

Track Names and Colors

Sounds consist of one or more layers and associated tracks, depending on the complexity of the sound design. Every sound is unique and the number of layers and tracks vary based on the sound designer’s choices.

Layers, track layouts, colors, and track names follow the design conventions detailed in the following table.

The top layer for all sounds is a composite (parent) track that is always white. The other tracks are arranged as sub-layers that are children of the composite layer. The top level of a sub-layer always uses the dark variation of color. Tracks associated with a sub-layer use alternating light and dark colors. The sub-layers are numbered because they are used as the source of the Region Matrix rendering of different layers. The region names have an abbreviation, L, followed by an integer to associate them with layers.

Layer and Track Names


SWS Custom Color

Basic Layer 1 "Description"

Basic layer of the sound. This layer should work on its own.


Basic Layer "Description"

Add as many subtracks as necessary to make Basic Layer 1 usable without other layers.

Light yellow

Detail Layer 2 "Description"

Special “Detail” layers of the sound that you can add to the Basic Layer.


Detail Layer "Description"

Subtracks as necessary to build Detail Layer 2.

Light blue

Detail Layer 3 "Description"

A different optional "Detail" layer of the sound.


Detail Layer "Description"

As many subtracks as necessary to build Detail Layer 3.

Light orange

Weight Layer 4 "Description"

Size and force of the sound. Anything that makes a quick re-mix of the sound weight easier.


Weight Layer "Description"

As many subtracks as necessary to build Weight Layer 4.

Light red

Custom Layer 5 "Description"

Any other layer needed for the sound. Specify your own name.


Custom Layer "Description"

Add as many subtracks as necessary to build Custom Layer 5.

Light aqua

Cinematic Layer

Cinematic layer that adds extra emphasis.


Cinematic Layer "Description"

As many subtracks as necessary to build the Cinematic Layer.

Light purple

Additional Layer "Description"

Optional unused material that you can use to create unique sounds.


Additional Layer "Description"

Subtracks of related Additional Layer sounds.

Light green

Additional Layer "Description"

Optional unused material that you can use to create unique sounds.


Additional Layer "Description"

Subtracks of related Additional Layer sounds.

Light tan

The following image shows layers, tracks, and layouts from a subproject as they appear in REAPER, with the standard naming and color conventions.

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