
Detailed Examples

The remaining folders contain more elaborate examples of typical uses of SoundSeed Impact.

  • 1_Impacts—this folder contains examples of transformations using a variety of different materials.

  • 2_Combat—this folder contains examples of transformations possible for combat class type sounds. Play the Random Containers to hear the different sound variations.

  • 3_Sports—this folder contains examples of transformations possible for sports type sounds. Play the Random Containers to hear the different sound variations.

  • 4_Footsteps—this folder contains a dramatic example of the potential of SoundSeed Impact. Here we can see a series of nested Switch Containers, Random Containers and residual sounds/SoundSeed impact plug-ins. Be sure to select the Switches button in the Transport Control so that you can switch between the available footstep types and surface materials during playback.

  • 5_Destruction—this folder contains an example of the destruction of a brick wall. It demonstrates how SoundSeed Impact can be used to obtain more variations on individual grains in a granular synthesis setting. Additionally you can gain control over the sound of the brick wall destruction by changing, for example, the brick resonance RTPC control.

  • 6_Cross-Synthesis—this folder contains other examples of the creative use of cross-synthesis using SoundSeed Impact.







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