在项目的开始阶段,最好花些时间定义动态音频总体需求,方法是分析游戏并将其分解为可管理的组分。When you have all the necessary information, you can create a list of all the Dialogue Events that you will need for your game. 在创建了这个列表之后,您在 Wwise 中处理和创建事件就会容易多了。
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注意 |
If you are working as part of a team on the same project, you can assign the Dialogue Events to different Work Units so that each member of the team can work on different Dialogue Events simultaneously. For more information on working with Work Units, refer to 将工程分成 Work Units. |
To create a new Dialogue Event:
In the Project Explorer, switch to the Events tab.
在 Dynamic Dialogue(动态对话)部分中,执行以下操作之一:
Select a Work Unit or Virtual Folder and click the Dialogue Event icon in the Project Explorer toolbar.
Right-click a Work Unit or Virtual Folder and select New Child > Dialogue Event from the shortcut menu.
A new Dialogue Event is created within the Work Unit you selected.
Replace the default name with one that best represents the Dialogue Event.
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注意 |
Dialogue Event names can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. 名称还必须以字母或下划线开头。 |