Wwise 帮助文档
XMA Error, frame dropped. Audible glitch possible.
Wwise SDK
Wwise 帮助文档
欢迎使用 Wwise 2023.1.10
Wwise system requirements
Starting and exiting Wwise
Wwise 界面基础知识
了解 Wwise 中的界面元素
了解 Wwise 中的命名规范
Personalizing your workspace
Working with views
Working with layouts
Setting colors
Setting user preferences
Speeding up the way you work
为工程定义 Project Settings
为工程指定 Default Object Value
Managing platforms
Managing languages
Working with a team
Dividing your project into Work Units
Viewing the status of your project files
Using Wwise with your source control system
Resolving project inconsistencies
Managing project files with a source control plug-in
Source control tips and best practices
重新组织 Originals 文件夹内的媒体文件
管理媒体素材 ID
构建 Actor-Mixer Hierarchy
在创建 Actor-Mixer Hierarchy 时为对象分组
构建 Actor-Mixer Hierarchy
构建 Actor-Mixer Hierarchy 的技巧和窍门
编辑 Master-Mixer Hierarchy 中的总线
管理 Event
事件 Action 的类型
创建 Event
处理 Event
Event 相关技巧和窍门
管理 Dynamic Dialogue
创建 Dialogue Event
处理 Dialogue Event
Dialogue Event 相关技巧和窍门
使用 State
使用 State
Defining transitions between States in a State Group
Assigning States to objects and busses
States tips and best practices
使用 Switch
使用 Switch
Mapping Game Parameter values to Switches
Switches tips and best practices
理解 Wwise 中的 RTPC
Managing Game Parameters used in RTPCs
Controlling property values using Game Parameters
使用 LFO
Working with envelopes
Working with time
Viewing game objects
Using side-chaining
RTPC tips and best practices
使用 Trigger
将 State 和 State Group 用于 Dynamic Dialogue
定义 Random/Sequence Container 的播放行为
定义 Switch Container 的内容和行为
定义 Blend Container 的内容和行为
Defining positioning
Understanding positioning in Wwise
Working with speaker panning
Working with 3D spatialized objects
Crossfading speaker panning and 3D spatialization
Applying positioning to busses
3D positioning illustrated
Applying attenuation
Defining spatial positioning using animation paths
Routing audio signals to the center speaker
Positioning tips and best practices
Speaker and headphone panning rules
Using ambisonics
了解 Wwise 如何设定对象的优先级
定义 Playback Priority
结合 Audio Object 使用效果器
效果器 – SoundBank 管理
Creating interactive music
Understanding interactive music
Interactive music project structure
构建 Interactive Music Hierarchy
什么是 Music Segment?
关于 Interactive Music Hierarchy 中的属性
编辑 Interactive Music Hierarchy 中的对象
构建 Interactive Music Hierarchy 的技巧和窍门
定义音乐对象的 Time Settings
定义 Music Playlist Container 的播放行为
定义 Music Switch Container 的内容和行为
使用 Music Track 和 Music Segment
定义 Music Track 的播放行为
将 Sub-Track 与 Switch 和 State 关联
在 Music Editor 中按间距对齐
创建 MIDI 乐器
使用 Transition
了解 Transition Matrix
设置 Source 和 Destination 属性
使用 Transition Segment
使用 Stinger
使用 User-Defined Auxiliary Sends
使用 Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends
使用 Loudness Normalization 或 Make-up Gain 调节音量
了解 Secondary Output
理解 HDR
使用 HDR
Converting audio files
Managing platform and language versions
Authoring across platforms
Localizing your project
Creating simulations
Building simulations
Managing playback of your simulation
Simulating with game syncs
Fine-Tuning properties in a simulation
Creating simulations tips and best practices
优化 CPU 用量
Managing memory in Wwise
了解 Wwise 中不同类型的性能分析
Exploring the game profiling views
了解 Game Object 性能分析视图
了解 Audio Object 性能分析视图
使用 Performance Monitor 进行监控和故障排查
使用 Voice Inspector 分析声部
使用 Game Object 3D Viewer 检查对象
对 Audio Object 实施性能分析
Profiler 键盘快捷方式
管理 SoundBank
了解如何在游戏中加载 SoundBank
SoundBank 管理策略
使用 User-defined SoundBank
配置用户 SoundBank 设置
为工程生成 SoundBank
SoundBank 输出文件夹布局
管理 SoundBank 媒体
SoundBank 相关技巧和窍门
使用 File Packager 工程
配置 Block Size
可下载内容 (DLC) 概述
在命令行中使用 File Packager 参数
File Packager 相关技巧和窍门
Migrating your projects
使用 Wwise
Getting to know the Project Explorer
Setting display options
Using the Project Explorer search
Using the Project Explorer toolbar
Project Explorer keyboard shortcuts
Getting to know the Event Viewer
Changing the Event Viewer display
浏览 Event Viewer
Getting to know the Property Editor
General Settings tab
Conversion tab
Effects tab
Metadata tab
Positioning tab
Real-time Parameter Controls tab
States tab
Auto-ducking tab
HDR tab
Transitions tab
Stingers tab
MIDI tab
Advanced Settings tab
All Properties tab
使用 Property Editor
Getting to know the Contents Editor
Sound objects
Random Container(随机容器)
Sequence Containers
Switch Container(切换容器)
Blend Container(混合容器)
Switch Groups(切换开关组)
State Groups(状态组)
Music Track
Music Playlist Containers
Music Switch Containers
使用 Contents Editor
Getting to know the Transport Control
Setting playback properties
Pinning objects in the Transport Control
Playing, pausing, or stopping content
Using game syncs during playback
Transport Control keyboard shortcuts
Getting to know the Schematic View
Schematic View keyboard shortcuts
Graph View 键盘快捷方式
Getting to know the timeline
Panning and zooming the timeline
Configuring the positioning timeline
Working with the Music Segment Editor timeline
使用 Object Tab 和 Object Tab Group
Working with searches, queries, and references
Finding the project elements that reference a particular object
Working with queries
Queries tips and best practices
使用 Preset
Copying and pasting object properties
使用 Control Surface
将 Control Surface 设备连接到 Wwise
创建 Control Surface Session
浏览 Control Surface Session
创建 Control Surface Binding
理解 Control Surface 的 View Group
处理 Control Surface Session 中的冲突
使用 Control Surface 工具栏
Language Manager
File Manager
License Manager
Remote Connections
Nuendo Connection Settings
Import Factory Assets
Audio File Conversion
Clear Audio File Cache
Project Settings
Platform Manager
Profiler Settings
User Preferences
Control Surface Devices
Integrity Report
Logs 视图
Audio Device Meter
Loudness Meter
Master-Mixer Console
Contextual Help
SoundBank Manager 视图
Transport Control
Paste Properties
Edit、Audio、Windows 和 Help
Project Explorer
Audio 选项卡
Events 选项卡
SoundBanks 选项卡
Game Syncs 选项卡
ShareSets 选项卡
Sessions 选项卡
Queries 选项卡
Project Explorer - Browser
Work Units
Event Viewer
Filtered 选项卡
Current Selection 选项卡
Orphan 选项卡
Profiler 视图
Capture Log
Capture Log Options
Capture Log 中报告的错误
3D Audio Object limit exceeded; object will be mixed.
ACP ERROR: [specific error text].
AddOutput() needs unique Listeners for multi-instance outputs using the same Audio Device type.
AkInitSettings::uNumSamplesPerFrame set to a value that is not 256, 512, or 1024. 3D Audio will be disabled.
AkInitSettings::uNumSamplesPerFrame value unsupported by Opus hardware decoder. Supported size: 256, 512 and 1024. Opus will be disabled.
AkOutputDeviceID not found as an active device in call to function ...
AkPlatformInitSettings::uMaxSystemAudioObjects (...) does not meet minimum requirement of ... System Audio Objects. System Audio Objects will be mixed.
AK::SoundEngine::AddOutput: Output already exists, not added a second time. Shareset: ... Device: ...
AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions: Too many positions.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry: error setting geometry.
AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry: error removing geometry set.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance: error setting a geometry instance.
AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometryInstance: error removing a geometry instance.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectRadius: Outer radius must be greater than inner radius.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry - More than two triangles are connected to the same edge.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry - Triangle formed by vertices [v0, v1, v2] is too large.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry - Triangle number ... is skipped because it is invalid; two or more of its vertices are at the same position.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance - Transform is not valid.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortal: Invalid extent. Extent dimensions must be positive.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortal: Portal must have a front room which is distinct from its back room.
AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance or AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom: Geometry instances which are not watertight cannot be used for the definition of a room.
Ambisonic is only available with 3D audio. 3D audio is not enabled in the Audio Device, reverting to standard configuration.
Another process is using Microsoft Spatial Sound objects. Some audio objects may be mixed.
Attempting to set a rendered Effect
Audio command is too large to fit in the command queue. Break the command in smaller pieces.
Audio command queue is full, blocking caller. Reduce number of calls to sound engine or boost command queue memory.
Audio Device could not honor the channel config requested with AkOutputSettings; default config will be used.
Audio Device not found in Init bank.
Audio Device not found in Init bank: ...
Audio node not found in call.
Audio thread resumed, audio restarts.
Audio thread suspended. Audio output will be silent.
Bank Load Failed.
Bank or Media pointer not aligned to ... bytes.
Bus not found in Init bank.
Bus <name> not found in Init bank.
Cannot initialize passthrough. Passthrough and objects will be disabled.
Cannot initialize with ambisonic channel configuration, reverting to standard configuration.
Cannot open file ... in path(s): ...
Cannot schedule music segments: Stopping music.
Cannot schedule music switch transition in upcoming segments: using Exit Cue.
Cannot seek in sound that is within a continuous container with special transitions.
Can't call ... on child bus. Use on Master busses only.
Codec plug-in not registered.
Convolution Reverb media type is not compatible with plug-in. Soundbanks may need to be re-generated due to plug-in version differences, or were generated for the wrong platform.
Convolution Reverb plug-in parameters are invalid, effect is disabled.
Could not allocate effect.
Could not initialize 3D audio.
Could not connect to audio input device. Audio input callback will not be called.
Could not find plug-in dynamic library.
Could not register plugin.
Cross-Fade transition ignored: Estimated length not available. Make sure sounds with Cross-Fade transitions virtual mode are set to \"Play from elapsed time\" and that only sounds with finite duration are used.
Device ID not recognized by the platform or is disabled.
Dead game object ID used in function ... This object was unregistered with AK::SoundEngine::UnregisterGameObj some time prior this call.
Duplicated media has different length in bank X. Check previously unloaded bank. Stopping sound.
Dynamic Sequence already closed.
Dynamic Sequence ID not found.
Early reflections are not supported on sounds using 3D Position: Listener with Automation. The assigned early reflections bus will be ignored.
Effect ShareSet not found in function ...
End of pre-connection errors.
Error while computing virtual source elapsed time.
Error while loading bank.
Error processing convolution effect.
Event ID not found.
External source missing from PostEvent call.
Failed creating hardware-accelerated voice.
Failed creating source.
Failed posting event: <EventName>.
Failed to connect System Audio Object to Apple Spatial Audio. Some sounds will not be audible.
Fatal XAPU failure, Opus sounds will glitch while it is being reset.(发生严重 XAPU 故障,Opus 声音会在重置时出现毛刺噪声。)
File ... could not be opened due to permissions, access rights or conflicting open modes. (Found in path(s): ...).
File header too large due to markers or envelope.
File ... not found in path(s): ...
File or loop region is too small to be played properly.
FLT_MAX not supported in function ...
Game message ...
Hardware accelerated audio decoding failed.
Hardware audio subsystem stopped responding. Silent mode is enabled.
Hardware Opus Decoder error. Sound killed.
Ignoring seek after end of playlist.
Impulse Response configuration type does not match input signal's configuration type.
Incompatible plug-in dynamic library file.
Inconsistent source status.
Initialization of output device failed.
Insufficient memory preparing media. Sound will not play.
Insufficient Space to Load Bank.
Internal error, contact Support with this information.
Invalid file header.
Invalid file size for ... at path ...
Invalid floating point value detected : non-finite(or NaN) priority.
Invalid float in parameter ... of function ...
Invalid parameter ... in function call ...
Invalid plug-in execution mode.
Invalid State Group ID.
Invalid transform in function ...
I/O settings incompatible. Block size must be between one and Granularity and whole fraction of the granularity.
Invalid configuration for Mastering Suite; processing halted.
Invalid File.
Job Manager ran out of memory. Significant loss of performance or instability may occur.
Job worker function was called more often than it was requested. Check your sound engine integration.
L-R channels gain differ (L: %1.0f dB, R: %1.0f dB), ignoring values for headphones output.
Load bank failed : incompatible bank version.
Lower engine command list is full.
Mastering Suite: Unable to register to the ... callback.
Mastering Suite: Unable to unregister the ... callback.
Maximum Impulse Response length of hardware Convolution Reverb reached.
Maximum number of hardware-accelerated voices reached. Voice will not play.
Media not available.
Media ... could not be updated from Wwise Project. Previous media, if available, will be used.
Media updated: ... transferred from Wwise Project. Glitches might be heard. Previous media from other sources (bank, prepared, etc) will be ignored.
Media was not loaded for this source.
Memory allocation error in Mastering Suite; processing halted.
Memory allocation failed.
Microsoft Spatial Sound not enabled by user.
Microsoft Spatial Sound: Too many dynamic objects. Some sounds may not play.
Mismatching media size error for file ... Possibly caused by mismatching sound bank or WEM resources.
Missing music node parent. Make sure all banks containing music structures are completely loaded.
Monitor Queue full. Increase the size of uMonitorQueuePoolSize. Message size ... bytes.
Monitor Queue message is too large. Increase the size of uMonitorQueuePoolSize. Message size ... bytes.
Music engine not initialized : Content cannot be loaded from bank.
Music engine: Seeking failed. Music will continue from current position.
Music system is stopped because a music playlist is modified.
No audio device found on system.
No default Switch value selected in group ...
No input files for Impact.
No marker in file; seeking to specified location.
No memory size provided in AkExternalSource structure, but data pointer was used. Fill uiMemorySize.
Non-compliant device memory detected. Device memory is required for hardware acceleration.
Non-empty array of listeners specified for AddOutput() but uNumListeners is set to zero.
Not a plug-in dynamic library.
Not a valid Switch value ... in group ...
Not enough memory in I/O pool to start stream.
Not enough memory to complete the operation in ...
Not enough memory to start sound.
Nothing to play in Dynamic Sequence.
No Switch Group selected for this Switch Container.
Number of Resume and/or Play-From-Beginning virtual voices has reached warning limit (see Project Settings > Log tab). There may be some infinite, leaked voices.
NX audio device notification registration failed, output format changes will not be detected.
Opus decoder failure.
Opus hardware stopped responding.
Opus HW command failure. <Error code> Sound will glitch.
Output bus ... not found. Make sure that the Init bank is loaded first.
Pending action was destroyed because a critical memory allocation failed.
Play Failed.
Playing a trigger-rate container as part of a sample-accurate playlist is not supported and will sound out-of-sync.
Playing ID ... not found in function ...
Plug-in does not support Audio Objects bus configuration.
Plug-in execution failure.
Plug-in initialization failure.
Plugin media at index ... not available.
Plug-in media unavailable.
Plug-in ...
Plug-in ... Shareset ...
Plug-in not found.
Plug-in unsupported channel configuration.
Plug-in version doesn't match sound engine version. Ensure the plug-in is compatible with this version of Wwise.
Portal ... not found in function ...
Portals cannot connect rooms that are in the same Reverb Zone hierarchy.
Recorder: Cannot create output file.
ReplaceOutput could not properly remove old output device.
Rescheduling music clips because a track was modified.
Reset Playlist action on a continuous container is ignored.
Reset Playlist action with a game object specific scope is ignored on a global container.
Reverting to default Built-in Audio Device.
Reverting to Dummy Audio device (no output).
sceAudioOut2MasteringGetState failed.
sceAudioOut2MasteringInit failed.
sceAudioOut2MasteringSetParam failed.
sceAudioOut2UserCreate failed.
sceAudioOut2UserDestroy failed.
Seeking after end of file. Playback will stop.
Seek failed due to seeking past end of file.
Seek table is not present, or seek table granularity is larger than the maximum decode buffer size. Conversion settings may need to be updated.
Segment look-ahead plus pre-entry duration is longer than previous segment in sequence.
Selected media ... not available.
Selected node not available. Make sure the structure associated to the event is loaded or that the event has been prepared.
SetBusConfig cannot modify master bus speaker configuration, it is dictated by the audio hardware.
SetMixer can only apply to Bus or Aux Bus.
SetMixer: Plug-in instantiation failed.
Some errors occurred pre-connection, listed below:
Sound Engine was already initialized. New settings ignored.
Sound Engine is not initialized yet or Init bank has not been loaded. Function: ...
Soundbanks have been generated with Convolution Reverb parameters that do not match Sound Engine runtime conditions. No wet path will be heard.
Source file is of different format than expected.
Source plug-in not found in currently loaded banks.
Source starvation.
Stinger could not be scheduled in this segment or was dropped.
Switch ... is bound to RTPC ... It can not be set directly.
Switch Group ... has no Switch Values at all. Switch container will do nothing.
System does not meet minimum requirement for System Audio Objects. System Audio Objects will be mixed.
System ran out of resources while loading plug-in dynamic library.
The Audio Device specified by AddOutput() or Init() could not be initialized.
The game object for an event was not registered as an emitter. Make sure the game object is registered as an emitter before using it to post an event.
The hardware-accelerated voice subsystem failed to initialize.
The playing sound is assigned the same Early Reflection Auxiliary Bus in the Authoring Tool that has been set via AK::SpatialAudio::SetImageSource. Use a unique bus to avoid image source conflicts.
Too many children in one single container.
Too many event posts on event.
Too many game objects in array in <Function>
Transition not sample-accurate due to codec internal error.
Transition not sample-accurate due to incompatible audio formats.
Transition not sample-accurate due to incompatible encoding parameters.
Transition not sample-accurate due to mixed channel configurations.
Transition not sample-accurate due to source starvation.
Transition not sample-accurate, the new source is shorter than two audio frames. Use a software codec to support this case.
Triggered a game-object-scoped modulator in a global context (such as a bus or bus effect). Modulator will have global scope.
Triggered a note-scoped or playing-instance-scoped modulator in a global context (such as a bus or bus effect). Modulator will have global scope.
Type mismatch while loading bank. Object ... is a ... in the currently loading bank. It was a ... in bank ...
Unexpected call to PrepareGameSyncs.
Unexpected error in Mastering Suite; processing halted.
Unknown Argument Value name.
Unknown/Dead game object ID used in <FunctionName>. Make sure the game object is registered before using it and do not use it once it was unregistered.
Unknown Dialogue Event: ...
Unknown game object ID used in function ... This ID was not registered with AK::SoundEngine::RegisterGameObj before.
Unknown IO device error.
Unknown State Group referenced.
Unload bank failed, requested bank was not found.
Unsupported encoding, only PCM, ADPCM, and Vorbis are supported.
Virtual source failed becoming physical.
Voice starvation.
Vorbis decoder allocation failed.
Vorbis decoder failure.
Vorbis Hardware Acceleration library not found. Source will be decoded in software.
Warning: Bank contains rendered source effects which can't be edited in Wwise.
Wrong number of Arguments for Dialogue Event argument list in function: ... Expected ..., got ...
Wwise audio out of range ...
Wwise audio out of range ... , bus ID ...
Wwise audio out of range. Bus Effect ..., bus ID ...
Wwise audio out of range. ..., ray ...
Wwise Motion Device Initialization.
XMA Error, frame dropped. Audible glitch possible.
XMA Fatal Error, sound will be terminated.
XMA Voice Reset failed, voice may leak.
sceAudioOut2ContextCreate Failed.
sceAudioOut2UserCreate Failed.
Unsupported feedback connection to Audio Objects bus.
Performance Monitor
Advanced Profiler
Voice Inspector
Audio Object 3D Viewer
Audio Object List
Audio Object Metadata
Audio Object Meter
Voice Monitor
Voice Explorer
Game Object 3D Viewer
Game Sync Monitor
Profiler Statistics 视图
Wwise 插件
Audio Device plug-ins
AK ASIO Output
第三方和自定义 Audio Device
Audio Device Effect plug-ins
Mastering Suite
Source plug-ins
Audio Input(音频输入)
External Source(外部源)
Soundseed Air Wind
Soundseed Air Woosh
Soundseed Grain
Synth One
Tone Generator
Effect plug-ins
3D Audio Bed Mixer
AK Channel Router
AK Convolution Reverb(卷积混响)
Guitar Distortion(吉他失真效果器)
Matrix Reverb(矩阵混响器)
McDSP FutzBox Lo-Fi Distortion 插件
McDSP ML1 Mastering Limiter 插件
Parametric EQ(参数均衡器)
Peak Limiter(峰值限幅器)
Pitch Shifter
Recorder 插件
Stereo Delay
Time Stretch
VST3 plug-ins
Wwise 工具
File Packager
File Order Editor 视图
Generating Packages dialog
使用 Multi-Channel Creator
Multi-Channel Creator reference
Wwise Wave Viewer
Wwise 基础知识
Cube 集成
Sample Project
Wwise Unity 集成
Wwise Unreal 集成
Audiokinetic Launcher
Wwise Audio Lab
Wwise Adventure Game
GME In-Game Voice Chat
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) 自动跳转至最新文档。若想访问特定版本的文档,请从 Audiokinetic Launcher 下载离线文档,并在 Wwise 设计程序中勾选 Offline Documentation 选项。
Wwise 帮助文档
Profiler 视图
Capture Log
Capture Log 中报告的错误
XMA Error, frame dropped. Audible glitch possible.
XMA Error, frame dropped. Audible glitch possible.
开始 Wwise 之旅