
Target Platform(s):
Wwise SDK 2024.1.1
Understanding Audio Sessions

The iOS SDK relies on the Apple audio session API to comply with the operating system audio handling mechanism at the app and inter-app level. The audio session main goal is to provide a set of known behaviors for an audio app when different system events or user actions occur. In other words, audio session is an intermediary layer between the audio app and the iOS operating system, which provides predictable audio behavior.

Application audio behavior on the system and the other apps is controlled through a set of audio session categories and subcategories called category options. Every iOS app that uses or produces audio is expected to register itself on the system in a given audio session category and in an optional set of category options in order to state its expected audio behavior.

Audio session is also used to handle and respond to iOS system interruption and audio route changes.

Finally, audio session is also the mechanic used by iOS to share the low-level hardware audio components between the different audio apps and system sounds. It is, therefore, mandatory to comply with audio session requirements in order to prevent app audio from being lost or the app crashing due to improper system event handling.

Each time an audio app requires some audio to be captured or produced, it must request and activate its audio session on the system. For example, when a Music app user presses the 'play' button, the app should request its audio session be activated after the button is pressed and should deactivate it when the user presses the 'pause' button. Many iOS built-in apps use audio session to either output or capture audio, which may have consequences on the user app audio behavior:

  • Calendar app (through audio alert)
  • Camera (video)
  • Clock app (alarm, stopwatch, timer)
  • FaceTime
  • Garage Band
  • iTunes Store
  • Maps
  • Music app
  • Phone
  • Podcasts
  • SIRI
  • Voice Memos

At any moment, iOS can deactivate the app's audio session to respond to various audio events, such as an incoming phone call, a scheduled audio alarm from a timer, or a calendar event. These events are known as interruptions, and audio apps are to be ready to react to such audio session priority changes and properly resume playing or recording after the interruption has ended. Application switching, backgrounding the app when pressing the Home button, and locking and unlocking the device are also situations where audio session activation and deactivation occur. The following sections detail how these events are managed by Wwise and what has to be done by the client app to ensure proper audio.

Audio Session Categories and Options

All audio apps running on iOS must use an audio session to process, acquire, or output sounds. Since all audio apps might not use audio for the same goal or purposes (an audio recording app might need audio to be acquired in background execution while a game is entirely paused when another audio app is started), iOS defines a certain number of audio session categories that group expected audio behaviors when user actions or system events, such as the ones presented above, occur. Each audio app must register itself to use a given category before being able to process audio on the device.

The main audio behaviors that differ between the categories are:

  • Whether or not the app audio is silenced by the Ring/Silent switch (often referred to as the 'Lock' button) on the device;
  • Whether or not an audio app will stop audio of another app that is configured as a non mixable audio app; or
  • If the app allows audio input (recording), audio output (playback), or both.

Each audio app can belong to only one category at a time. If no category is explicitly chosen, the default AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient category is used. Four main categories are available in the iOS Wwise SDK:

  • AkAudioSessionCategoryAmbient: Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient category
    • Used for audio playback only (no recording available).
    • App audio is silenced when the Ring/Silent switch is activated (when 'Lock' is pressed).
    • App audio will be interrupted if other audio app activates its audio session in the foreground.
    • App audio will be mixed with other mixable background audio (for example, the Music app).
    • App audio can include many types of sounds such as SFX, dialogue, or music. Unless the app audio is specifically tagged as BGM that can be muted in Wwise (see Handling User Music (BGM) and DVR for details), all app audio in the Ambient category will be mixed with other apps' audio. The most typical case is when the user starts the Music app and starts playing music before switching back to your app.
    • This category is well suited for games where audio adds an interesting experience to the app while allowing another app's audio to be included in the experience. Using this category, a user can, for example, choose to listen to music using the Music app while your app outputs SFX or dialogues.
    • Ambient does not allow audio background playing from your app. If a user switches from your app to another audio app, your app audio will be silenced, even if the other app uses a mixable category.
  • AkAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient: Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient category
    • Used for audio playback only (no recording available).
    • App audio is silenced when the Ring/Silent switch is activated (when 'Lock' is pressed).
    • The main difference with the Ambient category is that when the audio session is activated, audio from other apps is interrupted.
    • App audio will be interrupted if another audio app activates its audio session in the foreground.
    • App audio will be interrupted if another audio app activates its audio session in the background under a mixable or non-mixable category.
    • This category is also recommended for game apps which use audio that should not be mixed with other audio apps running in the background. For example, users that listen to music with the Music app and switch back to your app will have their music silenced when your app resumes.
  • AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord: Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord category
    • Used for audio playback and recording.
    • App audio is not silenced when the Ring/Silent switch is activated (when 'Lock' is pressed).
    • App audio will be interrupted if another audio app activates its audio session in the foreground.
    • By default, this category does not use the overridden AkAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers option (see below) and other app's audio such as the music from the Music app will not be mixed with your app audio when it plays.
    • If using the category option AkAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers (see below), app audio will be mixed with other sources if another audio app activates its audio session in the background. For example, users listening to music with the Music app who switch to your app will have their music mixed with your app's audio. However, like AkAudioSessionCategoryAmbient, BGM from your app that is set to be muted in Wwise (see Handling User Music (BGM) and DVR for details) would still not be output with this option.
    • This category, used in conjunction with the properly configured app plist allows audio to be played/recorded while the app is switched to the background. If your app needs to support background audio processing such as in a voice recording app or a music player app, this mode is the only Wwise-supported one that allows it. To do so, however, the app option plist must be modified to add the required background mode key set to 1 for the 'App plays audio or streams audio/video using Airplay' field.
    • This category should only be used for applications that require microphone input.
  • AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayback: Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback category
    • Used for audio playback only.
    • App audio is not silenced when the Ring/Silent switch is activated (that is, when 'Lock' is pressed).
    • App audio will be interrupted if another audio app activates its audio session in the foreground.
    • By default, this category does not use the overridden AkAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers option (see below) and other app's audio such as the music from the Music app will not be mixed with your app audio when it plays.
    • This category, used in conjunction with the properly configured app plist allows audio to be played/recorded while the app is switched to the background. If your app needs to support background audio processing, such as in a voice recording app or a music player app, this mode is the only Wwise-supported mode that allows it. To do so, however, the app option plist must be modified to add the required background mode key set to 1 for the 'App plays audio or streams audio/video using Airplay' field.
    • This category should only be used for applications that require audio to be played while in the background and do not need microphone input.

In addition to the audio session categories listed above, some categories' default behavior can be overridden using category options.

Audio session category options can be configured with enum AkAudioSessionCategoryOptions:

  • AkAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers: Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers category option
    • Use only with the AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord and AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayback categories.
    • Overrides the default category behavior to allow the audio to be mixed with other mixable audio apps.
  • AkAudioSessionCategoryOptionDuckOthers: Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDuckOthers category option
    • Use only with the AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord and AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayback categories.
    • Allows audio from other apps to be 'ducked' when the running app audio session is active.
  • AkAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth: Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth category option
    • Use only with the AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord category.
    • Allows Bluetooth devices to be available input routes when recording.
  • AkAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetoothA2DP: Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetoothA2DP category option
    • Use only with the AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord category.
    • Allows paired Bluetooth A2DP devices to be available input routes when recording.
  • AkAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker : Equivalent to the iOS audio session AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker category option
    • Use only with the AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord category.
    • If this option is used and no other audio route is available, the app audio will play through the device's built-in speakers. If not used and no other audio route is available, the app audio will play through the receiver.
    • This option is only relevant for iPhones where a receiver is present. It has no effect on iPads and iPods.

iOS Audio Event Mechanisms with Wwise

On iOS devices, a certain number of user actions or system events can occur while your app is using the device's audio hardware. For example, an incoming phone call, a user switching your app for another app, an audible timer alert that goes off, a user connecting/disconnecting headphones into/from the jack, or a user pressing the Ring/Silent switch are possible events that have an impact on your app's audio behavior. This section presents the different mechanisms found in iOS for such events and how its communicated to your app through Wwise.

Three main families of events relevant to audio exist in iOS: foreground/background transitions, interruptions, and route changes.

Foreground/Background Transitions

The behavior of the sound engine when the application is sent to background by the OS depends on the Audio Session category.

In Ambient and Solo Ambient categories, the audio session is deactivated while in the background, therefore the Sound Engine suspends itself. This means no audio is processed and no API calls are serviced. This is done to save on battery, as per Apple's guidelines. Therefore, your game should suspend processing as well and avoid calling any of the AK::SoundEngine calls. When the application comes back to the foreground, the sound engine is resumed and any queued API calls are processed. All these operations happen automatically.

In PlayAndRecord and Playback categories, going to the background does not interrupt audio. The audio continues to be processed and API calls are serviced as usual. This behavior can be changed by setting the AkAudioSessionBehaviorSuspendInBackground flag in the eAudioSessionBehavior parameter of the platform initialization settings. When this flag is set, the sound engine suspends itself when the app goes to the background, the same as the Ambient and Solo Ambient categories above.


Different system events or user actions can lead to the deactivation of the app's audio session, even when it is in the foreground. This is referred to as an audio session interruption. Such interruptions occur, for example, when receiving an incoming phone call or when Siri is activated.

No matter which audio session category is chosen, the sound engine automatically suspends audio rendering during the interruption. However, API calls are still processed, so this mode effectively acts as a global mute. When the interruption ends, audio rendering resumes automatically.

If your application must be aware of these interruptions, and your game engine does not expose them, you can set a callback function in AkPlatformInitSettings.audioCallbacks.interruptionCallback. Otherwise, there is nothing to do to handle these events from the sound engine perspective.

Wwise takes care of suspending/resuming the sound engine components when receiving these interruptions and no further action is required by the user to ensure proper audio session activation/deactivation. If specific processing is required in the SDK client app when the audio session is either interrupted or resumed (for example, to update UI elements or give visual feedback for the interruption), the code must be added to the application callback described above.

Caution: Since the 'begin' audio interruption callback is called just before internally suspending the sound engine, it must not be used for playing any kind of audio, even short sounds, because the expected result can't be guaranteed.
Caution: User audio interruption callback is only meant to do simple tasks such as UI or object property updates. It must never be used to do CPU intensive computation or time consuming operations. Expected results in such cases are not guaranteed.

Route Change

An audio route is a given pathway of audio through the different audio hardware components in the device. When a user plugs or unplugs a headset for example, the audio route is changed since it is expected that the sound output should now either be sent to the headset or suspended instead of coming out of the device speaker. iOS can notify route changes to apps that register the AVAudioSessionRouteChangeNotification.

An Apple audio session automatically takes care of activating/deactivating a running app audio session when basic route changes such as headphone plug/unplug events occur. The Wwise SDK does not offer any callback mechanism other than the interruption case described above. If a user app needs to detect such route changes to reflect specific elements in their app, refer to the Integration Demo to see an example of how this can be easily achieved.

Airplay Support

It is possible to cast the audio produced by Wwise to an Airplay-compatible device. To achieve this, your application must use the AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayback category, and must specify the AkAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicyLongFormAudio or AkAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicyLongFormVideo route-sharing policy. This makes your application's audio behave like a media playback application such as Apple Music or Apple Podcasts rather than an interactive audio application.

Caution: The Airplay protocol is designed for media playback applications, not interactive audio applications. The latency induced by Airplay makes it unsuitable for interactive audio applications.

For more information on correctly implementing Airplay support in your application, refer to the Apple developer guidelines on Airplay:

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