

Property Editor: Master Audio and Master Secondary Busses

These Property Editors contain the exact same properties for the master Audio Busses, including the master secondary busses. This is the final level where you can define the Volume, Pitch, Low-pass Filter, and High-pass Filter for all the different sound and music structures within your project. Where the master Audio Bus final output is the primary audio system (be that a handheld device, television, or more elaborate speaker setup), the secondary master bus final output is a complementary audio output that may be available, such as a game controller. This is selected with the Audio Device property, available only at the topmost level of each bus hierarchy.


Some options aren't available on all platforms.


Interface Element



The name of the object.

Displays the object's color. Clicking the icon opens the color selector.

Select a color to apply it to the object. When you choose a color for an object, a palette icon appears on the selected square, as well as a yellow triangle in the lower-right corner, as shown.

To inherit the parent object's color, select the square at the far left of the color selector.

Controls the Mute and Solo states for the object and shows the implicit mute and solo states for the object.

Muting an object silences this object for the current monitoring session. Soloing an object silences all the other objects in the project except this one.

A bold M or S indicates that the Mute or Solo state has been explicitly set for the object. A non-bold M or S with faded color indicates that the object's Mute or Solo state was implicitly set from another object's state.

Muting an object implicitly mutes the descendant objects.

Soloing an object implicitly mutes the sibling objects and implicitly solos the descendant and ancestor objects.


Hold the Ctrl key while clicking a solo button to exclusively solo the object for which the solo button is associated.


Mute and Solo are designed to be used for monitoring purposes only and are not persisted in the project or stored in the SoundBanks.

Indicates the number of elements in your project that contain direct references to the object. The icon is displayed in orange when references to the object exist, and in gray when no references exist.

Selecting the button opens the Reference View with the object's name in the References to: field.


Any additional information about the object properties.

Sets the display of the Property Editor's selected tabs. By default, there is one panel that displays a single selected tab. You can, however, click a splitter button to display two panels, divided horizontally or vertically. The selected option is highlighted with a background color.

You cannot open the same tab in both panels. If you try to open the same tab in both panels, the first panel automatically opens a different tab.

[Tip]Shortcuts for selecting tabs

  • Press Ctrl and the number that corresponds to the number of the Property Editor tab you want to view. For example, Ctrl+4 opens the RTPC tab if it is the fourth visible tab.

Relative Properties

Interface Element


Bus Volume

The attenuation (level or amplitude) applied on the audio signal at the bus or Auxiliary Bus level. Refer to Understanding the voice pipeline for more information about volumes.

Default value: 0
Range: -200 to 200
Units: dB


The default slider range is from -96 to +12. You can go over those limits by entering the value directly, or by rolling the mouse while the focus is on the edit control.

Voice Volume

The attenuation (level or amplitude) applied on the current object before it is routed to a bus or sent to an Auxiliary Bus. Refer to Understanding the voice pipeline for more information about volumes.

Default value: 0
Range: -400 to 400
Units: dB


The default slider range is from -96 to +12 dB. You can go over those limits by entering the value directly or by rolling the mouse while the focus is on the edit control.

Voice Pitch

The playback speed of an audio structure, where:

  • Pitch 0 = Normal speed.

  • Pitch 1,200 = 2 x speed.

  • Pitch 2,400 = 4 x speed.

  • Pitch -1,200 = 0.5 speed

  • Pitch -2,400 = 0.25 speed


1,200 cents is equivalent to one octave.

Default value: 0

Range: -2400 to 2400

Units: Cents

Voice Low-pass Filter

A recursive filter that attenuates high frequencies based on the value specified.

The units for this filter represent the percentage of low-pass filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no low-pass filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation.

(For more detail, see Wwise LPF and HPF Value Cutoff Frequencies .)

Default value: 0

Range: 0 to 100

Units: %

Voice High-pass Filter

A recursive filter that attenuates low frequencies based on the value specified.

The units for this filter represent the percentage of high-pass filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no high-pass filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation.

Default value: 0

Range: 0 to 100

Units: %

Bus Specific

Interface Element



A per channel peak meter. For more information about speaker configurations and channels, refer to Understanding Bus Configurations.

The signal level is green under -6 dB, yellow from -6 to 0 dB, and red over 0 dB.

The meter data source can be synchronized with the currently playing objects or, when a profiling session is present, with historical values. When the meter is showing the profiling session history, use the LIVE button on the Wwise toolbar to return to current values.


Meters are not available on non-mixing busses. Refer to Understanding the bus icons and processing status for more information on the various processing statuses.

Audio Device

Audio device used to output the audio generated by this bus. Select among the existing Audio Device ShareSets defined in the Audio Device section. If you want to use a third-party Audio Device plug-in, you may need to create a ShareSet first.


If any of your project’s platforms does not support the specified Audio Device, then this field will be highlighted blue and a warning message will indicate the platforms for which it is invalid. A warning message will also show up in the SoundBank Generation tab of the Logs view if you attempt to generate SoundBanks for the invalid platforms.

Bus Status (Authoring)

Interface Element



Displays the processing status of the bus based on how the project has been authored in Wwise; the processing status at runtime may differ. Refer to Understanding the bus icons and processing status for details on how the processing status is determined.

Bus Config.

Displays the bus configuration at the Pre-Effects stage based on how the project has been authored in Wwise; the bus configuration at runtime may differ.

When there is mixing on a bus, the Pre-Effects stage is after the mixing stage, but before any Effects are processed. For example, in the case of a bus with the bus configuration set to 2.0, all inputs are mixed to a stereo configuration, and then Effects are added to the stereo signal. The Bus Config. field displays the configuration of the bus between these two stages.

Out Config.

Displays the bus configuration at the Post-Effects stage (i.e., after both mixing and Effects have been processed). This is based on how the project has been authored in Wwise; the bus configuration at runtime may differ.

Because Effects have the ability to change the bus configuration, the Out Config. can differ from the Bus Config. For example, consider a bus with the Reflect plug-in. The Bus Config. could be 1.0, while its Out Config. would be Audio Objects.

If there are no Effects inserted on a bus, Bus Config. and Out Config. are equivalent. When there are Effects inserted on a bus, the Out Config. will indicate 'Unknown' unless you are profiling captured data from the sound engine. In this case, the actual Out Config. will be displayed.

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