
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2023.1.10.8659 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
New Features

New Platforms Supported

Wwise 2011.1 adds support for the following platforms:

  • Apple iOS
  • Nintendo 3DS

New Voice Limitation System

The Wwise voice limitation system is greatly improved in 2011.1:

  • Now possible to have a sound being over the playback limit to go virtual instead of simply be killed.
  • Now possible to optionally add a global playback limit at the actor-mixer limiter level, instead of the per game object limit.
  • A Project playback limit was added as a Project setting (can also be modified at runtime using the SDK function AK::SoundEngine::SetMaxNumVoicesLimit())
  • Virtual voices are not part of the count for the sound instance limit anymore, solving the known issue where audible sounds were occasionally kicked by inaudible sounds.

Solo Mute for Monitoring

Solo and Mute buttons were added for monitoring purposes in the following views:

  • Mixing Desk
  • Master Mixer Console
  • Advanced Profiler (Voices tab)
  • 속성 편집기
  • Schematic View
  • Music Segment Editor
  • Soundcaster
  • Query View
  • Reference View
  • List View (new in 2011.1)

The Solo and Mute buttons also serve as indicators when an ancestor or descendant object is muted or soloed.

The Wwise Toolbar also has a Reset Mute button and a Reset Solo button. Those can be used to reset all the mutes and the solos done in the current session.

List View

The new List View allows you to search, consult and edit objects in Wwise. The List View can be populated in multiples ways:

  • Using the search field at the top of the list
  • By dragging objects from other lists in Wwise: hold Shift when dragging to add objects instead of replacing
  • By using the Show in List View context menu item when right-clicking an object
  • From the Open Results in List View button in the toolbar floating search results dialog

The List View also allows editing of the properties of the objects in the list. 원하는 속성이나 행을 나타내도록 설정하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

  • Right-clicking the list header and selecting Configure Columns OR
  • Clicking the View Settings button in the titlebar of the view

Double-clicking an entry in the List View opens the corresponding object for editing. You can also select one or more entries in the results list and then right-click to display a series of common commands, including multi-edit, convert, and show in Schematic View.

Multi-Editor improvements

The Multi-Editor now allows you to edit:

  • Notes for every object type
  • Attenuation ShareSet assignation
  • Positioning properties
  • Several new object types

Perforce diff tool is now configurable

In the Perforce plug-in, it is now possible to select a third-party diff application other than p4merge.

Configurable Soundbank Log Severities

The severity of the different messages in the soundbank log can now be changed in the Project Settings > Logs tab. Changing the severity of the messages allows more control over the return code when using the Wwise command line application (WwiseCLI.exe).

New Event Action: Set Game Parameter

It is now possible to create event actions that set the Game Parameter value, for a game object or globally. Additionally, the Game Parameter can be set to an absolute value or relatively to the current value, with or without a transition time.

Convolution Reverb EQ

The Convolution Reverb has a new EQ tab allowing you to filter-out or boost certain frequencies of the Impulse Response, providing a very precise control over the tone or coloration of the reverb.

Runtime Authoring

It is now possible to modify event action properties and instance limits on objects while connected to the game.

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