MIDI Integration Example
MIDI events are posted by calling the AK::SoundEngine::PostMIDIOnEvent() function. The following code shows examples of:
- setting initial MIDI parameters,
- posting MIDI events using the event's name (name given to the event by the Wwise user) or the event's ID as defined in "Wwise_IDs.h" (header file generated by Wwise).
#include "Wwise_IDs.h"
void MIDICallback( bool in_bLastCall )
Refer to Integration Details - Events for more information regarding events. Refer to Integration Details - MIDI for more information regarding MIDI.
AkUInt8 byType
See AK_MIDI_EVENT_TYPE_* pre-processor definitions.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT RegisterGlobalCallback(AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pCallback, AkUInt32 in_eLocation=AkGlobalCallbackLocation_BeginRender, void *in_pCookie=NULL, AkPluginType in_eType=AkPluginTypeNone, AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID=0, AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID=0)
AkUInt32 AkUniqueID
Unique 32-bit ID.
Configured audio settings.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkPlayingID PostMIDIOnEvent(AkUniqueID in_eventID, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkMIDIPost *in_pPosts, AkUInt16 in_uNumPosts, bool in_bAbsoluteOffsets=false, AkUInt32 in_uFlags=0, AkCallbackFunc in_pfnCallback=NULL, void *in_pCookie=NULL, AkPlayingID in_playingID=AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT GetAudioSettings(AkAudioSettings &out_audioSettings)
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_PreProcessMessageQueueForRender
Start of frame rendering, before having processed game messages.
AkUInt32 uNumSamplesPerFrame
Number of samples per audio frame (256, 512, 1024 or 2048).
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkUInt32 GetIDFromString(const char *in_pszString)
AkUInt64 uOffset
Frame offset (in samples) for MIDI event post.
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