

Release Notes 2016.2.2.6022.359

Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine 4. Here is what has changed between the 2016.2.1.5995.317 and the 2016.2.2.6022.359 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build).

Unreal Engine 4.12/4.13/4.14/4.15 - Wwise 2016.2.2.6022.359

  • WG-31087 Added Level Sequence support.
  • WG-31687 Added Event Driven Loader support.
  • WG-31816 Added migration of Matinee tracks to Sequencer tracks.
  • WG-31924 Fixed: Editor crash when trying to post an Event on an AkComponent that is being auto-destroyed.
  • WG-32259 Fixed: Made AkComponent a Blueprintable component. Blueprint components can now use AkComponent as a base class.
Generated by  doxygen 1.6.3

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