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Wwise SDK 2023.1.7
Authoring Lua API

wa_callCalls a Waapi function.

string Uri: The identifier of the Waapi function to call.

table Args: The table containing arguments.

table Options: The table containing options.

Value according to the specific function called.

wa_copy_directoryCopies a source directory to the destination directory.

string Source: The directory path to copy.

string Destination: The destination path directory.

wa_copy_to_clipboardCopies a given string to the clipboard.

string Content: The string to copy onto the clipboard.

wa_debug_breakCauses a breakpoint to occur in the current process.
wa_directory_existsChecks whether a given directory exists.

string Path: The directory to validate.

boolean True if the directory exists, false otherwise.

wa_ensure_directory_existVerifies that a given directory exists. If it does not exist, the directory is created.

string Path: The directory to validate or create.

wa_get_api_statisticsReturn the Lua API statistics in a table, then flush the statistic data.


wa_get_from_clipboardRetrieves the clipboard contents.

string The clipboard contents.

wa_logLogs a string message in Wwise.

string Message: The message to log.

wa_moveMoves a source directory to a path destination.

string Path: The source directory to move.

string Path: The destination path to move to.

boolean True if the move is successful, false otherwise.

wa_remove_directoryRemoves a directory from the filesystem.

string Path: The directory to remove.

boolean True if the directory is removed, false otherwise.

wa_render_audioRenders the audio.
wa_reset_transportResets the transport.
wa_set_local_read_onlySets local read only

boolean Value: The boolean value to set offline rendering to.

wa_set_offline_renderingSets offline rendering to true or false.

boolean Value: The boolean value to set offline rendering to.

wa_set_user_prefSets user preferences.

string Location: The location associated with the preferences to set.

string Name: The name associated with the preferences to set.

number, or boolean, or string Value: The value to set.

wa_shell_executeExecutes a shell command.

string Arg: The command line argument.

integer The exit code.

string The output string.

wa_sleepAllows the thread to pause execution for a specified number of milliseconds.

number Milliseconds: The number of milliseconds to yield for.

wa_start_capture_console_outputStarts capture of the console output.
wa_start_output_captureStarts output capture.

string Filename: The string path to the file where the output capture should be saved.

wa_stop_capture_console_outputStops capture of the console output.
wa_stop_output_captureStops output capture.
wa_subscribeSubscribes to a Waapi function.

string Uri: The identifier of the Waapi function to subscribe to.

table Options: The table containing options.

function Func: The function to call upon event.

integer The id subscription integer.

wa_temporary_directoryCreates a temporary directory.

string The path to the temporary directory.

wa_timeRetrieves the current time.

double The current time.

wa_unsubscribeUnsubscribes from a Waapi subscription.

number IdSubscription: identifier that had been returned by the Waapi function wa_subscribe.

wa_unsubscribe_allUnsubscribes from all Waapi subscriptions.
wa_user_nameRetrieves the username.

string The username.

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