此 Integration 的各个版本分别与特定的 Unreal Engine 4 版本对应。Here is what has changed between the 2017.2.4.6590.933 and the 2017.2.5.6619.962 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build).
Unreal Engine 4.17/4.18/4.19 - Wwise 2017.2.5.6619.962
- WG-37624 Allowed to perform an asset diff on the Wwise .uasset files.
- WG-37736 Reorganized some WAAPI Blueprint nodes under the "Audiokinetic" category.
- WG-37790 Fixed bad listener handling that caused Spatial Audio failures in editor.
- WG-37808 Fixed errors for WAAPI builds on Visual Studio 2017.
- WG-37917 Ensured the plug-in compiles when the game does not use precompiled headers.
- WG-38041 Fixed crash when performing occlusion calculations.
- WG-38142 Fixed crash due to initialization of
not binding SetOcclusionObstructionFcn
when refresh interval is 0.