
Wwise SDK 2023.1.8
AkTypes.h 文件参考


struct  AkAudioSettings
 Configured audio settings 更多...
struct  AkDeviceDescription
struct  AkExternalSourceInfo
struct  AkVector64
 3D 64-bit vector. Intended as storage for world positions of sounds and objects, benefiting from 64-bit precision range 更多...
struct  AkVector
 3D vector for some operations in 3D space. Typically intended only for localized calculations due to 32-bit precision 更多...
class  AkWorldTransform
 Position and orientation of game objects in the world (i.e. supports 64-bit-precision position) 更多...
class  AkTransform
 Position and orientation of objects in a "local" space 更多...
struct  AkObstructionOcclusionValues
 Obstruction/occlusion pair for a position 更多...
struct  AkChannelEmitter
 Positioning information for a sound, with specified subset of its channels. 更多...
struct  AkPolarCoord
 Polar coordinates. 更多...
struct  AkSphericalCoord
 Spherical coordinates. 更多...
class  AkEmitterListenerPair
 Emitter-listener pair: Positioning data pertaining to a single pair of emitter and listener. 更多...
struct  AkListener
 Listener information. 更多...
struct  AkAuxSendValue
 Auxiliary bus sends information per game object per given auxiliary bus. 更多...
struct  AkRamp
 Volume ramp specified by end points "previous" and "next". 更多...
struct  AkGraphPointBase< VALUE_TYPE >
 Type for a point in an RTPC or Attenuation curve. 更多...
struct  AkCodecDescriptor
struct  WwiseObjectIDext
struct  WwiseObjectID
struct  AkFileParser::EnvelopePoint
 Analyzed envelope point. 更多...


namespace  AK
 Audiokinetic namespace
 Public data structures for converted file format.


#define NULL   0
 Internal storage restriction, for internal use only. 更多...
 Audiokinetic inc. 更多...
 Audiokinetic inc. 更多...
#define AKCOMPANYID_MCDSP   (256)
 McDSP 更多...
 WaveArts 更多...
 Phonetic Arts 更多...
 iZotope 更多...
 Crankcase Audio 更多...
#define AKCOMPANYID_IOSONO   (262)
 IOSONO 更多...
 Auro Technologies 更多...
#define AKCOMPANYID_DOLBY   (264)
 Dolby 更多...
 Two Big Ears 更多...
#define AKCOMPANYID_OCULUS   (266)
 Oculus 更多...
 Blue Ripple Sound 更多...
#define AKCOMPANYID_ENZIEN   (268)
 Enzien Audio 更多...
#define AKCOMPANYID_KROTOS   (269)
 Krotos (Dehumanizer) 更多...
 Nurulize 更多...
 Super Powered 更多...
#define AKCOMPANYID_GOOGLE   (272)
 Google 更多...
 Visisonics 更多...
#define AKCODECID_BANK   (0)
 Bank encoding 更多...
#define AKCODECID_PCM   (1)
 PCM encoding 更多...
#define AKCODECID_ADPCM   (2)
 ADPCM encoding 更多...
#define AKCODECID_XMA   (3)
 XMA encoding 更多...
#define AKCODECID_VORBIS   (4)
 Vorbis encoding 更多...
 ADPCM encoding on the Wii 更多...
#define AKCODECID_PCMEX   (7)
 Standard PCM WAV file parser for Wwise Authoring 更多...
 External Source (unknown encoding) 更多...
#define AKCODECID_XWMA   (9)
 xWMA encoding 更多...
 File package files generated by the File Packager utility. 更多...
#define AKCODECID_ATRAC9   (12)
 ATRAC-9 encoding 更多...
#define AKCODECID_VAG   (13)
 VAG/HE-VAG encoding 更多...
 Profiler capture file (.prof) as written through AK::SoundEngine::StartProfilerCapture 更多...
 Analysis file 更多...
#define AKCODECID_MIDI   (16)
 MIDI file 更多...
#define AKCODECID_OPUSNX   (17)
 OpusNX encoding 更多...
#define AKCODECID_CAF   (18)
 CAF file 更多...
#define AKCODECID_AKOPUS   (19)
 Opus encoding, 2018.1 to 2019.2 更多...
 Opus encoding, wrapped in WEM 更多...
 Memory stats file as written through AK::MemoryMgr::DumpToFile(); 更多...
#define AKCODECID_SONY360   (22)
 Sony 360 encoding 更多...
 Bank encoding for event banks. These banks are contained in the /event sub-folder. 更多...
#define AKCODECID_BANK_BUS   (31)
 Bank encoding for bus banks. These banks are contained in the /bus sub-folder. 更多...
#define AKPLUGINID_METER   (129)
 Meter Plugin 更多...
 Recorder Plugin 更多...
 System output metadata 更多...
 Attenuation curve metadata 更多...
 Audio object priority metadata 更多...
 Spatial Audio 更多...
 Interactive Music 更多...
 MIDI Device Manager (Authoring) 更多...
#define AK_WAVE_FORMAT_OPUSNX   0x3039
#define AK_WAVE_FORMAT_OPUS   0x3040
#define AK_WAVE_FORMAT_OPUS_WEM   0x3041
#define WAVE_FORMAT_XMA2   0x166
#define AK_ASYNC_OPEN_DEFAULT   (false)
 Refers to asynchronous file opening in default low-level IO. 更多...
 Default discovery port for most platforms using IP sockets for communication. 更多...
#define AkRegister


typedef AkUInt32 AkUniqueID
 Unique 32-bit ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkStateID
 State ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkStateGroupID
 State group ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkPlayingID
 Playing ID 更多...
typedef AkInt32 AkTimeMs
 Time in ms 更多...
typedef AkUInt16 AkPortNumber
 Port number 更多...
typedef AkReal32 AkPitchValue
 Pitch value 更多...
typedef AkReal32 AkVolumeValue
 Volume value( also apply to LFE ) 更多...
typedef AkUInt64 AkGameObjectID
 Game object ID 更多...
typedef AkReal32 AkLPFType
 Low-pass filter type 更多...
typedef AkInt32 AkMemPoolId
 Memory pool ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkPluginID
 Source or effect plug-in ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkCodecID
 Codec plug-in ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkAuxBusID
 Auxilliary bus ID 更多...
typedef AkInt16 AkPluginParamID
 Source or effect plug-in parameter ID 更多...
typedef AkInt8 AkPriority
 Priority 更多...
typedef AkUInt16 AkDataCompID
 Data compression format ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt16 AkDataTypeID
 Data sample type ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt8 AkDataInterleaveID
 Data interleaved state ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkSwitchGroupID
 Switch group ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkSwitchStateID
 Switch ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkRtpcID
 Real time parameter control ID 更多...
typedef AkReal32 AkRtpcValue
 Real time parameter control value 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkBankID
 Run time bank ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkBankType
 Run time bank type 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkFileID
 Integer-type file identifier 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkDeviceID
 I/O device ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkTriggerID
 Trigger ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkArgumentValueID
 Argument value ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkChannelMask
 Channel mask (similar to WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE). Bit values are defined in AkSpeakerConfig.h. 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkModulatorID
 Modulator ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkAcousticTextureID
 Acoustic Texture ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkImageSourceID
 Image Source ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt64 AkOutputDeviceID
 Audio Output device ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkPipelineID
 Unique node (bus, voice) identifier for profiling. 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkRayID
 Unique (per emitter) identifier for an emitter-listener ray. 更多...
typedef AkUInt64 AkAudioObjectID
 Audio Object ID 更多...
typedef AkUInt32 AkJobType
 Job type identifier 更多...
typedef AkWorldTransform AkSoundPosition
 Positioning information for a sound. 更多...
typedef AkWorldTransform AkListenerPosition
 Positioning information for a listener. 更多...
typedef AkGraphPointBase< AkReal32AkRTPCGraphPoint
typedef IAkSoftwareCodec *(* AkCreateFileSourceCallback) (void *in_pCtx)
 Registered file source creation function prototype. 更多...
typedef IAkSoftwareCodec *(* AkCreateBankSourceCallback) (void *in_pCtx)
 Registered bank source node creation function prototype. 更多...
typedef IAkFileCodec *(* AkCreateFileCodecCallback) ()
 Registered FileCodec creation function prototype. 更多...
typedef IAkGrainCodec *(* AkCreateGrainCodecCallback) ()
 Registered IAkGrainCodec creation function prototype. 更多...
typedef AkInt16 AkCaptureType
 Default value: capture type is short. 更多...


enum  AKRESULT {
  AK_NotImplemented = 0, AK_Success = 1, AK_Fail = 2, AK_PartialSuccess = 3,
  AK_NotCompatible = 4, AK_AlreadyConnected = 5, AK_InvalidFile = 7, AK_AudioFileHeaderTooLarge = 8,
  AK_MaxReached = 9, AK_InvalidID = 14, AK_IDNotFound = 15, AK_InvalidInstanceID = 16,
  AK_NoMoreData = 17, AK_InvalidStateGroup = 20, AK_ChildAlreadyHasAParent = 21, AK_InvalidLanguage = 22,
  AK_CannotAddItselfAsAChild = 23, AK_InvalidParameter = 31, AK_ElementAlreadyInList = 35, AK_PathNotFound = 36,
  AK_PathNoVertices = 37, AK_PathNotRunning = 38, AK_PathNotPaused = 39, AK_PathNodeAlreadyInList = 40,
  AK_PathNodeNotInList = 41, AK_DataNeeded = 43, AK_NoDataNeeded = 44, AK_DataReady = 45,
  AK_NoDataReady = 46, AK_InsufficientMemory = 52, AK_Cancelled = 53, AK_UnknownBankID = 54,
  AK_BankReadError = 56, AK_InvalidSwitchType = 57, AK_FormatNotReady = 63, AK_WrongBankVersion = 64,
  AK_FileNotFound = 66, AK_DeviceNotReady = 67, AK_BankAlreadyLoaded = 69, AK_RenderedFX = 71,
  AK_ProcessNeeded = 72, AK_ProcessDone = 73, AK_MemManagerNotInitialized = 74, AK_StreamMgrNotInitialized = 75,
  AK_SSEInstructionsNotSupported = 76, AK_Busy = 77, AK_UnsupportedChannelConfig = 78, AK_PluginMediaNotAvailable = 79,
  AK_MustBeVirtualized = 80, AK_CommandTooLarge = 81, AK_RejectedByFilter = 82, AK_InvalidCustomPlatformName = 83,
  AK_DLLCannotLoad = 84, AK_DLLPathNotFound = 85, AK_NoJavaVM = 86, AK_OpenSLError = 87,
  AK_PluginNotRegistered = 88, AK_DataAlignmentError = 89, AK_DeviceNotCompatible = 90, AK_DuplicateUniqueID = 91,
  AK_InitBankNotLoaded = 92, AK_DeviceNotFound = 93, AK_PlayingIDNotFound = 94, AK_InvalidFloatValue = 95,
  AK_FileFormatMismatch = 96, AK_NoDistinctListener = 97, AK_ACP_Error = 98, AK_ResourceInUse = 99,
  AK_InvalidBankType = 100, AK_AlreadyInitialized = 101, AK_NotInitialized = 102, AK_FilePermissionError = 103,
  AK_UnknownFileError = 104, AK_TooManyConcurrentOperations = 105, AK_InvalidFileSize = 106, AK_Deferred = 107,
  AK_FilePathTooLong = 108, AK_InvalidState = 109
 Standard function call result. 更多...
enum  AkGroupType { AkGroupType_Switch = 0, AkGroupType_State = 1 }
 Game sync group type 更多...
enum  AkAudioDeviceState {
  AkDeviceState_Unknown = 0, AkDeviceState_Active = 1 << 0, AkDeviceState_Disabled = 1 << 1, AkDeviceState_NotPresent = 1 << 2,
  AkDeviceState_Unplugged = 1 << 3, AkDeviceState_All = AkDeviceState_Active | AkDeviceState_Disabled | AkDeviceState_NotPresent | AkDeviceState_Unplugged
enum  AkConnectionType { ConnectionType_Direct = 0x0, ConnectionType_GameDefSend = 0x1, ConnectionType_UserDefSend = 0x2, ConnectionType_ReflectionsSend = 0x3 }
 Nature of the connection binding an input to a bus. 更多...
enum  AkCurveInterpolation {
  AkCurveInterpolation_Log3 = 0, AkCurveInterpolation_Sine = 1, AkCurveInterpolation_Log1 = 2, AkCurveInterpolation_InvSCurve = 3,
  AkCurveInterpolation_Linear = 4, AkCurveInterpolation_SCurve = 5, AkCurveInterpolation_Exp1 = 6, AkCurveInterpolation_SineRecip = 7,
  AkCurveInterpolation_Exp3 = 8, AkCurveInterpolation_LastFadeCurve = 8, AkCurveInterpolation_Constant = 9
 Curve interpolation types 更多...
enum  AkAttenuationCurveType {
  AttenuationCurveID_VolumeDry = 0, AttenuationCurveID_VolumeAuxGameDef, AttenuationCurveID_VolumeAuxUserDef, AttenuationCurveID_LowPassFilter,
  AttenuationCurveID_HighPassFilter, AttenuationCurveID_Spread, AttenuationCurveID_Focus, AttenuationCurveID_ObstructionVolume,
  AttenuationCurveID_ObstructionLPF, AttenuationCurveID_ObstructionHPF, AttenuationCurveID_OcclusionVolume, AttenuationCurveID_OcclusionLPF,
  AttenuationCurveID_OcclusionHPF, AttenuationCurveID_DiffractionVolume, AttenuationCurveID_DiffractionLPF, AttenuationCurveID_DiffractionHPF,
  AttenuationCurveID_TransmissionVolume, AttenuationCurveID_TransmissionLPF, AttenuationCurveID_TransmissionHPF, AttenuationCurveID_MaxCount,
  AttenuationCurveID_Project = 254, AttenuationCurveID_None = 255
 Curve types of the Attenuation Editor. 更多...
enum  AkBankTypeEnum { AkBankType_User = AKCODECID_BANK, AkBankType_Event = AKCODECID_BANK_EVENT, AkBankType_Bus = AKCODECID_BANK_BUS }
 Bank types 更多...
enum  AK::SoundEngine::MultiPositionType : AkUInt8 { AK::SoundEngine::MultiPositionType_SingleSource, AK::SoundEngine::MultiPositionType_MultiSources, AK::SoundEngine::MultiPositionType_MultiDirections }
enum  AkSpeakerPanningType : AkUInt8 { AK_DirectSpeakerAssignment = 0, AK_BalanceFadeHeight = 1, AK_SteeringPanner = 2 }
 Speaker panning type: type of panning logic when object is not 3D spatialized (i.e. when Ak3DSpatializationMode is AK_SpatializationMode_None). 更多...
enum  Ak3DPositionType : AkUInt8 { AK_3DPositionType_Emitter = 0, AK_3DPositionType_EmitterWithAutomation = 1, AK_3DPositionType_ListenerWithAutomation = 2 }
 3D position type: defines what acts as the emitter position for computing spatialization against the listener. Used when Ak3DSpatializationMode is AK_SpatializationMode_PositionOnly or AK_SpatializationMode_PositionAndOrientation. 更多...
enum  AkSetPositionFlags : AkUInt8 { AkSetPositionFlags_Emitter = 1 << 0, AkSetPositionFlags_Listener = 1 << 1, AkSetPositionFlags_Default = (AkSetPositionFlags_Emitter | AkSetPositionFlags_Listener) }
 Flags to independently set the position of the emitter or listener component on a game object. 更多...
enum  AkPanningRule : AkUInt8 { AkPanningRule_Speakers = 0, AkPanningRule_Headphones = 1 }
 Headphone / speakers panning rules 更多...
enum  Ak3DSpatializationMode : AkUInt8 { AK_SpatializationMode_None = 0, AK_SpatializationMode_PositionOnly = 1, AK_SpatializationMode_PositionAndOrientation = 2 }
 3D spatialization mode. 更多...
enum  AkBusHierarchyFlags : AkUInt8 { AkBusHierarchy_Primary = 1 << 0, AkBusHierarchy_Secondary = 1 << 1, AkBusHierarchy_IsMaster = 1 << 7 }
 Bus type bit field. 更多...
enum  AkMeteringFlags : AkUInt8 {
  AK_NoMetering = 0, AK_EnableBusMeter_Peak = 1 << 0, AK_EnableBusMeter_TruePeak = 1 << 1, AK_EnableBusMeter_RMS = 1 << 2,
  AK_EnableBusMeter_KPower = 1 << 4, AK_EnableBusMeter_3DMeter = 1 << 5
 Metering flags. Used for specifying bus metering, through AK::SoundEngine::RegisterBusVolumeCallback() or AK::IAkMixerPluginContext::SetMeteringFlags(). 更多...
enum  AkPluginType : AkUInt8 {
  AkPluginTypeNone = 0, AkPluginTypeCodec = 1, AkPluginTypeSource = 2, AkPluginTypeEffect = 3,
  AkPluginTypeMixer = 6, AkPluginTypeSink = 7, AkPluginTypeGlobalExtension = 8, AkPluginTypeMetadata = 9,
  AkPluginTypeMask = 0xf
enum  AkNodeType { AkNodeType_Default, AkNodeType_Bus }


AkVector AK::ConvertAkVector64ToAkVector (AkVector64 in)
AkTransform AK::ConvertAkWorldTransformToAkTransform (AkWorldTransform in)
AkVector64 AK::ConvertAkVectorToAkVector64 (AkVector in)
AkWorldTransform AK::ConvertAkTransformToAkWorldTransform (AkTransform in)
AkRamp operator* (const AkRamp &in_rLhs, const AkRamp &in_rRhs)


static const AkPluginID AK_INVALID_PLUGINID = (AkPluginID)-1
 Invalid FX ID 更多...
static const AkPluginID AK_INVALID_SHARE_SET_ID = (AkPluginID)-1
 Invalid Share Set ID 更多...
static const AkGameObjectID AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT = (AkGameObjectID)-1
 Invalid game object (may also mean all game objects) 更多...
static const AkUniqueID AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID = 0
 Invalid unique 32-bit ID 更多...
 Invalid RTPC ID 更多...
 Invalid playing ID 更多...
static const AkUInt32 AK_DEFAULT_SWITCH_STATE = 0
 Switch selected if no switch has been set yet 更多...
static const AkMemPoolId AK_INVALID_POOL_ID = -1
 Invalid pool ID 更多...
static const AkMemPoolId AK_DEFAULT_POOL_ID = -1
 Default pool ID, same as AK_INVALID_POOL_ID 更多...
 Invalid auxiliary bus ID (or no Aux bus ID) 更多...
static const AkFileID AK_INVALID_FILE_ID = (AkFileID)-1
 Invalid file ID 更多...
static const AkDeviceID AK_INVALID_DEVICE_ID = (AkDeviceID)-1
 Invalid streaming device ID 更多...
 Invalid bank ID 更多...
static const AkArgumentValueID AK_FALLBACK_ARGUMENTVALUE_ID = 0
 Fallback argument value ID 更多...
static const AkChannelMask AK_INVALID_CHANNELMASK = 0
 Invalid channel mask 更多...
 Invalid Device ID 更多...
 Invalid pipeline ID (for profiling) 更多...
static const AkAudioObjectID AK_INVALID_AUDIO_OBJECT_ID = (AkAudioObjectID)-1
 Invalid audio object ID 更多...
static const AkPriority AK_DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 50
 Default sound / I/O priority 更多...
static const AkPriority AK_MIN_PRIORITY = 0
 Minimal priority value [0,100] 更多...
static const AkPriority AK_MAX_PRIORITY = 100
 Maximal priority value [0,100] 更多...
 Default bank load I/O priority 更多...
static const AkReal32 AK_DEFAULT_BANK_THROUGHPUT = 1*1024*1024/1000.f
 Default bank load throughput (1 Mb/ms) 更多...
static const AkUInt32 AK_SOUNDBANK_VERSION = 150
 Version of the soundbank reader 更多...
static const AkJobType AkJobType_Generic = 0
 Job type for general-purpose work 更多...
static const AkJobType AkJobType_AudioProcessing = 1
 Job type for DSP work 更多...
static const AkJobType AkJobType_SpatialAudio = 2
 Job type for Spatial Audio computations 更多...
static const AkUInt32 AK_NUM_JOB_TYPES = 3
 Number of possible job types recognized by the Sound Engine 更多...


Data type definitions.

在文件 AkTypes.h 中定义.







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