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Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Wwise Demo Scene

Demonstration scenes, containing the Wwise Unity Integration, are available to download. These simple scenes, created using Unity's standard assets, demonstrate how to use some of the Integration's basic features.

The Wwise Demo Scene is a standalone project, and provides an example of how to use the Wwise Unity Integration in the Unity Editor. It is not intended to be the foundation of a new Unity game.

Installing the Wwise Demo Scene

The Wwise Demo Scene is available to download through the Audiokinetic Launcher.

To install the Wwise Demo Scene:

  1. In the Audiokinetic Launcher, open the Unity tab.
  2. Select Download > Wwise Demo Scene, then select the desired version.
  3. Choose an installation directory. The WwiseUnityDemoScene project is installed, including the generated SoundBanks. The associated Wwise Project is located in the <DEMO_SCENE_ROOT>/WwiseProject directory.


You can use the Wwise Demo Scene to test deployment to different platforms and devices.

To deploy a Wwise Demo Scene scene to a game console or mobile device:

  1. In the Audiokinetic Launcher, open the Unity tab.
  2. Next to the WwiseUnityDemoScene project, select Modify Wwise in Project. The Unity integration page opens.
  3. Add the desired Deployment Platforms and click Modify.
  4. After the modification is complete, open the updated version of the project in Unity.
  5. Generate the SoundBanks for the platform.
  6. Copy the GeneratedSoundBanks folder to the StreamingAssets/Audio folder.
  7. In Unity, build the scene for the desired platform, then deploy to the device.

The Unity Demo Scene contains two tutorials:

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