This section includes the main Strata User Guide, which explains key concepts and procedures that are relevant to all collections in Strata.
What is Strata?—Describes Strata and collections.
Installation and Setup—Lists the minimum system requirements, contains first-party and third-party software installation instructions, and details the REAPER settings recommended for use with Strata collections.
Using Strata—Explains how to use Strata primarily in the context of REAPER.
Main Project Structure—Describes the structure of the main projects of Strata collections.
Strata Subprojects—Describes the structure of Strata collection subprojects, where sound engineers will spend most of their time working.
Rendering Audio Files—Contains instructions and best practices for audio file rendering in REAPER.
Adding Metadata Columns to REAPER Media Explorer—Explains how to extend the collection metadata.
Using Strata with SFX Database Applications—Explains how to use Strata metadata to work with external SFX database software.
REAPER Reference—Contains a list of common REAPER terms and definitions that are relevant for Strata users.
Audiokinetic's REAPER Tools—Contains installation instructions and details on the various REAPER tools Audiokinetic is developing to facilitate Strata workflows.
Open-Source Components in Strata—Contains license information for open-source components used in Strata.
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