This Property Editor contains the properties and behavior options for the selected Random or Sequence Container. Object properties determine the characteristics of the sound and motion objects when they are played in-game. Object behaviors determine which sound and motion objects are played back at any given point in the game.
A Random Container is a group of one or more objects that are played back in a random order. A Sequence Container, on the other hand, is a group of one or more objects that are played back according to a specific playlist.
info | Note |
An object, in this case, includes containers. |
The General Settings tab of the Property Editor is divided into three separate areas. The first area includes all the absolute properties, such as output routing. The middle area includes all the relative properties, such as volume and pitch. The last area, on the right, includes all the behaviors. For a complete description of absolute and relative properties, refer to About properties in the project hierarchy.
For a description of the properties on the Conversion, Effects, Positioning, RTPC, States, and Advanced Settings tabs, refer to Common Property Tabs: Actor-Mixer Objects.
info | Note |
The properties and behaviors for the Random and Sequence Containers are displayed in the same Property Editor. |
Refer to Understanding the voice pipeline to learn about how voices are being processed, how they are being routed and where the different volumes and Effects are being applied.
General | |||||||
Interface Element |
Description | ||||||
[name] |
The name of the object. | ||||||
![]() |
Displays the object's color. Clicking the icon opens the color selector. ![]() Select a color to apply it to the object. When you choose a color for an object, a palette icon appears on the selected square, as well as a yellow triangle in the lower-right corner, as shown. To inherit the parent object's color, select the square at the far left of the color selector. | ||||||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Controls the Mute and Solo states for the object and shows the implicit mute and solo states for the object. Muting an object silences this object for the current monitoring session. Soloing an object silences all the other objects in the project except this one. A bold M or S indicates that the Mute or Solo state has been explicitly set for the object. A non-bold M or S with faded color indicates that the object's Mute or Solo state was implicitly set from another object's state. Muting an object implicitly mutes the descendant objects. Soloing an object implicitly mutes the sibling objects and implicitly solos the descendant and ancestor objects.
| ||||||
Inclusion |
Determines whether the element is included in the SoundBanks when they are generated. When selected, the element is included. When unselected, the element is not included. To optimize your sound design for each platform, you might want to exclude certain elements on certain platforms. By default, this check box applies across all platforms. Use the Link indicator to the left of the check box to unlink the element. Then you can customize the state of the check box per platform. When this option is unselected, the property and behavior options in the editor become unavailable. Default value: true | ||||||
![]() ![]() |
Indicates the number of elements in your project that contain direct references to the object. The icon is displayed in orange when references to the object exist, and in gray when no references exist. Selecting the button opens the Reference View with the object's name in the References to: field. | ||||||
Notes |
Any additional information about the object properties. | ||||||
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Sets the display of the Property Editor's selected tabs. By default, there is one panel that displays a single selected tab. You can, however, click a splitter button to display two panels, divided horizontally or vertically. The selected option is highlighted with a background color. You cannot open the same tab in both panels. If you try to open the same tab in both panels, the first panel automatically opens a different tab.
Relative Properties | ||||
Interface Element |
Description | |||
Voice Volume |
The attenuation (level or amplitude) applied on the current object before it is routed to a bus or sent to an Auxiliary Bus. Refer to Understanding the voice pipeline for more information about volumes. Default value: 0
| |||
Voice Pitch |
The playback speed of an audio structure, where:
Default value: 0 Range: -2400 to 2400 Units: Cents | |||
Voice Low-pass Filter |
A recursive filter that attenuates high frequencies based on the value specified. The units for this filter represent the percentage of low-pass filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no low-pass filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation. For more detail, see Wwise LPF and HPF Value Cutoff Frequencies . Default value: 0 Range: 0 to 100 Units: % | |||
Voice High-pass Filter |
A recursive filter that attenuates low frequencies based on the value specified. The units for this filter represent the percentage of high-pass filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no high-pass filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation. For more detail, see Wwise LPF and HPF Value Cutoff Frequencies . Default value: 0 Range: 0 to 100 Units: % |
Make-up Gain | ||||
Interface Element |
Description | |||
Make-up Gain |
Volume gain in decibels (dB) applied to the voice, after all other volume adjustments. The make-up gain is additive across the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy. Refer to Understanding the voice pipeline to learn about how voices are being processed, how they are being routed and where the different volumes and Effects are being applied. For more information about the Make-up Gain, refer to Using Loudness Normalization or Make-up gain to Adjust Volume .
Default value: 0 Range: -200 to 200 Units: dB |
Output Bus | |||||||
Interface Element |
Description | ||||||
Volume (to Output Bus) |
The attenuation or amplitude of the signal routed to the audio output bus.
Default value: 0 Range: -200 to 200 Units: dB | ||||||
Low-pass Filter (to Output Bus) |
A Low-Pass Filter for the signal routed to the audio output bus. A recursive filter that attenuates high frequencies based on the value specified. The units for this filter represent the percentage of Low-Pass Filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no Low-Pass Filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation. For more detail, see Wwise LPF and HPF Value Cutoff Frequencies . Default value: 0 Range: 0 to 100 Units: % | ||||||
High-pass Filter (to Output Bus) |
A High-Pass Filter for the signal routed to the audio output bus. A recursive filter that attenuates low frequencies based on the value specified. The units for this filter represent the percentage of High-Pass Filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no High-Pass Filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation. For more detail, see Wwise LPF and HPF Value Cutoff Frequencies . Default value: 0 Range: 0 to 100 Units: % |
Game-defined Auxiliary Sends | ||||
Interface Element |
Description | |||
Override parent |
Determines whether the game-defined auxiliary sends usage will be inherited from the parent or defined at the current level in the hierarchy. When this option is not selected, the game-defined auxiliary controls are unavailable.
Default value: false | |||
Use game-defined aux sends |
Determines whether the object uses the game-defined auxiliary sends of the associated game object. A game-defined auxiliary send is a combination of an Auxiliary Bus and a send volume. If enabled, the object is affected by the values coming from the game for the following functions: Additionally, if the game has initialized Spatial Audio and sent Rooms and Portals data to Wwise, this option determines if the object sends to the Auxiliary Busses defined for Rooms and Portals based on the game object’s position. Refer to Understanding Sends for further details this option. Default value: false | |||
Volume (Game-defined auxiliary sends) |
Determines the attenuation on the game-defined auxiliary sends volumes set for the game object. Use this volume to offset game-defined auxiliary send values.
Default value: 0 Range: -200 to 200 Units: dB | |||
User-Defined Auxiliary Sends | |||||||
Interface Element |
Description | ||||||
Override Parent |
Determines whether the User-Defined Auxiliary Sends usage will be inherited from the parent or defined at the current level in the hierarchy. When this option is not selected, the user-defined auxiliary controls are unavailable.
| ||||||
![]() |
Right-click the table header to open the Configure Columns dialog where you can specify which columns to display and their order. See Using tables. | ||||||
ID column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends) |
Determines the ID of the User-Defined Auxiliary Sends. Up to 4 different sends can be added. | ||||||
User Auxiliary Send |
Determines the Auxiliary Bus this object is sending audio data to. Auxiliary sends can only target Auxiliary Busses. To add an auxiliary send:
| ||||||
[...] column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends) |
Allow to select an Auxiliary Bus from the Master-Mixer Hierarchy. | ||||||
User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume |
Determine the attenuation of the signal sent to the Auxiliary Bus.
Default value: 0 Range: -200 to 200 Units: dB | ||||||
Early Reflections Auxiliary Sends | |||||||||||||
Interface Element |
Description | ||||||||||||
Override parent |
Determines whether the early reflections auxiliary sends usage will be inherited from the parent or defined at the current level in the hierarchy. When this option is not selected, the early reflections auxiliary controls are unavailable.
Default value: false | ||||||||||||
Early Reflections Auxiliary Send |
Enables reflection processing in Wwise Spatial Audio and determines the Auxiliary Bus this object is sending to for early reflections processing. Early reflections processing simulates the acoustic phenomenon of sound bouncing off of virtual surfaces defined by geometry in the game. Since the first few reflections convey the most spatial information to the listener, it is advantageous to process the early reflections separately (from the late reverb) and with more detail using the Reflect plug-in. To render early reflections, the Reflect plugin must be assigned to an effect slot on the Auxiliary Bus assigned to an early reflections send. If no send is specified, then Wwise Spatial Audio will not compute early reflections paths for the sound.
To add an auxiliary send:
| ||||||||||||
Early Reflections Auxiliary Send Volume |
Determine the attenuation of the signal sent to the reflections Auxiliary Bus. This control also effects the volume of the reflections aux send specified by the API.
Default value: 0 Range: -200 to 200 Units: dB |
Random/Sequence Container Specific | ||||||||||
Interface Element |
Description | |||||||||
Initial Delay | ||||||||||
Initial Delay |
Initial delay applied before playing. This delay will be added to parents and children Initial delay.
Default value: 0 Range: 0 to 3600 Units: s | |||||||||
Scope |
Default value: Global | |||||||||
Play Type | ||||||||||
Random or Sequence |
Default value: Random | |||||||||
Random type |
Default value: Standard | |||||||||
Avoid repeating last x played |
Determines how many other objects must be played before an object can be repeated. The behavior of this option is affected by whether you are in Standard or Shuffle mode. In Standard mode, the object played is selected completely randomly, but the last x objects played are excluded from the list. In Shuffle mode, when the container is looped, the last x objects played will be excluded from the list. If you have a non-looping Random Container that is set to shuffle and continuous, the “Avoid repeating last x played” option has no effect on the playback of your container. Default value: 1 Range: 1 to 999 | |||||||||
Sequence At End of Playlist |
Defines the playback behavior of the sequence after it has played the last object in the playlist. There are two options to choose from:
Default value: Restart | |||||||||
Play Mode | ||||||||||
Step or Continuous |
Default value: Step | |||||||||
Always reset playlist |
Determines whether playback continues or returns to the beginning of the playlist when a container is replayed after being stopped during playback. If selected, the container returns to the beginning of the playlist. If unselected, the container will begin playback at the next object in the playlist. Default value: true | |||||||||
Loop |
Enables controls that define the number of times the container will be played. Default value: true | |||||||||
Infinite |
Specifies that the container will be repeated indefinitely. Default value: Infinite | |||||||||
No. of loops |
The number of times the container will be played. Default value: 2 Range: 1 to 32767 | |||||||||
Transitions |
Enables controls that allow you to create and define a transition between the objects in the container. Default value: false | |||||||||
Type |
A list of transitions that can be applied between objects in the container.
There are some limitations and restrictions when using Xfade, Sample accurate, and Trigger rate transitions. A couple of notable ones are:
Default value: Xfade (amp) | |||||||||
Duration |
The length of the crossfades or delay between clips. If Trigger rate is selected as the transition type, the duration defines the amount of time that will pass before the next sound is triggered. The Duration slider is unavailable when the Sample Accurate option is selected. The maximum duration of a crossfade is equal to half the duration of the sound. In cases where the crossfade time is longer than half the duration of the sound, the crossfade duration is automatically adjusted to the maximum allowed. This automatic adjustment is performed by the sound engine at runtime. Wwise does not limit or indicate that the crossfade time is too long for some of the sounds in the container. Default value: 1 Range: 0 to 3600 |
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