

C# (WampSharp) - WAMP Publisher/Subscriber

Initializing the project

Note: This example requires Visual Studio 2017 with the NuGet package manager extension installed.

To install dependencies, open the sample project <Wwise installation path>/SDK/samples/WwiseAuthoringAPI/cs/WaapiCS/WaapiCS.sln in Visual Studio 2017. Install dependencies by right-clicking on the solution and selecting Restore NuGet Packages.

To select the startup object, right-click on the WaapiCS project in the Solution Explorer and click on Properties. Select the Application tab and under the section labeled Startup object, select WaapiCS.PubSubWwise.

Project Code

Locate the sample file <Wwise installation path>/SDK/samples/WwiseAuthoringAPI/cs/WaapiCS/PubSubWwise.cs.

This file contains the following code, which allows you to connect to the Wwise Authoring API.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using SystemEx;

using WampSharp.V2;
using WampSharp.V2.Client;
using WampSharp.V2.PubSub;
using WampSharp.Core.Serialization;
using WampSharp.V2.Core.Contracts;

namespace WaapiCS
    internal class SubscribeContext
        // Used to dispose of the subscription, effectively sending an unsubscribe message
        public IAsyncDisposable unsubscribeDisposable = null;

    internal class PubSubWwise
        const string serverAddress = "ws://";
        const string selectionChangedTopic = "ak.wwise.core.object.childAdded";

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            DefaultWampChannelFactory factory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();
            IWampChannel channel = factory.CreateJsonChannel(serverAddress, "realm1");

            IWampTopicProxy topicProxy = channel.RealmProxy.TopicContainer.GetTopicByUri(selectionChangedTopic);
            MySubscribeOptions options = new MySubscribeOptions();

            // Set your options here
            options.@return = new string[] { "id" };

            SubscribeContext context = new SubscribeContext();
            topicProxy.Subscribe(new MySubscriber(context), options)
                .ContinueWith(t => context.unsubscribeDisposable = t.Result)

            Console.WriteLine("Add a child to an entity in the Wwise Authoring application.");

    internal class MySubscribeOptions : SubscribeOptions
        // Add data members with name corresponding to the option fields (see reference documentation)
        //          vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
        [DataMember(Name = "return")]
        public IEnumerable<string> @return { get; set; }

        // If a data member is not set, it will not be sent to WAAPI
        [DataMember(Name = "platform")]
        public string platform { get; set; }

    internal class MySubscriber : IWampRawTopicClientSubscriber
        private SubscribeContext mContext;

        public MySubscriber(SubscribeContext context)
            mContext = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("Context cannot be null");

        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, EventDetails details, TMessage[] arguments, IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords)
            // TMessage is used to represent a serialized message type
            // We know by contract that the child element is another dictionary
            IDictionary<string, TMessage> childDict = formatter.Deserialize<IDictionary<string, TMessage>>(argumentsKeywords["child"]);
            // Again, we know by contract that a field containing a string is expected for the key "id"
            string id = formatter.Deserialize<string>(childDict["id"]);

            Console.WriteLine("A child was added, ID={0}", id);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            // Dispose to unsubscribe

        // Other method overloads are never used: WAAPI always sends keyword arguments
        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, EventDetails details) { }
        public void Event<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, long publicationId, EventDetails details, TMessage[] arguments) { }


Running the project

With Wwise running and a project opened, execute the solution and observe in the output:

Add a child to an entity in the Wwise Authoring application.

Select the Default Work Unit under the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy in the Audio tab of the Project Explorer and add a container. In the output, you should see:

A child was added, ID={EAFD1799-41AA-4A98-B0CA-BDB8CDA0D878}
Press any key to continue...
Note: The information retrieved from Wwise, such as object IDs, will vary based on the project opened in the Wwise Authoring Application.

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