Wwise SDK 2021.1.14
Name | PluginID |
ClassID |
AcousticTexture | 72 |
4718608 |
Action | 5 |
327696 |
ActionException | 76 |
4980752 |
ActorMixer | 8 |
524304 |
Attenuation | 41 |
2686992 |
AudioDevice | 71 |
4653072 |
AudioSource | 0 |
16 |
AuxBus | 61 |
3997712 |
BlendContainer | 29 |
1900560 |
BlendTrack | 30 |
1966096 |
Bus | 21 |
1376272 |
ControlSurfaceBinding | 67 |
4390928 |
ControlSurfaceBindingGroup | 68 |
4456464 |
ControlSurfaceSession | 66 |
4325392 |
Conversion | 55 |
3604496 |
Curve | 14 |
917520 |
CustomState | 79 |
5177360 |
DialogueEvent | 46 |
3014672 |
Effect | 17 |
1114128 |
Event | 4 |
262160 |
ExternalSource | 57 |
3735568 |
ExternalSourceFile | 56 |
3670032 |
Folder | 2 |
131088 |
GameParameter | 23 |
1507344 |
Language | 75 |
4915216 |
Metadata | 81 |
5308432 |
MidiParameter | 63 |
4128784 |
MixingSession | 53 |
3473424 |
Modifier | 15 |
983056 |
ModulatorEnvelope | 65 |
4259856 |
ModulatorLfo | 64 |
4194320 |
ModulatorTime | 78 |
5111824 |
MultiSwitchEntry | 10000 |
655360016 |
MusicClip | 60 |
3932176 |
MusicClipMidi | 62 |
4063248 |
MusicCue | 59 |
3866640 |
MusicEventCue | 77 |
5046288 |
MusicFade | 39 |
2555920 |
MusicPlaylistContainer | 34 |
2228240 |
MusicPlaylistItem | 36 |
2359312 |
MusicSegment | 27 |
1769488 |
MusicStinger | 38 |
2490384 |
MusicSwitchContainer | 35 |
2293776 |
MusicTrack | 28 |
1835024 |
MusicTrackSequence | 58 |
3801104 |
MusicTransition | 37 |
2424848 |
ObjectSettingAssoc | 24 |
1572880 |
Panner | 42 |
2752528 |
ParamControl | 22 |
1441808 |
Path | 11 |
720912 |
Platform | 69 |
4522000 |
PluginDataSource | 54 |
3538960 |
Position | 12 |
786448 |
Project | 3 |
196624 |
Query | 32 |
2097168 |
RandomSequenceContainer | 9 |
589840 |
SearchCriteria | 33 |
2162704 |
Sound | 1 |
65552 |
SoundBank | 18 |
1179664 |
SoundcasterSession | 26 |
1703952 |
State | 6 |
393232 |
StateGroup | 7 |
458768 |
Switch | 20 |
1310736 |
SwitchContainer | 10 |
655376 |
SwitchGroup | 19 |
1245200 |
Trigger | 40 |
2621456 |
UserProjectSettings | 51 |
3342352 |
WorkUnit | 25 |
1638416 |
Name | PluginID |
ClassID |
Mastering Suite | 186 |
12189699 |
SoundSeed Impact | 116 |
7602179 |
Wwise Compressor | 108 |
7077891 |
Wwise Convolution Reverb | 127 |
8323075 |
Wwise Expander | 109 |
7143427 |
Wwise Flanger | 125 |
8192003 |
Wwise Gain | 139 |
9109507 |
Wwise Guitar Distortion | 126 |
8257539 |
Wwise Harmonizer | 138 |
9043971 |
Wwise Matrix Reverb | 115 |
7536643 |
Wwise Meter | 129 |
8454147 |
Wwise Parametric EQ | 105 |
6881283 |
Wwise Peak Limiter | 110 |
7208963 |
Wwise Pitch Shifter | 136 |
8912899 |
Wwise Recorder | 132 |
8650755 |
Wwise Reflect | 171 |
11206659 |
Wwise RoomVerb | 118 |
7733251 |
Wwise Stereo Delay | 135 |
8847363 |
Wwise Time Stretch | 130 |
8519683 |
Wwise Tremolo | 131 |
8585219 |
Name | PluginID |
ClassID |
Impacter | 184 |
12058626 |
SoundSeed Air Wind | 119 |
7798786 |
SoundSeed Air Woosh | 120 |
7864322 |
SoundSeed Grain | 183 |
11993090 |
Wwise Motion Generator (Deprecated) | 405 |
26542082 |
Wwise Motion Source | 409 |
26804226 |
Wwise Silence | 101 |
6619138 |
Wwise Synth One | 148 |
9699330 |
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