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have been using wwise + unity for many months now with no issues from the profiler connection but when i tried to use it yesterday, the network connection doesn't appear. i haven't changed any settings that i can think of and can see the network connection in the history but when i try to connect using it or using the IP address directly, it just hangs and my log shows

WampInvokeError WAMP CALL error 'ak.wwise.locked' invoking 'ak.wwise.core.object.get': 'Cannot execute call because Wwise has an exclusive lock. Please try again later

Args: {"waql": "from type Project"}, Options: {"return": ["filePath"]}, Details:{"reasons": ["Waiting for user to close a modal dialog"], "procedureUri": "ak.wwise.core.object.get"}

- Mac osx 14.6.1 (no firewall), Wwise 2023.1.6.8555.3160, Unity 2022.3.42f1

- discoverybroadcast port on both is 24024, WAAPI port on both is 8080, WAAPI IP is, wwise authoring is enabled, etc.

any thoughts?
in General Discussion by audio person (100 points)

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