

理解 Dynamic Dialogue 系统

At the center of Wwise's Dynamic Dialogue system is the Dialogue Event, which is basically a set of rules or conditions that determines which piece of dialogue to play. The Dialogue Event allows you to re-create a variety of different scenarios, conditions or outcomes that exist in your game. 为了确保涵盖所有情形,Wwise 还可以创建默认或后备条件。

所有这些条件是通过使用一系列状态组和状态来定义的。这些状态组和状态可进行组合以创建路径,这些路径可定义游戏中的特定条件或结果。各条路径于是可以与 Wwise 中的特定声音对象进行关联。As the game is played and Dialogue Events are called, the game verifies the existing conditions against the paths defined in the Dialogue Event. 与游戏中当前情况以及各条路径的模式、概率和权重匹配的路径可确定播放哪段对话(如果有的话)。

For example, the following Dialogue Event contains the State Groups related to the names of each player in a sports game. 各个状态组里的各个值可组合起来以创建可能存在的不同路径或条件。在本例中,解说员可使用玩家的姓氏或全名。


After you have re-created all the conditions in the Dialogue Event, it can be integrated into the game engine. When the Dialogue Events are called by the game, the sound engine resolves the Dialogue Event by returning the audio object that corresponds to the matching path. 声音引擎随后可以决定是否把这个音频对象插入到一个动态序列中用于播放。“返回一个音频对象”与“将其插入到一个动态序列中”的比例关系不必为1:1。This means that for each resolved Dialogue Event, a returned audio object can be added to the dynamic sequence as many times, as necessary.

[注意] 注意

在创建动态对话时,您与音频程序员紧密合作至关重要,因为许多功能都仅在 Wwise SDK 中可用,包括将单词或短语连接在一起形成句子的能力。

Since the game engine uses the Dialogue Event name, you can create the events, integrate them into the game and then build and fine-tune the contents of each Event without ever having to re-integrate them into the game again. 这给了您极大的灵活性,您可以添加或移除状态,并且能够对不同的声音进行试验,所有这些都无需额外的编程。

[小心] 小心

Adding, removing, and moving State Groups within a Dialogue Event will automatically modify the paths. 虽然此类更改可在 Wwise 中轻松完成,但还是需要程序员介入,因为代码将需要相应更新。

To help you easily identify a Dialogue Event in the interface, it is represented by the following icon.




使用对白事件 —— 示例

假定您正在创建一款有现场解说评论的冰球游戏。When a player shoots and scores, you want the play-by-play commentary to correspond to the Action in game.

To set up the different possibilities and outcomes in Wwise, you will need to create Dialogue Events for Players, Actions, Transitions, and so on. Each of these Events will contain a set of corresponding State Groups and States that you have created for your game. 您必须为每个条件和结果创建一条路径,然后将适当的语音对象指派给各条路径。玩游戏期间,游戏将依据您在 Wwise 中定义的路径匹配当前状态,以确定要播放哪个语音对象。

The following illustration demonstrates how Dialogue Events created in Wwise can generate a play-by-play commentary that says “Cross shoots and scores”.

The previous illustration was simplified to show you how State Groups and Dialogue Events can be used in your game. In most cases, however, your game will require more sophisticated Dialogue Events that contain many different State Groups and States. Wwise 使您能够建立各种更复杂的情景,可使游戏中的动态对话更真实。

The following example shows you a more sophisticated example of the Player Dialogue Event. Notice how this Dialogue Event has several State Groups. 在您有多个状态组时,选中的状态会创建该路径。您可以为状态组和状态的每个组合创建一条路径,然后为每条路径指派一个对象。在游戏中符合特定路径内的每个状态时,指派给该路径的语音对象将会播放。







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