

AkSurfaceReflector Class Reference

This component will convert the triangles of the GameObject's geometry into sound reflective surfaces. More...

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void  AddGeometrySet (AK.Wwise.AcousticTexture acousticTexture, UnityEngine.MeshFilter meshFilter)
  Sends the mesh filter's triangles and their acoustic texture to Spatial Audio.
static void  RemoveGeometrySet (UnityEngine.MeshFilter meshFilter)
  Remove the corresponding mesh filter's geometry from Spatial Audio.

Public Attributes

AK.Wwise.AcousticTexture  AcousticTexture
  All triangles of the component's mesh will be applied with this texture. The texture will change the filter parameters of the sound reflected from this component.

Detailed Description

This component will convert the triangles of the GameObject's geometry into sound reflective surfaces.

This component requires a Mesh Filter component. The triangles of the mesh will be sent to the Spatial Audio wrapper by calling SpatialAudio::AddGeometrySet(). The triangles will reflect the sound emitted from AkSpatialAudioEmitter components.

Generated on Mon Apr 15 18:03:42 2019 for Wwise Unity Integration by  doxygen 1.6.3

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