Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
▼NAK | Audiokinetic namespace |
NComm | |
▼NHashTable | |
NInternal | |
NInstrument | |
NMemoryMgr | |
NMonitor | |
NMusicEngine | |
NProfilingID | |
▼NSoundEngine | |
NDynamicDialogue | |
NDynamicSequence | |
NiOS | |
NQuery | |
▼NSpatialAudio | Audiokinetic spatial audio namespace |
NReverbEstimation | Audiokinetic reverb estimation namespace |
▼NSpeakerVolumes | Multi-channel volume definitions and services |
NMatrix | Volume matrix (multi-in/multi-out channel configurations) services |
NVector | Volume vector services |
NStreamMgr | Audiokinetic Stream Manager's implementation-specific interfaces of the Low-Level IO submodule |
NTempAlloc | |
NWin32 | Win32 namespace |
▼NWwise | |
▼NPlugin | |
NNotifications | |
▼NV1 | |
NNotifications | Notifications namespace |
NV2 | |
NXmlElementType | |
NXmlNodeType | Types of possible XML elements. See MSDN documentation topics for XmlNodeType |
NXmlWhiteSpaceHandling | |
NXmlWriteReady | Possible error codes when writing XML |
NXmlWriteState | |
NSourceControlContainers | Source Control Containers namespace |
NWwiseAuthoringAPI | |
NAkFileParser | Public data structures for converted file format |
NAkMath | |
NAKPLATFORM | Platform-dependent helpers |
▼NMicrosoft | |
▼NWRL | |
NDetails | |
NPlatformID | |
NUnitTest |
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