Be WWise with Unity - L01 - Post and Stop Events - C#

Hello everyone, this is the first video of this series. I'll try to cover basic usages of WWise on Unity, with examples and some tricks. I hope you find these lectures useful and help you learn more about this.

I also started the updated version of this series, you can check that for updated and extended usages of these.

In this video, I created a car sound inside WWise and implemented it to Unity. While doing that, I tried to explain how to and how many ways to do this implementation by simple codes. With this implementation, we can post/start and stop events by code, and some personal tricks to expand your imagination of using WWise.

I also recommend anyone interesting to WWise, to check AudioKinetic's official WWise 101 lectures. These are super helpful to get basics.
AudioKinetic WWise 101

Personal Website

Time stamps
0:00 - Intro
1:02 - Sound Design w/ WWise
4:53 - Creating Event and Soundbank w/ WWise
6:12 - Init Soundbank (AkBank)
6:39 - Post Event (AkEvent Way)
7:04 - Post Event (AkSoundEngine Way)
8:40 - Post Event (AK.Wwise.Event Way)
10:45 - Stop Event (AkSoundEngine Way)
12:08 - Stop Event (AK.Wwise.Event Way)
13:03 - Polishing Events
14:40 - Extended Use of Event
17:39 - Outro

#WWise #Unity #GameAudio

3092 视图



Wwise Up on Air - Hands On | Spatial Audio in Unity (Part 3 - Wwise Reflect)


Wwise Up on Air - Hands On | Spatial Audio in Unity (Part 2 - Geometry)


Wwise Up On Air - Hands On | Spatial Audio in Unity (Part 1 - Rooms and Portals)



Wwise Up on Air - Hands On | Spatial Audio in Unity (Part 3 - Wwise Reflect)

2858 视图

Wwise Up on Air - Hands On | Spatial Audio in Unity (Part 2 - Geometry)

2665 视图