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Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
AkStreamMgrModule.h File Reference

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struct  AkStreamMgrSettings
struct  AkDeviceSettings
struct  AkFileDesc
struct  AkIOTransferInfo
struct  AkAsyncIOTransferInfo
struct  AkAsyncFileOpenData
struct  AkIoHeuristics
class  AK::StreamMgr::IAkLowLevelIOHook
struct  AK::StreamMgr::IAkLowLevelIOHook::BatchIoTransferItem
class  AK::StreamMgr::IAkFileLocationResolver


namespace  AK
 Audiokinetic namespace.
 Audiokinetic Stream Manager's implementation-specific interfaces of the Low-Level IO submodule.


Audiokinetic Stream Manager's implementation-specific definitions.
typedef void(* AkIOCallback) (AkAsyncIOTransferInfo *in_pTransferInfo, AKRESULT in_eResult)
typedef void(* AkFileOpenCallback) (AkAsyncFileOpenData *in_pOpenInfo, AKRESULT in_eResult)


Audiokinetic implementation-specific Stream Manager factory.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API IAkStreamMgr * AK::StreamMgr::Create (const AkStreamMgrSettings &in_settings)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AK::StreamMgr::GetDefaultSettings (AkStreamMgrSettings &out_settings)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API IAkFileLocationResolver * AK::StreamMgr::GetFileLocationResolver ()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AK::StreamMgr::SetFileLocationResolver (IAkFileLocationResolver *in_pFileLocationResolver)
Stream Manager: High-level I/O devices management.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::StreamMgr::CreateDevice (const AkDeviceSettings &in_settings, IAkLowLevelIOHook *in_pLowLevelHook, AkDeviceID &out_idDevice)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::StreamMgr::DestroyDevice (AkDeviceID in_deviceID)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AK::StreamMgr::GetDefaultDeviceSettings (AkDeviceSettings &out_settings)
Stream Manager: Cache management.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AK::StreamMgr::FlushAllCaches ()

Language management.

typedef void(* AK::StreamMgr::AkLanguageChangeHandler) (const AkOSChar *const in_pLanguageName, void *in_pCookie)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::StreamMgr::SetCurrentLanguage (const AkOSChar *in_pszLanguageName)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API const AkOSCharAK::StreamMgr::GetCurrentLanguage ()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::StreamMgr::AddLanguageChangeObserver (AkLanguageChangeHandler in_handler, void *in_pCookie)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AK::StreamMgr::RemoveLanguageChangeObserver (void *in_pCookie)

Detailed Description

Audiokinetic's implementation-specific definitions and factory of overridable Stream Manager module. Contains the default Stream Manager's implementation-specific interfaces that altogether constitute the Low-Level I/O submodule. This submodule needs to be implemented by the game. All I/O requests generated by the Stream Manager end up to one of the I/O hooks defined herein. Read Low-Level I/O to learn more about the Low-Level I/O.

Definition in file AkStreamMgrModule.h.

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