
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation

Wwise Unreal 集成 的实现说明和已知问题


Iterative cooking is not supported in 2022.1. Unreal 不支持我们的特定用例,我们正在设法解决这一问题。目前最简单的解决办法是手动删除暂存的文件。参见 https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-167603

目前暂时无法按数据包自动拆分素材。无法按语言拆分成不同的可选数据包,也无法单独加载特定的素材。虽然这些功能已在计划之中,但仍需用户提供有关特定用例的反馈。这样我们才能构建最为适合的默认功能集。记住,您完全可以根据需要覆盖不同的库来获得所需的烘焙功能。除此之外,还可在 Unreal 的 Game - Asset Manager 工程偏好设置中制定具体规则,来将不同的 Wwise 素材包含在 Staging 文件夹中。

Partial Support for No Threading Mode

The Wwise Unreal 集成 partially supports the -nothreading Unreal command-line parameter with the following limitations:

  • Partial support is only available for Unreal 5 or later.
  • The Wwise sound engine creates three additional threads even when -nothreading is set.
  • Slowdowns and sound problems will occur. Crashes and other problems might also occur.

Minimal testing has been done in No Threading mode, and it is therefore not appropriate for production environments.

In addition, we recommend that if you run -nothreading, you also run -nosound to completely disable the Wwise sound engine.


  • WG-44750 无法以针对 Mesh 启用 Physical Material Override 的形式来通过 AkGeometryComponent 指派 Acoustic Texture。
  • WG-52497 The Unreal Editor might hang when modifying the Spatial Sound option on the current audio device. 比如,在由 Windows Sonic for Headphones 改为 Off 时便可能会出现此问题。Users who encounter this issue can disable UE Audio to prevent this hang. For more information about how to disable Unreal audio, see Combining Unreal 5 and Wwise Audio with AudioLink.
  • WG-69181 When applying "Fix issue" to a Wwise Niagara module, a crash might occur. A similar behavior occurs when using Unreal audio.
  • WG-69640 The Unreal Editor can crash if Niagara modules are loaded from a disabled plug-in. This also affects Wwise Niagara.
  • WG-69735 Only the top-most "Post Persistent Event" Niagara module plays audio.







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