Session

After you have created your Mixing Session, you can start populating it with the busses and/or individual objects within your project. 将总线或对象添加至 Mixing Desk 时,将会创建一个混音通道条。通过混音通道条,您可以总览对象或总线的属性设置。它还包含一组控件,让您可以监视各种活动、修改属性、设置效果和状态,以及设置定位属性。

Mixing strips.

您可以向 Mixing Desk 中添加以下对象:

  • 总线

  • Actor-Mixer(角色混音器)

  • 容器

  • 声音

  • 音乐容器

  • Music Segments(音乐段落)

  • Music Tracks


If a Mixing Session contains a mixing strip that relates to an object or bus that has been unloaded from the project, the mixing strip will be empty.


  1. Load a Mixing Session into the Mixing Desk by doing one of the following:

    • Click the Mixing Desk Selector (>>)and select a Mixing Session from the list.

    • Double-click a Mixing Session from the Sessions tab of the Project Explorer.

  2. 从 Project Explorer 中,将总线或对象拖至 Mixing Desk。

    此时在 Mixing Desk 中将创建一个混音通道条,代表该对象或总线。

  3. 继续添加对象和总线至 Mixing Desk 中。


    Mixing Desk 中包含多个通道条时,一条蓝色插入线会标明通道条的目标位置。

Reordering mixing strips within a Mixing Session

After you have added busses and objects to a Mixing Session, you can arrange the mixer strips in any order by dragging them from one position to another.

To re-order the mixing strips within a Mixing Session:

  1. Load a Mixing Session into the Mixing Desk.

  2. 点击混音通道条的标题栏,然后将其拖至 Mixing Desk 中的新位置。


  3. 根据需要继续重新排列混音器通道条。

Resizing the mixing strips within a Mixing Session

If you find the mixing strips too narrow or too wide, you can resize them, as follows, with the narrower strip on the left and the wider strip on the right.


  1. Load a Mixing Session into the Mixing Desk.

  2. 点击 Mixing Desk 的网格部分。

  3. 执行以下操作之一:

    要将混音通道条调宽,请按下 Ctrl 键,同时向上滚动鼠标滚轮,或点击滚动条旁边的 + 符号。

    要将混音通道条调窄,请按下 Ctrl 键,同时向下滚动鼠标滚轮,或点击滚动条旁边的 - 符号。

Removing mixing strips from a Mixing Session

At any point in your Mixing Session, you can remove one or more mixing strips from the Mixing Desk.

To remove a mixing strip from a Mixing Session:

  1. 执行以下操作之一:

    • 右键点击通道条的标题栏,然后从菜单中选择 Remove

    • 点击要移除的通道条的标题栏,然后按下 Delete 键。








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