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iOS Platform Project Configuration

After you install GME In-Game Voice Chat through the Audiokinetic Launcher, the GME SDK is installed in the corresponding platform folders, in the default Wwise SDK directory. The naming rules of the GME SDK are consistent with those used by Wwise (%WWISEROOT%\SDK). The SDK directory also includes the GME related header files.

SDK Directory



iOS: Device includes 64-bit and 32-bit ARM, simulator includes 64-bit and 32-bit x86


GME In-Game Voice Chat header file and GME API header file

The GME SDK for iOS includes header files and plug-in libraries:

  • Header files: TencentGMEFactory.h, TencentGMEPlugin.h

  • Plug-in libraries: libTencentGMEPlugin.a, libGMESDK.a

Copy the header files and libraries to the Xcode project directory. From the Xcode project build settings, adjust the settings for the Include directories and dependency libraries of the SDK. The following image shows the dependency libraries to add:

Disable the Bitcode setting in the Xcode project, because it is not supported by the GME SDK. To disable Bitcode, locate Bitcode under Targets > Build Settings and set the corresponding option to NO.

The following permission on iOS is required:



Microphone Usage Description

Allows microphone permission

The following table highlights which microphone will be used when a headset or headphones are connected.

Headset Type


None (Device speakers)

Rear microphone


Front microphone


Headset microphone

Bluetooth device

Front microphone

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