

Wwise Guitar Distortion

(请参阅下文的 Wwise Guitar Distortion Properties。)

Distortion is a form of non-linear processing that alters the shape of the waveform and introduces frequency components not present in the original signal. Wwise 吉他失真效果器模拟常用失真“stomp boxes”的行为来获取典型的吉他失真声音。

Distortion Types

The Wwise Guitar Distortion plug-in provides several flavors of distortion algorithms. The following transfer function figures show how different distortion types affect the signals. In these figures, when there is no distortion, the transfer function (on the left) shows that output amplitude is always the same as the input amplitude. The output of the algorithm when fed a sine wave (on the right) is not distorted.

Distortion type 'Clip' clamps the levels symmetrically for negative and positive values with a hard knee transition (that is, no transition) when the amplitude reaches the overload level.

Distortion type 'Overdrive' clamps the levels symmetrically for negative and positive values with a soft knee transition that slowly progresses towards total clipping when the amplitude reaches the overload level.

Distortion type 'Heavy' clamps the levels symmetrically for negative and positive values with a soft knee transition that slowly progresses towards total clipping when the amplitude reaches the overload level. The transfer function is more abrupt around zero values so that more sustain is achieved. This is typically used with higher values of drive parameter to get a heavy metal kind of distortion.

Distortion type 'Fuzz' clamps the levels asymmetrically for negative and positive values. It uses a soft knee transition that slowly progresses towards total clipping for negative amplitudes and a hard knee at higher level amplitude threshold for positive values. This type of distortion is more suited for monophonic solo type materials as it rapidly becomes very inharmonic when fed complex polyphonic tones. The additional tone parameter primarily controls the soft knee for negative amplitudes (figure uses a Tone parameter set to 10).


The rectification parameter can perform half-wave rectification for parameter values up to 50% and full-wave rectification for parameter values between 50% and 100%. Half Wave rectification prevents the negative portion of the signal from going lower than a certain amplitude; for example, changing from -1 to 0 based on rectification control with 0% applying no half-wave rectification and 50% not allowing completely clipping negative signals.

Full-wave rectification goes further and makes the negative portion of the input signal gradually more positive based on the rectification parameter value. At 100%, full-wave rectification is achieved and the negative portion of the signal is essentially flipped in polarity. This has the effect of doubling the fundamental frequency of the signal and can be used as an 'octaver' Effect.

Equalizer Controls

Because distortion is a non-linear process (that is, applying a gain prior to the distortion is not equivalent to applying it after), it follows that frequency specific gains used when filtering also have a different effect when applied before or after the distortion algorithm. In fact, it is quite common to filter a signal in a way (for example, boost low frequencies) to get the distortion algorithm to behave in a desired way and then filter out the same frequency region afterwards to cancel the overall filtering effect that was applied prior to the distortion. For this reason, a fully fledged parametric EQ is provided before and after the distortion process to be able to customize the behavior of the distortion and obtain many different flavors of distortion.

Wwise Guitar Distortion Properties

Wwise Guitar Distortion 插件包含一组属性,其中很多属性可实时编辑,并可使用 RTPC 映射至指定游戏参数。




决定是否包含该对象。在勾选该选项时,包含该对象。未勾选时,将不包含该对象。 By default, this applies across all platforms. Use the Link indicator (to the left of the check box) to determine or to set platform-specific customizations.

未勾选此选项时,Property Editor(属性编辑器)中各属性和行为选项都将不可用。






Shared by (Used by)


编辑效果器的自定义实例时,此字段将变为 “Used by”(使用方)。

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点击搜索图标左侧的 Close(关闭)图标,以关闭搜索字段并删除筛选器。

[注意] 注意

搜索不包括List View(列表视图), Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor 视图, and Reference View 视图中折叠起来的节点。





Effect Settings(效果器设置)

Distortion Settings


The type of distortion algorithm that will be applied. 以下选项可用:

  • None: No distortion will be applied.

  • Overdrive: Smooth, blues type distortion.

  • Heavy: Hard distortion introducing lots of high frequency harmonics.

  • Clip: Hard clipping with no transition. Often leads to unpleasant static noise (clipping distortion).

  • Fuzz: Asymmetrical hard and soft clipping with different thresholds for positive and negative values. This type of distortion introduces many harmonics and may quickly sound inharmonic with complex tonal input.



This parameter scales the input signal prior to the evaluation of the transfer function. It can be thought as the amount of distortion that will be applied.

范围:0 至 100


Changes the transfer function as specified in the text above.

范围:0 至 100

[注意] 注意

This parameter only has an effect when the distortion type is set to Fuzz.


Amount of half-wave or full-wave rectification that will affect the negative portions of the input signal. 有关详细信息,请参阅Rectification

范围:0 至 100

Output 设置

Output gain

The amount of gain applied to the output signal.

范围:-24 至 24

Wet/Dry Mix

湿声/干声混音比。控制湿声路径(效果器的输出)与干声路径(效果器的输入)之间的平衡。 值为 0 时产生不受效果器影响的原始信号,而值为 100 时仅输出效果器的输出。

范围:0 至 100

EQ Controls

Band (1,2,3)

Enables the EQ band when selected.


Determines the type of filtering that can be applied to the signal in a given EQ band. 可以使用以下筛选器:

  • Low Pass —— 低通。从指定频率中提供高频率的固定斜率衰减。 低于该点,信号几乎不受影响,但高于截止频率点时,频率越高,衰减逐步增大。

  • High Pass —— 高通。从指定频率中提供低频率的固定斜率衰减。 高于该点,信号几乎不受影响,而低于截止频率点时,频率越低,衰减逐步增大。

  • Band Pass —— 带通。拒绝指定中心频率周围的所有频率。 中心周围的频率范围由 Q 进行控制。

  • Notch —— 带阻。为指定频率范围的固定衰减提供一个不同的宽度。 中心周围的频率范围由 Q 进行控制。

  • Low Shelf —— 低架。为指定范围的低频率提供增益/衰减。 此曲线类型也被称为 Bass Tone Control(低音控制)。

  • High Shelf —— 高架。为指定范围的高频率提供增益/衰减。 此曲线类型也被称为 Treble Tone Control(高音控制)。

  • Peaking —— 峰值。为指定频率范围的放大/衰减提供一个不变的宽度。 峰值周围的频率范围由 Q 进行控制。


增益。所选频带的音频信号的放大量。增大此值将“增强”音频信号。 减小此值将“削减”或衰减音频信号。

范围:-48 至 +48

[注意] 注意

当选择了 Low Pass、High Pass、Notch 和 Band Pass 曲线时,Gain 控件不可用,因为这些滤波器类型的通带已经归一化为 0 dB。



范围:20 至 20,000


品质因数。中心频率周围将受增益变化影响的区域。 低 Q 值表示带宽范围较宽,相反,高 Q 值表示带宽范围较窄。

范围:0.1 至 20

当选择了 Low Pass、High Pass、Low Shelf 和 High Shelf 曲线时,该控制不可用。







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