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+4 votes

The unity editor is being flooded with errors whenever one of my akGameObj's move during gameplay. As seen in the below screenshot, the moving objects have AkGameObj components attached, and should therefore be properly registered with Wwise. The error message begs to differ, stating...

"Wwise: Unknown game object ID. Make sure the game object is registered before using it and do not use it once it was unregistered.(Object: player_aesthetic(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject))
AkInitializer:CopyMonitoringInConsole(ErrorCode, ErrorLevel, UInt32, IntPtr, String) (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:279)
AkCallbackManager:PostCallbacks() (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/API/Handwritten/AkCallbackManager.cs:411)
AkInitializer:LateUpdate() (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:248)"


What's more, the sound effects (called from a component on the object via PostEvent()) seem to be working, albeit with a substantial, annoying delay. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm using Unity 5.5.0f3 and Wwise Integration 2016.2.1.5995.396, with Wwise version 2016.2.1 (64-bit) (build 5995)


in General Discussion by Austin Y. (170 points)
The same here. All localized sounds are collapsed around origin (0, 0, 0) in ma case. Profiler unusable because then log is flooded with error messages.

1 Answer

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Best answer
Sorry about that, a bug was introduced in the latest 2016.2.1 build. A fix will be available very soon. Stay tuned.
by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16.0k points)
selected by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic)
We are also experiencing issues on Unity 5.5.0f3.

According to my Wwise Settings in Edit > Wwise Settings, we're using Wwise v2016.1.5 build 5910.
According to the Wwise launcher, we're using Wwise v2016.1.1 Build 5823.
I'm not sure if I know how to get the Wwise Integration version number, if that's different.

We're getting the same error spam, and a lot of weird audio positioning issues.

Errors like:
Wwise: Unknown game object ID. Make sure the game object is registered before using it and do not use it once it was unregistered.(Object: vfx_waterfall_large (3) (UnityEngine.GameObject))
AkInitializer:CopyMonitoringInConsole(ErrorCode, ErrorLevel, UInt32, IntPtr, String) (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:279)
AkCallbackManager:PostCallbacks() (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/API/Handwritten/AkCallbackManager.cs:429)
AkInitializer:LateUpdate() (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:248)

And problems like AkEvents triggered near the active AkListener sounding far off to the left and muffled.

Given the different versions we're using of Wwise, might it be possible it's something new introduced in Unity 5.5.0f3?
A fix was released last week. Please update your integration to 2016.2.1.5995.409
Is there any workaround we could use? Upgrading right now would be prohibitively difficult for a number of reasons.

What causes the bug?
Unfortunately not, the bug was deep inside the AkSoundEngine.dll C++ code.