

定义 Dialogue Event 的设置

For each Dialogue Event, you need to define the probability and mode settings. The probability setting helps you control the likelihood that the Dialogue Event will actually submit an audio object to the sound engine for playback. 一旦提交,声音引擎随后可确定是否将音频对象插入动态序列。A value of 100% means that an audio object is always submitted to the sound engine each time the Dialogue Event is called by the game. 而值为 0 表示绝不提交音频对象。This option is particularly useful when you don't want audio to be played back each time the Dialogue Event is triggered. 例如,在格斗比赛中,您可能不希望解说员在格斗选手之间每次发生接触时都进行解说。To avoid the over-triggering of audio in this type of scenario, you can reduce the probability setting for the Dialogue Event.

The Mode setting gives you additional control over the behavior of the Dialogue Event in situations where several paths match the current condition of the game. 您可以选择两个选项中的一个:Best Match(最佳匹配)和 Weighted(加权)。

To define the settings for a Dialogue Event:

  1. Load a Dialogue Event into the Dialogue Event Editor.

  2. Specify a Probability value for the Dialogue Event between 0-100. The Probability value determines the likelihood that the Dialogue Event will submit an audio object to the sound object for playback.

    [注意] 注意

    The probability of the Dialogue Event works in combination with the paths' probability values.

  3. To specify how the sound engine will determine which path to select when there is more than one pre-defined path that matches the States triggered at runtime, select one of the following options from the Mode list:

    Best Match - Selects the path that best matches the States that are triggered at runtime. 如果不能完全匹配,则将会选择具有最少通配符 (*) 的路径。

    Weighted -- 加权。基于各路径的权重值,随机选择匹配路径之一。







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