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Setting up the Tencent GME Session Plug-in

To operate, GME has to observe the final signal to apply echo cancellation. You must place an effect plug-in at the end of the audio pipeline for that reason. This plug-in also sets the authentication information for the server, as will be explained in the next section. You have to add the Tencent GME Session plug-in as an Audio Device Effect.

Adding the Tencent GME Session Plug-in as an Audio Device Effect

In the Audio Devices hierarchy, on the System Audio Device, add the Tencent GME Session Audio Device Effect as the last element in the effect chain or right before the Mastering Suite, as shown in the following image. This ensures that the audio used for echo cancellation is as close as possible to the system audio output that could leak into the captured feed from the microphone.

Configuring GME Authentication Information and Chat Room Parameters

Set the Authentication Key and various IDs in the Effects Settings of the Tencent GME Session effect plug-in. Double-click the Tencent GME Session effect plug-in to modify the settings.

  • Each project has a unique Authentication Key, provided by Audiokinetic, to enable the plug-in.

  • The Room ID is used to create “chat rooms” in the game, so that all the participants can hear each other. Different Room IDs can be used if you need to separate players into different teams and discussion between teams is not permitted.

    • Room IDs can use up to 127 characters.

  • Each user requires a unique ID.

    • User IDs require a 64-bit integer that is greater than 10,000.

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