

Randomizing Properties

In addition to setting a static value for volume, pitch, and LPF in the Property Editor, you can also vary these settings using the Randomizer. The Randomizer allows you to specify a range of values that can be randomized for any of the given properties. Double-clicking the Randomizer indicator (seen in yellow, meaning enabled, on the left side of the Pitch and Volume fields of the following screenshot) in the Property Editor allows you to author a minimum and maximum amount of random variation. In this example, the pitch Randomizer has been enabled and a random variation of -150 to 150 cents has been specified.

Showing pitch randomization between -150 cents and +150 cents

When a Randomizer is enabled, it turns from gray to yellow to indicate its activation.

[Note] Designer Note

Maximizing the randomness of each individual set of content will help you get the most out of each type of sound. While you may be able to dramatically vary the pitch of a single cricket chirp without it sounding strange, an animal call may not have the same ability to be pitched in the extreme without sounding abnormal.

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