
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7
Wwise Authoring Command Identifiers

ActivateNextFloatingViewActivates the next floating view. 
ActivatePreviousFloatingViewActivates the previous floating view. 
CheckProjectFilesScans for Project and Work Unit files that have changed on disk. 
CloseCurrentObjectTabClose the current object tab 
CloseObjectTabsToTheRightClose the object tabs to the right 
CloseOtherObjectTabsClose the other object tabs 
CloseProjectCloses the project. 
CloseViewCloses the active view. 
ConvertShows the Convert dialog for the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
ConvertAllPlatformConverts the specified objects on all platforms.objects - an array of objects
ConvertCurrentPlatformConverts the specified objects on the specified platform. If not specified, it uses the current platform or current selected objects.objects - an array of objects
platforms - an array of platforms (array of GUID string)
ConvertSFXToVoiceConverts the specified objects to Sound Voice objects.objects - an array of objects
ConvertToSoundSFXConverts the specified objects to Sound SFX objects.objects - an array of objects
CopyGUIDsPathsToClipboardCopies the unique IDs (GUID) of the specified objects to clipboard.objects - an array of objects
CopyPathsToClipboardCopies the Wwise project paths of the specified objects to clipboard.objects - an array of objects
CopyShortIDsToClipboardCopies the short IDs (unsigned 32 bit) of the specified objects to clipboard.objects - an array of objects
CopyWAQLToClipboardGenerates a WAQL query with the specified object paths and copies it to clipboard.objects - an array of objects
CreateInGACCreates the associated Nuendo objects for the specified objects using Game Audio Connect.objects - an array of objects
CreateNewSoundbankCreates a new SoundBank. 
DetachCurrentObjectTabDetach the current object tab 
DuplicateCurrentObjectTabDuplicate the current object tab 
EditUserPreferencesShows the User Preferences dialog for editing. 
FindInProjectExplorerNewPinnedViewFinds the specified object in the Project Explorer (New Pinned View).objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerNoSyncGroupFinds the specified object in the Project Explorer (No Sync Group). Deprecated, see FindInProjectExplorerNewPinnedView.objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel1Finds the specified object in the Project Explorer (Selection Channel 1).objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel2Finds the specified object in the Project Explorer (Selection Channel 2).objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel3Finds the specified object in the Project Explorer (Selection Channel 3).objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel4Finds the specified object in the Project Explorer (Selection Channel 4).objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerSyncGroup1Finds the specified object in the Project Explorer (Sync Group 1). Deprecated, see FindInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel1.objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerSyncGroup2Finds the specified object in the Project Explorer (Sync Group 2). Deprecated, see FindInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel2.objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerSyncGroup3Finds the specified object in the Project Explorer (Sync Group 3). Deprecated, see FindInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel3.objects - an array of objects
FindInProjectExplorerSyncGroup4Finds the specified object in the Project Explorer (Sync Group 4). Deprecated, see FindInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel4.objects - an array of objects
FocusNextFocuses the next control in the current view. 
FocusPreviousFocuses the previous control in the current view. 
ForceSaveProjectMakes all Work Units dirty and saves the project. 
GenerateAllSoundbanksAllPlatformsGenerates all SoundBanks on all platforms. 
GenerateAllSoundbanksAllPlatformsAutoCloseGenerates all SoundBanks on all platforms (Progress dialog is closed automatically at the end of operation). 
GenerateAllSoundbanksCurrentPlatformGenerates all SoundBanks on the specified platform. If not specified, it uses the current platform.platforms - an array of platforms (array of GUID string)
GenerateAllSoundbanksCurrentPlatformAutoCloseGenerates all SoundBanks on the specified platform. If not specified, it uses the current platform (Progress dialog is closed automatically at the end of operation).platforms - an array of platforms (array of GUID string)
GenerateSelectedSoundbanksAllPlatformsGenerates the specified SoundBank objects on all platforms.objects - an array of objects
GenerateSelectedSoundbanksAllPlatformsAutoCloseGenerates the specified SoundBank objects on all platforms (Progress dialog is closed automatically at the end of operation).objects - an array of objects
GenerateSelectedSoundbanksCurrentPlatformGenerates the specified SoundBank objects on the specified platform. If not specified, it uses the current platform or current selected objects.objects - an array of objects
platforms - an array of platforms (array of GUID string)
GenerateSelectedSoundbanksCurrentPlatformAutoCloseGenerates the specified SoundBank objects on the specified platform. If not specified, it uses the current platform or current selected objects (Progress dialog is closed automatically at the end of operation).objects - an array of objects
platforms - an array of platforms (array of GUID string)
GenerateSoundbanksWithCurrentSettingsGenerates SoundBanks using the current SoundBank Manager settings (Progress dialog is closed automatically at the end of operation). 
HelpShows the Wwise Help. 
InspectInspects the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
InspectNextInspects the next object inspected. 
InspectParentInspects the parent of the currently inspected object. 
InspectPreviousInspects the previous object inspected. 
KeepOpenCurrentObjectTabKeep Open the current object tab 
LoadPresetShows the Load Preset dialog for the active view. 
LoadThemeClassicLoads the classic theme. 
LoadThemeDarkLoads the dark theme. 
LoadThemeLightLoads the light theme. 
LoadUnloadedWorkUnitsLoads currently unloaded Work Units. 
MaximizeObjectTabDefaultViewMaximize the current default view of the object tabs 
MaximizeViewMaximizes the active view. 
MinimizeObjectTabDefaultViewMinimize the current default view of the object tabs 
MinimizeViewMinimizes the active view. 
MoveCurrentObjectTabToTheLeftMove the current tab to the left 
MoveCurrentObjectTabToTheRightMove the current tab to the right 
MuteMutes the specified objects, or current selection if no object specified.value - True or False to set the Mute state. If unspecified, the Mute state will be toggled.
objects - an array of objects
NewProjectShows the New Project dialog. 
NextObjectTabNatigate to the next object tab. 
NextPerfFrameGoes to next audio frame in Performance Graph. 
OpenContainingFolderSoundbankOpens a Windows Explorer window on the Containing folder of specified objects's SoundBank files.objects - an array of objects
OpenContainingFolderWAVOpens a Windows Explorer window on the Containing folder of specified objects's wav files.objects - an array of objects
OpenContainingFolderWorkUnitOpens a Windows Explorer window on the Containing folder of specified objects's Work Units.objects - an array of objects
OpenInExternalEditorOpens the specified objects in the first (index 0) External Editor.objects - an array of objects
OpenInExternalEditor1Opens the specified objects in the second (index 1) External Editor.objects - an array of objects
OpenInExternalEditor2Opens the specified objects in the third (index 2) External Editor.objects - an array of objects
OpenInExternalEditor3Opens the specified objects in the fourth (index 3) External Editor.objects - an array of objects
OpenInExternalEditor4Opens the specified objects in the fifth (index 4) External Editor.objects - an array of objects
OpenInGACOpens the specified objects in Nuendo using Game Audio Connect.objects - an array of objects
OpenInNewTabInspects the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
OpenInNewWindowInspects the specified objects in a new window.objects - an array of objects
OpenInWwiseWaveViewerOpens specified objects in the Wwise Wave Viewer.objects - an array of objects
OpenProjectShows the Open Project dialog. 
PinViewPins the active view. 
PopoutObjectTabDefaultViewMaximize the current default view of the object tabs 
PreviousObjectTabNatigate to the previous object tab. 
PreviousPerfFrameGoes to previous audio frame in Performance Graph. 
ProfilerFilterClearAllClears all filters. 
ProfilerFilterClearCurrentViewClears the profiler filter of the current view. 
ProfilerFilterExcludeObjectNameFromCurrentAdds the name of the selected object as an exclude to the filter text of the current view. 
ProfilerFilterPromoteCurrentToAllCopies the profiler filter of the current view to all other filters. 
ProfilerFilterSetNameToCurrentSets the name of the selected object as the filter text of the current view. 
ProfilerFilterSetPipelineIDSets the profiler text filter to match a specific pipeline ID. 
ProfilerFilterSetSelectedObjectToCurrentSets the currently selected object in the profiler filter of the current view. 
ProfilerFilterToggleCurrentMuteSoloToggles ON/OFF the mute/solo filtering in the current view. 
ProfilerFilterToggleCurrentShowNothingWhenEmptyToggles ON/OFF the Show Nothing when filter is empty. 
ProfilerFilterToggleLocalGlobalToggles the profiler filter of the current view between link and unlink modes. 
RedoRedoes the last undone operation. 
ReloadCommandAddonsReloads all the custom command files in all the corresponding directories. 
ReloadCurrentThemeReloads the current user interface theme from disk. This is useful when implementing new themes. 
ResetAllMutesResets all mutes currently active. 
ResetAllSolosResets all solos currently active. 
RestoreViewRestores the active view. 
SaveAllCountersDumps the Performance Counters to a file. 
SavePresetShows the Load Preset dialog for the active view. 
SaveProjectSaves the project. 
SearchPuts the focus on the search box.value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
SearchCommandsPuts the focus on the search box and enables the command search mode. 
SearchInCtrlOpens the search box in the currently active control. 
SearchInCurrentViewSearches in the Current View if it has a search field.value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
SearchInProjectExplorerSearches in the Project Explorer (first available view).value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
SearchInProjectExplorerNewPinnedViewSearches in the Project Explorer (New Pinned View).value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
SearchInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel1Searches in the Project Explorer (Selection Channel 1).value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
SearchInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel2Searches in the Project Explorer (Selection Channel 2).value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
SearchInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel3Searches in the Project Explorer (Selection Channel 3).value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
SearchInProjectExplorerSelectionChannel4Searches in the Project Explorer (Selection Channel 4).value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
SelectOnlineDocumentationSelects CHM file as a documentation source. 
SetColorShows the Color Picker dialog for the specific objects.objects - an array of objects
SetPropertySheetSplitModeColumnSets the property sheet split mode to columns. 
SetPropertySheetSplitModeNoSets the property sheet split mode to not split. 
SetPropertySheetSplitModeRowSets the property sheet split mode to rows. 
ShowAudioFileCacheClearDialogShows the Clear Audio File Cache dialog. 
ShowAudioFilesConversionDialogShows the Audio File Conversion dialog. 
ShowAudioFilesImporterShows the Audio File Importer dialog. 
ShowAudioPreferencesShows the Audio Preferences dialog. 
ShowBatchRenameShows the Batch Rename View, with the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
ShowBugReportShows the Bug Report page. 
ShowContactAKShows AK's Contact Us page. 
ShowContextualHelpShows the Contextual Help View for a specified - a pointer to a single CProp object
ShowControlSurfacesDlgShows the Control Surfaces Settings dialog. 
ShowDefaultObjectValuesShows the Default Object Values dialog. 
ShowDetailsShows the details view with the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
ShowFileManagerShows the File Manager dialog. 
ShowGACSettingsShows the Nuendo Game Audio Connect setting. 
ShowGameObjectsVoiceExplorerFocuses the Voice Explorer on the specified game object(s).gameObjectIds - Ids of the game objects to show/select
ShowKeyboardShortcutsShows the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. 
ShowLanguagesShows the Language Manager dialog. 
ShowLegalNoticesShows the legal notices dialog. 
ShowLicenseMgrShows the License Manager dialog. 
ShowListViewShows the List View on the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
ShowMultiEditorShows the Multi Editor view on the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
ShowObstructionOcclusionSettingsShows the Project Settings dialog on the Obstruction/Occlusion tab. 
ShowPastePropertiesShows the Paste Properties view on the specified object.objects - an array of objects
ShowPlatformManagerShows the Platform Manager dialog. 
ShowProfilerSettingsShows the Profiler Settings dialog. 
ShowProjectSettingsShows the Project Settings dialog. 
ShowPropertyHelpShows the Property Help View for a specified property. Deprecated, see - a pointer to a single CProp object.
ShowReferenceViewShows the Reference View with the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
ShowRemoteConnectionsShows the Remote Connections dialog. 
ShowSchematicViewShows the Schematic View on the specified objects.value - the text (string) to be used for the search field
objects - an array of objects
ShowSoundBankDefinitionImporterShows the Sound Bank Definition Importer dialog. 
ShowSoundbankSettingsShows the Project settings dialog, SoundBanks tab. 
ShowSourceEditorShows the Source Editor on the specified objects.objects - an array of objects
ShowSplashScreenShows the initial Wwise loading screen (with the current software version). 
ShowUserPreferencesShows the User Preferences dialog. 
ShowUserProjectSettingsDeprecated, see ShowDefaultObjectValues. 
ShowUserSoundbankSettingsShows the user SoundBank settings dialog. 
ShowViewSettingsShows the view settings for the active view. 
ShowVoiceAssetsImporterShows the Voice Asset Importer dialog. 
ShowVoiceInspectorShows the Voice Inspector on the specified object.objects - an array of objects
voices - an array of voice (pipeline) Ids
ShowVoicesVoiceExplorerFocuses the Voice Explorer on the specified voice(s).voiceIds - Ids of the voices to show/select
ShowWwiseHelpShows the Wwise Help. 
ShowWwiseKnowledgeBaseShows the Wwise Community Q&A. 
ShowWwiseSDKDocumentationShows the Wwise SDK documentation. 
SoloSolos the specified objects, or current selection if no object specified.value - True or False to set the Solo state. If unspecified, the Solo state will be toggled.
objects - an array of objects
SourceControlAddWAVCalls the Add command for the wav files associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlAddWWUCalls the Add command for the Work Units associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlCheckoutWAVCalls the Checkout command for the wav files associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlCheckoutWWUCalls the Checkout command for the Work Units associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlCommitWAVCalls the Commit command for the wav files associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlCommitWWUCalls the Commit/Submit command for the Work Units associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlDiffWAVCalls the Diff command for the wav files associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlDiffWWUCalls the Diff command for the Work Units associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlRefreshIconsRefreshes the project status and the Source Control icons on Work Units. 
SourceControlRevertWAVCalls the Revert command for the wav files associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlRevertWWUCalls the Revert command for the Work Units associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlUpdateWAVCalls the Update command for the wav files associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SourceControlUpdateWWUCalls the Update command for the Work Units associated with the specified objects on the Source Control plug-in (Perforce, SVN, etc).objects - an array of objects
SplitCurrentTabToTheRightSplit the current tab, creating a new tab panel to the right. 
StartCaptureStarts a profiling capture, does nothing if already started. 
StartStopCaptureStarts a profiling capture, or stops it if already started. 
StopCaptureStops a profiling capture, does nothing if already stopped. 
ToggleExpandCollapseToggles Expand/Collapse for the active floating view. 
ToggleFollowCaptureToggles the Show Live Data button in the toolbar. 
ToggleFollowObjectSelectionInProjectExplorerToggles the automatic following of object selection in Project Explorer. 
TransportDisableMonitorDisables the inclusion button in the Transport Control. 
TransportDisableOriginalDisables the Original button in the Transport Control. 
TransportDisplayRTPCSwitches the Transport Control to display Game Parameters. 
TransportDisplayStatesSwitches the Transport Control to display States. 
TransportDisplaySwitchesSwitches the Transport Control to display Switches. 
TransportDisplayTriggersSwitches the Transport Control to display Triggers. 
TransportEnableMonitorEnables the inclusion button in the Transport Control. 
TransportEnableOriginalEnables the Original button in the Transport Control. 
TransportPausePauses the object currently in playback in the Transport Control. 
TransportPinPins or unpins the Transport Control currently loaded object. 
TransportPinSelectedPins the specified object, or current selection if no object is specified, to the Transport Control. 
TransportPlayDirectlyPlays the object currently loaded in the Transport Control by bypassing properties that have an influence on the sound, such as the volume. 
TransportPlayStopPlays the object currently loaded in the Transport Control. If the playback is in progress, it stops the playback. 
TransportResetResets the Transport Control playback and internal states. 
TransportToggleMonitorToggles the inclusion button in the Transport Control. 
TransportToggleOriginalToggles the Original button in the Transport Control. 
UndoUndoes the last operation in the queue. 
UseAudioOutputSystem5Selects 5.1 as audio output system. 
UseAudioOutputSystem7Selects 7.1 as audio output system. 
UseAudioOutputSystemDefaultSelects default audio output system. 
UseAudioOutputSystemStereoHeadphonesSelects stereo headphones as audio output system. 
UseAudioOutputSystemStereoSpeakersSelects stereo speakers as audio output system. 
UseOnlineDocumentationSelects Wwise website as a documentation source. 

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