
Warning: you were redirected to the latest documentation corresponding to your major release ( 2024.1.2.8726 ). Should you wish to access your specific version's documentation, please download the offline documentation from the Audiokinetic Launcher and check the Offline Documentation option in Wwise Authoring.
Target Platform(s):
Wwise SDK 2024.1.2
iOS/tvOS 2019.2.8


  • iOS Deployment Target: 9.0
  • iOS SDK: 14.2
  • tvOS Deployment Target: 9.0
  • tvOS SDK: 14.2
  • Xcode®: 12.2
  • Target Architectures: arm64, x86_64 (simulator)

Release Notes

The following sections list and describe the iOS/tvOS specific changes to Wwise between version 2019.2.7 and version 2019.2.8. For general release notes, please refer to Release Notes 2019.2.8

Miscellaneous Changes

  • WG-44666 Solutions matching the project files are now available. These can be used to generate dynamic libraries from the static libraries of most plug-ins.
  • WG-52331 The bitcode contained in the iOS and tvOS libraries is now generated with Xcode 12. Consequently, any Xcode project linking with the Wwise SDK libraries must also be using Xcode 12 to avoid errors at link-time. Alternatively, bitcode can be turned off in the Xcode project's Build Settings (look for the "Enable Bitcode" option), but be aware that Apple requires bitcode to be enabled for tvOS app submissions to the App Store.
  • Supported Architectures Starting with 2019.2.8, the Sound Engine is only provided as arm64 binaries: armv7 (32-bit) is no longer provided.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-50618 Mastering Suite: Fixed artifacts when using the advanced mode of the limiter on mobile devices.

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