


(Plugin ID : 9)


Name Display Name Type Default Restriction Supported RTPC Type Supports Link/Unlink
3DPositionSource 3D Position Source int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 User-defined
1 Game-defined

None false
AttachableMixerInput Mixer Plug-in Input Reference   None    
Attenuation Attenuation Reference   Possible types :

BelowThresholdBehavior Virtual voice behavior int16 0 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Continue to play
1 Kill voice
2 Send to virtual voice
3 Kill if finite else virtual

None false
BypassEffect Bypass All Effects bool false Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 No
1 Yes

Exclusive true
BypassEffect0 Bypass Effect 0 bool false None Exclusive true
BypassEffect1 Bypass Effect 1 bool false None Exclusive true
BypassEffect2 Bypass Effect 2 bool false None Exclusive true
BypassEffect3 Bypass Effect 3 bool false None Exclusive true
Conversion Conversion Settings Reference   Possible types :

DivergenceCenter Center % int32 0 [ 0 , 100 ] Exclusive true
DynamicPositioning Update at each frame bool true None None false
Effect0 Effect 0 Reference   Possible types :

Effect1 Effect 1 Reference   Possible types :

Effect2 Effect 2 Reference   Possible types :

Effect3 Effect 3 Reference   Possible types :

EnableLoudnessNormalization Enable Loudness Normalization bool 0 None None false
EnableMidiNoteTracking Enable MIDI note tracking bool false None None false
EnablePanner Enable Panner bool false None None false
EnablePositioning Enable Positioning bool 1 None None false
FollowListenerOrientation Follow Listener Orientation bool true None None false
GameAuxSendVolume Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends Volume Real64 0 [ -200 , 200 ] Additive true
GlobalOrPerObject Global Or Per Object int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Game object
1 Global

None false
HdrActiveRange HDR Active Range Real64 12 [ 0 , 96 ] Exclusive true
HdrEnableEnvelope Enable Envelope bool 0 None None false
HdrEnvelopeSensitivity HDR Envelope Sensitivity Real64 20 [ 0 , 100 ] None false
Highpass Voice High-pass Filter int16 0 [ 0 , 100 ] Additive true
IgnoreParentMaxSoundInstance Ignore Parent Playback Limit bool 0 None None false
Inclusion Inclusion bool true None None true
InitialDelay Initial Delay Real64 0 [ 0 , 3600 ] Additive true
IsGlobalLimit Limitation scope int16 0 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Per game object
1 Globally

None false
Lowpass Voice Low-pass Filter int16 0 [ 0 , 100 ] Additive true
MakeUpGain Make-up Gain Real64 0 [ -96 , 96 ] Additive true
MaxReachedBehavior When priority is equal int16 0 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Discard oldest instance
1 Discard newest instance

None false
MaxSoundPerInstance Sound Instance Limit int16 50 [ 1 , 1000 ] Exclusive true
MidiBreakOnNoteOff MIDI break on note-off bool false None None false
MidiChannelFilter Channel Filter int32 65535 [ 0 , 65535 ] None false
MidiKeyFilterMax Key Range Max int32 127 [ 0 , 127 ] None false
MidiKeyFilterMin Key Range Min int32 0 [ 0 , 127 ] None false
MidiPlayOnNoteType MIDI play on int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
1 Note-On
2 Note-Off

None false
MidiTrackingRootNote MIDI tracking root note int32 60 [ 0 , 127 ] None false
MidiTransposition Transposition int32 0 [ -127 , 127 ] Additive false
MidiVelocityFilterMax Velocity Max int32 127 [ 0 , 127 ] None false
MidiVelocityFilterMin Velocity Min int32 0 [ 0 , 127 ] None false
MidiVelocityOffset Velocity Offset int32 0 [ -127 , 127 ] Additive false
MotionBus Motion Bus Reference   Possible types :

MotionLowpass Motion Low Pass int16 0 [ 0 , 100 ] Additive true
MotionVolume Motion Volume Offset Real64 0 [ -96.3 , 96.3 ] Exclusive true
NormalOrShuffle Random type int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Shuffle
1 Standard

None false
OutputBus Output Bus Reference   Possible types :

Must not be Null
OutputBusHighpass Output Bus High-pass Filter int16 0 [ 0 , 100 ] Additive true
OutputBusLowpass Output Bus Low-pass Filter int16 0 [ 0 , 100 ] Additive true
OutputBusVolume Output Bus Volume Real64 0 [ -200 , 200 ] Additive true
OverLimitBehavior Virtual voice behavior int16 0 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Kill voice
1 Use virtual voice settings

None false
OverrideAnalysis Override Loudness Normalization bool 0 None None false
OverrideAttachableMixerInput Override Mixer Plug-in Input bool false None None false
OverrideConversion Override Conversion Settings bool 0 None None false
OverrideEffect Override Effects bool 0 None None false
OverrideGameAuxSends Override Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends bool false None None false
OverrideHdrEnvelope Override HDR Envelope bool 0 None None false
OverrideMidiEventsBehavior Override MIDI events behavior bool 0 None None false
OverrideMidiNoteTracking Override MIDI note tracking bool false None None false
OverrideMotionOutput Override Motion Output Bus bool 0 None None false
OverrideOutput Override Output Bus bool 0 None None false
OverridePositioning Override Positioning bool 0 None None false
OverridePriority Override Priority bool 0 None None false
OverrideUserAuxSends Override User-Defined Auxiliary Sends bool false None None false
OverrideVirtualVoice Override Virtual Voice bool 0 None None false
Pitch Voice Pitch int32 0 [ -2400 , 2400 ] Additive true
PlayMechanismInfiniteOrNumberOfLoops Infinite Looping int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 No. of loops
1 Infinite

None false
PlayMechanismLoop Loop bool false None None false
PlayMechanismLoopCount No. of loops int32 2 [ 1 , 32767 ] None false
PlayMechanismResetPlaylistEachPlay Always reset playlist bool true None None false
PlayMechanismSpecialTransitions Transitions bool false None None false
PlayMechanismSpecialTransitionsType Transition Type int16 0 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Xfade (amp)
4 Xfade (power)
1 Delay
2 Sample accurate
3 Trigger rate

None false
PlayMechanismSpecialTransitionsValue Duration Real64 1 [ 0 , 3600 ] Additive false
PlayMechanismStepOrContinuous Step or Continuous int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Continuous
1 Step

None false
PositioningType Positioning Type int16 0 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 2D
1 3D

Exclusive false
Priority Priority int16 50 [ 1 , 100 ] Exclusive true
PriorityDistanceFactor Use Priority Distance Factor bool false None None false
PriorityDistanceOffset Offset at max distance int16 -10 [ -100 , 100 ] None true
RandomAvoidRepeating Limit repetition bool true None None false
RandomAvoidRepeatingCount Limit repetition to int32 1 [ 1 , 999 ] None false
RandomOrSequence Random or Sequence int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Sequence
1 Random

None false
RenderEffect0 Render Effect 0 bool false None None true
RenderEffect1 Render Effect 1 bool false None None true
RenderEffect2 Render Effect 2 bool false None None true
RenderEffect3 Render Effect 3 bool false None None true
RestartBeginningOrBackward At end of playlist int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Play in reverse order
1 Restart

None false
Spatialization Spatialization bool true None None false
UseGameAuxSends Use Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends bool false None None false
UseMaxSoundPerInstance Limit Sound Instances bool false None None true
UserAuxSend0 User Auxiliary Send 0 Reference   Possible types :

UserAuxSend1 User Auxiliary Send 1 Reference   Possible types :

UserAuxSend2 User Auxiliary Send 2 Reference   Possible types :

UserAuxSend3 User Auxiliary Send 3 Reference   Possible types :

UserAuxSendVolume0 User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume 0 Real64 0 [ -200 , 200 ] Additive true
UserAuxSendVolume1 User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume 1 Real64 0 [ -200 , 200 ] Additive true
UserAuxSendVolume2 User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume 2 Real64 0 [ -200 , 200 ] Additive true
UserAuxSendVolume3 User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume 3 Real64 0 [ -200 , 200 ] Additive true
VirtualVoiceQueueBehavior On return to physical voice int16 1 Possible values :
Value Display Name
0 Play from beginning
1 Play from elapsed time
2 Resume

None false
Volume Voice Volume Real64 0 [ -200 , 200 ] Additive true
Weight Weight Real64 50 [ 0.001 , 100 ] None true

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