Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
The official repository for the Wwise Addressables Package is :
More information about using packages hosted on Git repositories can be found in the Unity documentation.
![]() | Note: | If you see an error containing the message "No 'git' executable was found", you will have to add the directory containing the git.exe executable to your system environment and possibly restart your system for the changes to take effect. |
![]() | Note: | The Unity Addressables Package must also be added to the project for Wwise addressables to function properly. The package is listed as a dependancy of the Wwise Addressables Package and should be installed automatically. |
When updating to a newer version of Wwise, we recommend updating the Unity Integration before updating the Wwise Unity Addressables package.
Updates to the Wwise Unity Addressables Package are published at the same time as minor or major Wwise releases, but are not necessarily as frequent. Each update is tagged with the version of Wwise it was released (and tested) with. We aim to maintain compatibility between newer versions of the Unity Integration and older versions of the Wwise Unity Addressables package, unless major changes are needed. For example, the Wwise Unity integration version 2021.1.7 and newer are not compatible with versions of the Wwise Unity Addressables package older than the 21.1.7 tag (and vice-versa). Each GitHub tag has a corresponding entry on the repository's releases page which describes the changes made and their version compatibility.
The Wwise Unity Addressables Package should be compatible with the latest version of the Unity Addressables package. It should also be compatible with older versions, but versions prior to 1.16.0 are untested. By default, the Wwise Unity Addressables Package uses the latest "verified" version of the Addressables package for minimum Unity version supported by the Unity Integration. Refer to Release Notes - Wwise Unity Integration 2024.1.2 for the list of supported Unity versions.
Step 1: Set the target directory for your generated SoundBanks in Project Settings > Wwise Integration > SoundBanks Path.
![]() | Caution: This directory must be inside your Assets folder for the SoundBanks to be properly imported. |
.Step 2: Generate SoundBanks, either from within Wwise Authoring or using the Wwise Picker.
Step 3: Click Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Groups. The Wwise Addressables Groups window opens.
By default, one group is created for each deployment platform containing the platform-specific SoundBank assets. Separate groups are created containing only the Init SoundBank for each deployment platform.
If you inspect the WwiseGlobal object in the scene, you will find that an Init Bank Holder component has been added to it.
![]() | Note: | The Init Bank Holder will only be added to the currently open scene. If the project contains multiple scenes, make sure all the scenes have been opened and saved, or alternatively, use the script under Tools > Reload All Scenes. ![]() |
Step 4: Create a Wwise Build Script for Addressables.
alongside the default build scripts.Step 5: Inspect the Addressables settings.
Step 6: Add BuildScriptWwisePacked to the Addressables build scripts. In the inspector for AddressableAssetSettings, add the BuildScriptWwisePacked asset you created in Step 4 to the Build and Play Mode scripts.
Build the Addressable asset bundles from the Groups window using the Wwise Build Script. This will generate all general asset bundles (e.g. Default Local Group) as well as platform specific asset bundles in Library\com.unity.Addressables\StreamingAssetsCopy\aa\<Platform Name>
![]() | Caution: The Wwise Build Script modifies the Include in Build property of WwiseData group schemas. If a group has WwiseData in its name, it will only be included if the name also contains the target build platform name. This behaviour can be modified in the BuildScriptWwisePacked.cs script. If you want to manually control which groups are included using the Include in Build property, you may simply use the default build script. |
Once the addressable assets have been built, the project can be built as usual.
![]() | Caution: You will have to rebuild the Addressable groups if you modify or add new SoundBanks to your project. Also remember to rebuild Addressable groups after you switch platforms. |
In the build directory :
.Removing this package requires a few additional steps for the Wwise integration to function properly.
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