

AkSoundPathInfo Struct Reference

Structure for retrieving information about the indirect paths of a sound that have been calculated via the geometric reflections API. More...

List of all members.

Public Attributes

AkVector  imageSource
  Apparent source of the reflected sound that follows this path.
AkVector  reflectionPoint [AK_MAX_REFLECT_ORDER]
  Vertices of the indirect path.
AkTriangle  triangles [AK_MAX_REFLECT_ORDER]
  The triangles that were hit in the path. The vertices in reflectionPoint[] correspond to points on these triangles.
AkUInt32  numReflections
  Number of reflections and valid elements in the reflectionPoint[] and triangles[] arrays.
AkVector  occlusionPoint
  The point that was hit to cause the path to be occluded. Note that the spatial audio library must be recompiled with define AK_DEBUG_OCCLUSION to enable generation of occluded paths.
bool  isOccluded
  True if the sound path was occluded. Note that the spatial audio library must be recompiled with define AK_DEBUG_OCCLUSION to enable generation of occluded paths.

Detailed Description

Structure for retrieving information about the indirect paths of a sound that have been calculated via the geometric reflections API.

Definition at line 126 of file AkSpatialAudio.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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