Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine. Here is what has changed in the 2022.1.0.8070.2495 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build). Refer to Upgrading Projects to Wwise 2022.1 for detailed migration instructions.
![](/images/2023.1.10_8659/?source=UE4&id=Note.gif) | Note:
This integration does not support experimental Unreal Engine features. |
![](/images/2023.1.10_8659/?source=UE4&id=Note.gif) | Note:
This integration was compiled against Unreal Engine version 4.27, and 5.0. It was tested against Unreal Engine 5.0. Any major Unreal Engine version more recent than the aforementioned is not currently supported, but will be in a subsequent patch release. |
For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.
New Features
- WG-49047 Added an option to the Unreal Level Editor Viewport to toggle the state of VisualizeRoomsAndFeatures.
- WG-54310 Added an auto-defined SoundBanks option. When enabled, Wwise automatically defines SoundBanks for each Event and Aux Bus, where possible. Refer to Automatically Defining SoundBanks for more details.
Auto-defined SoundBanks are enabled via the SoundBank Settings. Refer to SoundBank Settings for more details.
- WG-54325 Added a ShowReverbInfo property to AkSettings. You can use the new property to show or hide information about AkLateReverbComponents in viewports.
- WG-54368 Event-Based Packaging and Asset Synchronization are now done through the Generated SoundBanks folder exclusively. This is also known as the Single Source Of Truth (SSOT) workflow.
- WG-56798 Added text to Portals showing the names of connected Rooms in the Unreal Level Editor.
- WG-57544 Added the AkEffectShareSet asset.
Added blueprint functions to set Effect Sharesets on Buses, Output Devices and Actor Mixers.
- WG-57973 Project migration can now be done via the AkMigration commandlet.
- WG-59194 In relation to the new error message translators, added two new Wwise User Settings to adjust the timeout values for XML and WAAPI. These are found under a new section called Error Message Translator.
- WG-60953 Timer scopes showing the different segments of execution in Wwise are now logged in Unreal's CPU profiler and visible as a part of Timing Insights, allowing for better understanding of where Wwise CPU time is spent. Events related to Voice Starvation are also logged as bookmarks in Timing Insights.
- WG-61215 Added fully asynchronous asset loading and unloading.
API Changes
- WG-55810 Handling of external sources is now managed through the WwiseExternalSourceManager interface, which provides default functionalities and classes for loading media but must be extended by user code to be fully functional.
- WG-55811 Added a minimal implementation of WwiseExternalSourceManager, called WwiseSimpleExternalSourceManager, which is used in the Wwise Demo Game.
- WG-56507 TryUnsetMedia now issues an asynchronous stop command, and marks media as unavailable, to guarantee that repeat calls to TryUnsetMedia will eventually succeed.
- WG-57220 Added Obstruction and Occlusion calls to the FAkAudioDevice class.
- WG-59008 Low level sound engine is now located in WwiseSoundEngine module.
- WG-60672 PostEvent functions in the AkAudioDevice now have more explicit names and only accept UAkAudioEvent objects or ShortIds to specify the Event.
- WG-61185 Renamed
to FAkAudioDevice::SetObjectObstructionAndOcclusion
to match the Wwise SDK API.
- WG-61754 PostEvent calls in Blueprint do not support External Sources anymore. PostEvent calls with an Event ShortID or Event Name are deprecated. Async PostEvent calls are deprecated.
Behavior Changes
- WG-56246 It's now possible to use Blueprint or C++ to change Mastering Suite ShareSets at runtime.
- WG-57541 Removed automatic asset synchronization.
- WG-57543 Disabled automatic WAAPI synchronization of Unreal assets.
- WG-57545 Added a menu option to import Wwise assets from the Wwise and WAAPI Pickers.
- WG-57546 You can now drag assets directly from the Wwise and WAAPI Pickers into blueprints, object properties, and the Content Browser.
- WG-58218 Wwise Picker and WAAPI Picker can now be used concurrently.
- WG-60762 (Spatial Audio) Early reflection volume set using
now applies to image sources set using AK::SpatialAudio::SetImageSource
as well as reflections calculated from geometry.
- WG-60907 Changed the default value of the "Samples Per Frame" initialization setting to 512 on all platforms. This increases out-of-the-box CPU usage in Wwise slightly but significantly reduces the total audio latency in the sound engine. It is still recommended to tune "Samples Per Frame" and "Number of Refills In Voice" to balance your game's total audio latency against the available computing resources.
- WG-60985 The units of the Time To First Reflection variable are changed from seconds to milliseconds. Game Parameters previously mapped to this variable must now range over units of milliseconds instead of seconds.
- WG-61088 WwiseAudioMixer is not loaded by default anymore.
- WG-61630 All platform-specific AkAudio.AkInitializationSettings defined in your DefaultGame.ini config are now stored in their platform-specific Game.ini files, where applicable. Existing settings in DefaultGame.ini still load properly, but modifications are now saved to the platform-specific Game.ini automatically.
- WG-61703 Wwise Sound Engine monitor messages are now written in the LogWwiseMonitor category.
- WG-61968 Removed Clear Wwise Cache option. Use Wwise Authoring to clear the cache if necessary.
Performance Changes
- WG-60585 Now using asynchronous file operations for streaming media.
Miscellaneous Changes
- WG-49994 Updated the CollisionChannel property in the AkAcousticPortal and AkSpatialAudioVolume actors, as well as the OcclusionCollisionChannel property in AkComponent. These properties now have a Use Integration Settings Default option, which will use the value defined in the Wwise Integration Settings.
- WG-57979 Updated the AkAcousticPortal Component so that calls to OpenPortal and ClosePortal no longer stack.
- WG-58066 Removed obsolete AkFolder assets.
- WG-60370 Added support for Visual Studio 2022.
- WG-60852 The Wwise Demo Game's Wwise project was moved from the "UnrealWwiseDemo" folder to the "Wwise Project" folder.
- WG-61144 Reduced the severity of AkAcousticPortal messages about the front and back rooms of a portal being the same. These are now logs instead of warnings.
- WG-61216 Removed Subsystem usage for Wwise modules.
- WG-61500 Made it possible for Havok and other physics engines to use the Wwise Unreal Integration.
Bug Fixes
- WG-54552 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) Paths through portals are inaccurate; straight-line paths sometimes have non-zero diffraction or paths miss portals entirely.
- WG-57304 Fixed: When a Surface Reflector component is positioned using large values, selecting a single face in Brush Editing mode does not allow you to edit it.
- WG-57354 Fixed: Plane geometry is incorrectly converted when sent to Wwise, which results in faulty geometry in the Game Object 3D Viewer.
- WG-60315 Fixed: Crash when dragging an asset from the Wwise Picker to the Content Browser if the asset already exists.
- WG-61042 Fixed: SetOcclusionScalingFactor and GetOcclusionScalingFactor blueprint functions do nothing.
- WG-61121 Fixed: Clear Sound Data dialog has unused options and a misleading name. The dialog is now called Clear Wwise Cache.
- WG-61125 Fixed: Server and Client Unreal builds not able to find the correct platform.
- WG-61129 Fixed: No sound in Standalone Game mode.
- WG-61242 Fixed: Changes related to external sources are done synchronously.
- WG-61266 Fixed: Possible crash when creating assets by dragging them from the Wwise Picker.
- WG-61518 Fixed: Spatial Audio Tutorial's Blueprint Building has a Room bigger than its Geometry and doesn't link its Geometry Component to measure HF Damping.
- WG-61525 Fixed: Crash in the destructor of FAkSurfaceReflectorSetDetailsCustomization.
- WG-61658 Fixed: Plug-in media and External Sources in Switch Containers are not parsed properly by WwiseProjectDatabase.
Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs
- WG-60332 Fixed: Dialog to set the Wwise Project Path considers the Wwise project folder instead of the GeneratedSoundBanks folder.
- WG-60969 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) Any emitter using diffraction can become inaudible when the listener position overlaps a portal.
- WG-61202 Fixed: Stopping a Play in Editor session stops the AkAudioMixer.
- WG-61226 Fixed: Pausing a Play in Editor session does not pause sounds.
- WG-61291 Fixed: DefaultGame.ini is updated at Editor startup.
- WG-61334 Fixed: Face-specific acoustic information on AkSpatialAudioVolumes is reset when the face is moved.
- WG-61790 Fixed: Adding AkGeometry to complex meshes freezes Unreal while it is calculating the static mesh.
- WG-61953 Fixed: Empty Assets throw errors instead of warnings during cooking.