Limiter 模块用于控制音量以免其超出用户定义的阈值。
Link Channels(链接声道)复选框允许在声道之间链接各项 Limiter 属性。在默认情况下,此选项处于未选中状态。这时会对各个声道单独进行限幅。
可用的 Limiter 模式有三种:“Hard-knee limiter”一节、“Soft-knee limiter”一节 和 “Advanced limiter”一节。可用参数因模式而异(详见下表)。
Limiter Mode | Attack | Release | Gain | Latency |
“Soft-knee limiter”一节 | 可配置 | 可配置 | 不适用 | 不适用 |
“Hard-knee limiter”一节 | 不适用 | 不适用 | 不适用 | 不适用 |
“Advanced limiter”一节 | 不适用 | 可配置 | 可配置 | 2.67 ms |
When the audio signal exceeds the threshold level, the soft-knee limiter temporarily allows the threshold to be exceeded, and gradually changes the audio signal back to the threshold level over the specified attack time. 在音频信号的电平降到阈值以下时,则会在指定的释音时间内逐渐停止信号衰减。
The soft-knee limiter keeps distortion to a minimum and produces natural-sounding results. 不过,除非为阈值和起音时间设置一定的余量,否则其将无法正常工作。If the threshold is too high, or if the attack time is too long, the soft-knee limiter operates in the same way as the “Hard-knee limiter”一节 when the signal reaches 0 dB.
With the hard-knee limiter, audio signals are cut off at the threshold value. 这对信号只在短时间内超出阈值的情况比较有用,但若频繁超出阈值,则可能会出现严重失真。
The advanced limiter is the most transparent of the three limiters while allowing more control over the output. 这是因为信号并不会超出阈值。It achieves this by introducing a small latency of 2.67 ms. This allows the limiter to automatically configure the attack and react to peaks smoothly, before the input reaches the threshold. 在此模式下,可配置阈值、释音时段和输出增益。
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The advanced limiter mode is not supported when mixing with Audio Objects. For performance reasons, the advanced limiter mode is replaced by the soft limiter mode when mixing with Audio Objects. |