
Warning: you were redirected to the latest documentation corresponding to your major release ( 2024.1.2.8726 ). Should you wish to access your specific version's documentation, please download the offline documentation from the Audiokinetic Launcher and check the Offline Documentation option in Wwise Authoring.
Wwise SDK 2024.1.2
New Features

Wwise 2010.1 New Features

Wwise 2010.1 is a major release packed with many new exciting features. The following list highlights the major improvements that have been made for this version.

Mixing Desk

  • The mixing desk is a new view that display your audio objects in mixer strip style, giving you access, while mixing at runtime, to all practical properties.
  • Volume, pitch, LPF, states, effects, attenuations and motion parameters are all available...

Conversion Settings ShareSets

  • Now, conversion settings are contained within ShareSets and applied anywhere in the hierarchy which will allow all child objects to automatically inherit the settings of their parent.
  • This modification eliminates the frustration (and potential damage) of forgetting to set conversion settings to newly added objects.
  • After migrating to 2010.1, you will notice that, at authoring time, your Wwise project should take about:
    • 50% less disk space (for work unit files),
    • 50% less memory,
    • 50% less time to load.

Be sure to take a look at the video tutorial.

External Source

  • This new source plug-in bypasses the Wwise SoundBanks generation and allow the game to dynamically associate audio files to Sound objects.
  • On top of simplifying the development process for developers, it will also greatly reduce the memory footprint needed for dialogue intensive games.
  • The External Source plug-in will also open up several workarounds for game developers including user-generated content.

New Seek event action

  • You can now seek anywhere in actor-mixer audio objects or music segment objects.
  • Seek time can be randomized and is set either in absolute time or in percentage of the file duration.
  • Seek can snap to markers and music cues.

Multiple level of sub-mixing

  • Wwise can now have an unlimited number of sub-mix levels in the Master-Mixer hierarchy which virtually allow for an unlimited number of effects processed in series.

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