
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 The content of this file includes portions of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
3 released in source code form as part of the SDK installer package.
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7 Licensees holding valid commercial licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
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12 Apache License Usage
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24 Version: v2021.1.14 Build: 6590
25 Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Audiokinetic Inc.
26 *******************************************************************************/
28 /// \file
29 /// Reverb parameter estimation.
31 #pragma once
37 namespace AK {
38 namespace SpatialAudio {
40 /// Audiokinetic reverb estimation namespace
41 namespace ReverbEstimation
42 {
43  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
44  /// @name Reverb estimation.
45  /// These functions can be used to estimate the reverb parameters of a physical environment, using its volume and surface area
46  //@{
48  /// This is used to estimate the line of best fit through the absorption values of an Acoustic Texture.
49  /// This value is what's known as the HFDamping.
50  /// return Gradient of line of best fit through y = mx + c.
51  float CalculateSlope(const AkAcousticTexture& texture)
52  {
53  // constants for the mean and standard deviation of the acoustic texture indices 0,1,2,3
54  const float meanX = 1.5f;
55  const float sdX = 1.11803399;
57  const int N = 4;
58  float meanY = (texture.fAbsorptionLow + texture.fAbsorptionMidLow + texture.fAbsorptionMidHigh + texture.fAbsorptionHigh) / (float)N;
59  float absorptions[4] = { texture.fAbsorptionLow, texture.fAbsorptionMidLow, texture.fAbsorptionMidHigh, texture.fAbsorptionHigh };
60  float sdY = 0.0f;
61  float meanDiffDotProd = 0.0f;
62  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
63  {
64  const float yMeanDiff = absorptions[i] - meanY;
65  const float xMeanDiff = (float)i - meanX;
66  meanDiffDotProd += yMeanDiff * xMeanDiff;
67  sdY += yMeanDiff * yMeanDiff;
68  }
69  if (sdY == 0.0f)
70  return 0.0f;
71  sdY = sqrtf(sdY / (float)N);
72  const float correlationCoeff = (1.0f / (N - 1.0f)) * (meanDiffDotProd / (sdY * sdX));
73  return correlationCoeff * (sdY / sdX);
74  }
76  /// Calculate average absorption values using each of the textures in in_textures, weighted by their corresponding surface area.
77  void GetAverageAbsorptionValues(AkAcousticTexture* in_textures, float* in_surfaceAreas, int in_numTextures, AkAcousticTexture& out_average)
78  {
79  float surfaceArea = 0.0f;
80  float totalSurfaceArea = 0.0f;
81  out_average.fAbsorptionLow = 0.0f;
82  out_average.fAbsorptionMidLow = 0.0f;
83  out_average.fAbsorptionMidHigh = 0.0f;
84  out_average.fAbsorptionHigh = 0.0f;
85  for (int textureIndex = 0; textureIndex < in_numTextures; ++textureIndex)
86  {
87  AkAcousticTexture& texture = in_textures[textureIndex];
88  surfaceArea = in_surfaceAreas[textureIndex];
89  out_average.fAbsorptionLow += texture.fAbsorptionLow * surfaceArea;
90  out_average.fAbsorptionMidLow += texture.fAbsorptionMidLow * surfaceArea;
91  out_average.fAbsorptionMidHigh += texture.fAbsorptionMidHigh * surfaceArea;
92  out_average.fAbsorptionHigh += texture.fAbsorptionHigh * surfaceArea;
93  totalSurfaceArea += surfaceArea;
94  }
95  AKASSERT(totalSurfaceArea > 0.0f);
96  out_average.fAbsorptionLow = out_average.fAbsorptionLow / totalSurfaceArea;
97  out_average.fAbsorptionMidLow = out_average.fAbsorptionMidLow / totalSurfaceArea;
98  out_average.fAbsorptionMidHigh = out_average.fAbsorptionMidHigh / totalSurfaceArea;
99  out_average.fAbsorptionHigh = out_average.fAbsorptionHigh / totalSurfaceArea;
100  }
102  /// Estimate the time taken (in seconds) for the sound reverberation in a physical environment to decay by 60 dB.
103  /// This is estimated using the Sabine equation. The T60 decay time can be used to drive the decay parameter of a reverb effect.
105  AkReal32 in_volumeCubicMeters, ///< The volume (in cubic meters) of the physical environment. 0 volume or negative volume will give a decay estimate of 0.
106  AkReal32 in_surfaceAreaSquaredMeters, ///< The surface area (in squared meters) of the physical environment. Must be >= AK_SA_MIN_ENVIRONMENT_SURFACE_AREA
107  AkReal32 in_environmentAverageAbsorption, ///< The average absorption amount of the surfaces in the environment. Must be between AK_SA_MIN_ENVIRONMENT_ABSORPTION and 1.
108  AkReal32& out_decayEstimate ///< Returns the time taken (in seconds) for the reverberation to decay bu 60 dB.
109  )
110  {
111  if (in_volumeCubicMeters <= 0.0f)
112  {
113  out_decayEstimate = 0.0f;
114  return AKRESULT::AK_Success;
115  }
116  if (in_surfaceAreaSquaredMeters < AK_SA_MIN_ENVIRONMENT_SURFACE_AREA)
117  {
118  AKASSERT(false && "AK::SpatialAudio::ReverbEstimation::EstimateT60Decay: Invalid surface area. in_SurfaceAreaSquaredMeters Must be >= AK_SA_MIN_ENVIRONMENT_SURFACE_AREA");
119  return AKRESULT::AK_Fail;
120  }
121  if (in_environmentAverageAbsorption < AK_SA_MIN_ENVIRONMENT_ABSORPTION || in_environmentAverageAbsorption > 1.0f)
122  {
123  AKASSERT(false && "AK::SpatialAudio::ReverbEstimation::EstimateT60Decay: Invalid absorption value. in_EnvironmentAverageAbsorption Must be between AK_SA_MIN_ENVIRONMENT_ABSORPTION and 1");
124  return AKRESULT::AK_Fail;
125  }
126  // The Sabine equation.
127  out_decayEstimate = (0.161f * in_volumeCubicMeters) / (in_surfaceAreaSquaredMeters * in_environmentAverageAbsorption);
128  return AKRESULT::AK_Success;
129  }
131  /// Estimate the time taken (in milliseconds) for the first reflection to reach the listener.
132  /// This assumes the emitter and listener are both positioned in the centre of the environment.
134  AkVector in_environmentExtentMeters, ///< Defines the dimensions of the environment (in meters) relative to the center; all components must be positive numbers.
135  AkReal32& out_timeToFirstReflectionMs, ///< Returns the time taken (in milliseconds) for the first reflection to reach the listener.
136  AkReal32 in_speedOfSound = 343.0f ///< Defaults to 343.0 - the speed of sound in dry air. Must be > 0.
137  )
138  {
139  if (in_speedOfSound <= 0.0f)
140  {
141  AKASSERT(false && "AK::SpatialAudio::ReverbEstimation::EstimateTimeToFirstReflection: Invalid speed of sound. in_speedOfSound must be greater than 0.");
142  return AKRESULT::AK_Fail;
143  }
144  if (in_environmentExtentMeters.X < 0.0f || in_environmentExtentMeters.Y < 0.0f || in_environmentExtentMeters.Z < 0.0f)
145  {
146  AKASSERT(false && "AK::SpatialAudio::ReverbEstimation::EstimateTimeToFirstReflection: Invalid extent. All components must be positive numbers.");
147  return AKRESULT::AK_Fail;
148  }
149  const float minDimension = AkMin(AkMin(in_environmentExtentMeters.X, in_environmentExtentMeters.Y), in_environmentExtentMeters.Z);
150  out_timeToFirstReflectionMs = minDimension / in_speedOfSound;
151  return AKRESULT::AK_Success;
152  }
154  /// Estimate the high frequency damping from a collection of AkAcousticTextures and corresponding surface areas.
155  /// The high frequency damping is a measure of how much high frequencies are dampened compared to low frequencies. > 0 indicates more high frequency damping than low frequency damping. < 0 indicates more low frequency damping than high frequency damping. 0 indicates uniform damping.
156  /// The average absorption values are calculated using each of the textures in the collection, weighted by their corresponding surface area.
157  /// The HFDamping is then calculated as the line-of-best-fit through the average absorption values.
159  AkAcousticTexture* in_textures, ///< A collection of AkAcousticTexture structs from which to calculate the average high frequency damping.
160  float* in_surfaceAreas, ///< Surface area values for each of the textures in in_textures.
161  int in_numTextures, ///< The number of textures in in_textures (and the number of surface area values in in_surfaceAreas).
162  AkReal32& out_hfDamping ///< Returns the high frequency damping value. > 0 indicates more high frequency damping than low frequency damping. < 0 indicates more low frequency damping than high frequency damping. 0 indicates uniform damping.
163  )
164  {
165  if (in_textures == nullptr || in_surfaceAreas == nullptr || in_numTextures == 0)
166  {
167  out_hfDamping = 0.0f;
168  return AK_Success;
169  }
170  AkAcousticTexture averageAbsorptionValues;
171  GetAverageAbsorptionValues(in_textures, in_surfaceAreas, in_numTextures, averageAbsorptionValues);
172  out_hfDamping = CalculateSlope(averageAbsorptionValues);
173  return AK_Success;
174  }
176  //@}
177 }
178 }
179 }
#define AkMin(x1, x2)
Definition: AkPlatformFuncs.h:94
float AkReal32
32-bit floating point
Definition: AkTypes.h:70
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT EstimateHFDamping(AkAcousticTexture *in_textures, float *in_surfaceAreas, int in_numTextures, AkReal32 &out_hfDamping)
Audiokinetic namespace
@ AK_Fail
The operation failed.
Definition: AkTypes.h:135
#define AK_EXTERNAPIFUNC(_type, _name)
Standard function call result.
Definition: AkTypes.h:132
AkReal32 fAbsorptionHigh
AkReal32 fAbsorptionMidHigh
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT EstimateT60Decay(AkReal32 in_volumeCubicMeters, AkReal32 in_surfaceAreaSquaredMeters, AkReal32 in_environmentAverageAbsorption, AkReal32 &out_decayEstimate)
@ AK_Success
The operation was successful.
Definition: AkTypes.h:134
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT EstimateTimeToFirstReflection(AkVector in_environmentExtentMeters, AkReal32 &out_timeToFirstReflectionMs, AkReal32 in_speedOfSound=343.0f)
AkReal32 Y
Y Position
Definition: AkTypes.h:340
float CalculateSlope(const AkAcousticTexture &texture)
AkReal32 X
X Position
Definition: AkTypes.h:339
#define AKASSERT(Condition)
Definition: AkAssert.h:76
AkReal32 Z
Z Position
Definition: AkTypes.h:341
void GetAverageAbsorptionValues(AkAcousticTexture *in_textures, float *in_surfaceAreas, int in_numTextures, AkAcousticTexture &out_average)
Calculate average absorption values using each of the textures in in_textures, weighted by their corr...
AkReal32 fAbsorptionMidLow
3D vector.
Definition: AkTypes.h:311
AkReal32 fAbsorptionLow







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