

include/AK/Plugin/AkVitaPluginFXFactory.h File Reference

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const unsigned long  AKEFFECTID_VITA_REVERB = 140
const unsigned long  AKEFFECTID_VITA_COMPRESSOR = 141
const unsigned long  AKEFFECTID_VITA_DELAY = 142
const unsigned long  AKEFFECTID_VITA_DISTORTION = 143
const unsigned long  AKEFFECTID_VITA_EQ = 144

Detailed Description

Plug-in function necessary to register the Vita HW Effects in the sound engine.
Wwise plugin name: Vita Hardware Effects
Library file: AkVitaPluginFX.lib
Initialization Function: InitAkVitaPluginFX

Definition in file AkVitaPluginFXFactory.h.

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