
Warning: you were redirected to the latest documentation corresponding to your major release ( 2023.1.7.8574 ). Should you wish to access your specific version's documentation, please download the offline documentation from the Audiokinetic Launcher and check the Offline Documentation option in Wwise Authoring.
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 NAKAudiokinetic namespace
 NAkFileParserPublic data structures for converted file format
 NAKPLATFORMPlatform-dependent helpers
 Cak_wwise_plugin_analysis_task_instance_v1Base instance type for providing analysis task services through ak_wwise_plugin_analysis_task_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_audio_plugin_instance_v1Base instance type for providing audio plug-in backend services through ak_wwise_plugin_audio_plugin_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_audio_plugin_v1Wwise API for general Audio Plug-in's backend
 Cak_wwise_plugin_backend_instancePlug-in backend instance
 Cak_wwise_plugin_containerRoot interface allowing a logical unit (variable, library) to contain more than one interface
 Cak_wwise_plugin_conversion_instance_v1Base instance type for providing a conversion plug-in through ak_wwise_plugin_conversion_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instanceGeneric base for all plug-in instances in C++
 Cak_wwise_plugin_custom_data_instance_v1Base instance type for providing custom data loading and saving through ak_wwise_plugin_custom_data_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_custom_data_v1Backend API to load and save custom data in XML format
 Cak_wwise_plugin_feedback_aware_instance_v1Base instance type for providing property-based feedback through ak_wwise_plugin_feedback_aware_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_first_time_creation_message_instance_v1Base instance type for providing a message shown the first time an instance is created through ak_wwise_plugin_first_time_creation_message_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_first_time_creation_message_v1Plug-in that provides a special usage message when first instantiated
 Cak_wwise_plugin_frontend_instancePlug-in frontend instance
 Cak_wwise_plugin_frontend_v1Frontend plug-in API for Audio plug-ins
 Cak_wwise_plugin_gui_conversion_windows_instance_v1Base instance type for providing a Windows frontend for a conversion plug-in through ak_wwise_plugin_gui_conversion_windows_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_gui_windows_instance_v1Base instance type for providing a Windows frontend for an audio plug-in through ak_wwise_plugin_gui_windows_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_gui_windows_v1Windows frontend plug-in API for Audio plug-ins
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_conversion_helpers_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_conversion_helpers_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_data_writer_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_data_writer_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_data_writer_v1Interface used to write data during sound bank generation
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_v1Interface used to interact with the frontend model
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_instance_v2Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_v2
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_object_media_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_object_media_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_object_store_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_object_store_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_object_store_v1Custom inner property set interface
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_property_set_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_property_set_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_property_set_v1Interface used to interact with property sets
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1Host API to handle the plug-in's undo operations
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_v2API to request host's current state and services
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_reader_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for reading XML files through ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_v1API interface for XML-based plug-in persistence
 Cak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_writer_instance_v1Base host-provided instance type for writing XML files through ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_instance_ptrGeneric base for all plug-in instances. In C++, this is derived. In C, they are equivalent
 Cak_wwise_plugin_interface_array_itemA single instantiatable plug-in interface
 Cak_wwise_plugin_interface_ptrInterface description and base class for every Wwise Authoring plug-in interface
 Cak_wwise_plugin_license_instance_v1Base instance type for providing licensing information, through ak_wwise_plugin_license_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_license_v1Backend API to specify licensing requirements
 Cak_wwise_plugin_link_backend_instance_v1Base host-provided instance to retrieve the related backend instance, as shown in the frontend
 Cak_wwise_plugin_link_backend_v1Host API to retrieve a link to the plug-in's backend instance
 Cak_wwise_plugin_link_frontend_instance_v1Base host-provided instance to retrieve the related frontend instances related to the current backend
 Cak_wwise_plugin_link_frontend_v1Host API to retrieve a link to the plug-in's frontend interfaces
 Cak_wwise_plugin_media_converter_instance_v1Base instance type for providing custom media conversion through ak_wwise_plugin_media_converter_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_media_converter_v1API to convert used object medias to a format usable by the plug-in's Sound Engine part
 Cak_wwise_plugin_notifications_host_instance_v1Base instance type for receiving notifications on host changes events
 Cak_wwise_plugin_notifications_monitor_instance_v1Base instance type for receiving Sound Engine's monitoring data
 Cak_wwise_plugin_notifications_monitor_v1API for Sound Engine's Monitor Data notification
 Cak_wwise_plugin_notifications_object_media_instance_v1Base instance type for receiving notifications on related object media's changes
 Cak_wwise_plugin_notifications_object_store_instance_v1Base instance type for receiving notifications on related Object Store's changes
 Cak_wwise_plugin_notifications_object_store_v1Interface able to receive notifications for custom inner property sets
 Cak_wwise_plugin_notifications_property_set_instance_v1Base instance type for receiving notifications on property set's changes
 Cak_wwise_plugin_property_display_name_instance_v1Base instance type for providing display names to properties through ak_wwise_plugin_property_display_name_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_property_display_name_v1Backend API to specify display names for properties
 Cak_wwise_plugin_sink_devices_instance_v1Base instance type for providing a device list for your custom sink through ak_wwise_plugin_sink_devices_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_sink_devices_v1Device enumerator for sink plug-ins
 Cak_wwise_plugin_source_instance_v1Base instance type for providing source-specific information, through ak_wwise_plugin_source_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_source_v1API specific for source plug-in
 Cak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_instance_v1Base instance type for providing custom undo operations through ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_v1
 Cak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_pair_v1A definition of an undo event, with a specific interface and instance
 Cak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_v1API to create a custom undo event in a plug-in
 CAkArraySpecific implementation of array
 CAkAudioFormatDefines the parameters of an audio buffer format
 CAkAudioMarkerDefines the parameters of a marker
 CAkAudioObjectsA collection of audio objects. Encapsulates the audio data and metadata of each audio object in separate arrays
 CAkAudioSettingsConfigured audio settings
 CAkAutoStmBufSettingsAutomatic streams buffer settings/constraints
 CAkAutoStmHeuristicsAutomatic streams heuristics
 CAkAuxSendValueAuxiliary bus sends information per game object per given auxiliary bus
 CAkBehavioralPositioningDataPositioning data inherited from sound structures and mix busses
 CAkChannelEmitterPositioning information for a sound, with specified subset of its channels
 CAkChunkHeaderStandard WAV chunk header
 CAkDeviceDataDevice descriptor
 CAkDeviceDescDevice descriptor
 CAkEmitterListenerPairEmitter-listener pair: Positioning data pertaining to a single pair of emitter and listener
 CAkFileSystemFlagsFile system flags for file descriptors mapping
 CAkGeometryInstanceParamsParameters passed to SetGeometryInstance
 CAkGeometryParamsParameters passed to SetGeometry
 CAkGetArrayKeyKey policy for AkSortedKeyArray
 CAkGetArrayKeyTrivialTrivial key policy for AkSortedKeyArray, when T_KEY is T_ITEM
 CAkGraphPointBaseType for a point in an RTPC or Attenuation curve
 CAkImageSourceNameData used to describe one image source in Reflect
 CAkImageSourceSettingsSettings for individual image sources
 CAkInputMapSlotStructure of an entry in the AkMixerInputMap map
 CAkJobMgrSettingsSettings for the Sound Engine's internal job manager
 CAkListBareImplementation of List Bare
 CAkListBareLightImplementation of List Bare Light
 CAkListBareLightNextItemNext item name policy
 CAkListBareNextItemNext item name policy
 CAkListenerListener information
 CAkMixerInputMapAkMixerInputMap: Map of inputs (identified with AK::IAkMixerInputContext *) to user-defined blocks of data
 CAkObjectInfoObject information structure for QueryAudioObjectsIDs
 CAkObstructionOcclusionValuesObstruction/occlusion pair for a position
 CAkOutputSettingsPlatform-independent initialization settings of output devices
 CAkPlacementNewKeyUnique structure identifier for AkPlacementNew
 CAkPolarCoordPolar coordinates
 CAkPoolNewKeyUnique structure identifier for AkNew
 CAkPortalParamsParameters passed to SetPortal
 CAkPositioningDataPositioning data of 3D audio objects
 CAkPositioningInfoPositioning information obtained from an object
 CAkRampVolume ramp specified by end points "previous" and "next"
 CAkReflectGameDataData structure sent by the game to an instance of the Reflect plug-in
 CAkReflectionPathInfoStructure for retrieving information about the indirect paths of a sound that have been calculated via the geometric reflections API. Useful for debug draw applications
 CAkResourceMonitorDataSummaryResources data summary structure containing general information about the system
 CAkRoomParamsParameters passed to SetRoom
 CAkSegmentInfoStructure used to query info on active playing segments
 CAkSourcePositionReturn values for GetSourcePlayPositions
 CAkSourceSettingsNecessary settings for setting externally-loaded sources
 CAkSpatialAudioIDBase type for ID's used by Wwise spatial audio.
 CAkSpatialAudioInitSettingsInitialization settings of the spatial audio module
 CAkSphericalCoordSpherical coordinates
 CAkStaticAssert< true >
 CAkStreamDataStream statistics
 CAkStreamRecordStream general information
 CAkStringImpl< TAlloc, char >
 CAkTransformPosition and orientation of objects in a "local" space
 CAkTriangleTriangle for a spatial audio mesh
 CAkVector3D vector for some operations in 3D space. Typically intended only for localized calculations due to 32-bit precision
 CAkVector643D 64-bit vector. Intended as storage for world positions of sounds and objects, benefiting from 64-bit precision range
 CAkVertexVertex for a spatial audio mesh
 CAkWorldTransformPosition and orientation of game objects in the world (i.e. supports 64-bit-precision position)
 CRealPrecision< AkReal32 >
 CRealPrecision< AkReal64 >
 CWaveFormatExStandard WAV format header

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